Tuesday, July 31, 2007
What I do when I'm bored...
10:41 PM

Majority of last night, I was bored, so I decided to make a new MySpace layout. I decided after hours of work that it wasn't really worth the work, as I don't even use MySpace anyway. But I won't let my work go unnoticed! Look at what may never be!

Truly epic lulz!
5:53 PM

This is old, but since most of you dudes aren't Internet-savy, I'll post it here for you to laugh at.

It's a news report on some chan site...some say 4chan, some say 7chan, maybe some other chan, but whatever. It's just hilarious. Watch it and get some lulz.
Game cards do not actually talk!
1:20 AM

1:11 AM

I never got to play this game...but the commercial made it look so badass.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Actions as a result of thoughts
6:59 PM

I find myself shouting random thoughts out loud whenever I think of something that either disturbs me, shames me, or just pisses me off. But whatever I shout has nothing to do with that thought. I shout something else I'm thinking. Like if I learn some disturbing news, and I'm looking for the leaked Iron Man trailer from Comic-Con, I yell, "I CAN'T FIND IIIIT!" and I'm not even mad about it. I'll just "playfully" say my thought out loud. And no one else is around.

So it's weird.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
7:18 PM

Well, this is stupid. I finish these icons, and I can't enjoy them 'cause I just learned of some horrific news.

You guys (Dillon only, pretty much) remember Jackie? She used to post on the old foro and stuff? Turns out she has passed away. =[

Me and Jackie hadn't really talked much in a while. I mean, she was still on my contact list and all, and I sometimes saw that she was online. But I didn't messaged her. Us being just online friends, we weren't that close, but when we did talk back in the day, we were as close as online friends could be.

Man, this friggin' sucks and is very sad...but I feel bad for having little reaction to it, though that is understandable 'cause we stopped talking and we didn't know each other in real life. Still, it's pretty disturbing...

I thought about what would happen if someone I knew online died, or if I died. I wondered, "How would they know? Would they care?" Gah, this is...blah. I really don't know what to say.

I'm not gonna cry, but still...this is ****ed up. Life...throwing crap at you like this. But yeah...Like I said before, I don't know what to say!

If this turns out to be a big joke, the haha, the guy who IMed me are sick. But I'll believe it to be true until I have evidence of it being otherwise.

I guess I should say rest in peace, Jackie. <3
7:04 PM

Well, I finished 'em! Here are the new icons:

Empty Trash

Full Trash

Fun stuff. Also, here's what it all looks like along with everything else on my desktop.

Oh yeah, I also forgot the Adium icons I made.

12:22 AM

I was bored, and this was a project I've been thinking of doing, but never actually put into action until today. Before the iPhone came out, I really liked the GUI...I still like the GUI...but since I don't have an iPhone, I couldn't play with the GUI. So I decided to make my own iPhone-inspired icons for my Mac.

Finder, iTunes, and Firefox (yeah, it looks like Safari, but I couldn't draw a fox)

I still have more to do. I can't think of any icon I can draw to represent Photoshop. The same with iCal, though I've got a neat idea for System Preferences. Weee, graphic design...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
The Unpossible
8:20 PM

This morning at 4 AM, I started my attempt to collect all 120 gold cards and all the costume pieces in Bomberman 64. After what seemed like hours in the first stage of the game, I finally was able to figure out all those bomb puzzles that had plagued me since the game first came out in America! Fast forward to this afternoon, and I had all 20 cards in the first world! ...then I stupidly deleted my save by accident.

But since I know the solutions to the first world's puzzles now, regaining those 20 cards was a breeze and only took 29 minutes. And I just finished the second world, leaving me with 80 more cards to go! Woo! I'm getting pretty good at this bomb jumping thing...
Friday, July 27, 2007
J.R. Watches Movies! - The Simpsons Movie (2007)
11:33 PM

The Simpsons Movie is kinda like the opposite of Snakes on a Plane. Snakes on a Plane was SUPER HYPED on the Internet, making it seem like it would be the best movie evar. The Simpsons Movie, on the other hand, was DE-hyped on the Internet, making it seem like it would be the worst movie ever.

While Snakes on a Plane was a good, I can honestly say that the Simpsons movie was better. This is one of the few times that I am ashamed of my Interweb brethren. This elitist bullshiz about "NEW SIMPSONS SUCKS, THE MOVIE SUCKS, THE PREVIEWS AREN'T FUNNY!" is just stupid. I don't care about the new Simpsons 'cause I've never regularly watched the Simpsons, so I can't tell the difference. I found the previews to be VERY funny, and the actual movie was an enjoyable affair! It seems like all the Internet guyz are just bitching about nothing. I find it really hard to believe that none of the scenes from the movie made someone laugh. If that's true, then the person watching was probably a grumpy old man who doesn't like to be entertained. >=[ Fsck you, Internet!

So yeah, go see The Simpsons Movie.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Bomerman Live? More like Bomerman Awesome!
8:14 PM

Anyone with an Xbox 360 and an Xbox Live Gold account needs to get this game! It is THE best online game on the 360. Gears of War? More like "Lag of Boring Round-based War." Halo 3? More like "Not as good as Bomberman Live 3." <3 this game.
3:40 AM

For the past hour or so, I've been researching DS flash kits...you know, those cards that let me pirate DS games! Awesome stuff, rite? Yeah. I have 130 dollars right now. I COULD get one (a CycloDS) and a microSD card (though it'd have to be a fast one for max compatibility). But...I'm SUPPOSED to be saving money for Rock Band! Also, I could get a GBA flash cart instead (which are really hard to find now)...but... Rock Band! GAH!

I'm going to go with Rock Band for now, since I've got too many games to finish already, and pirating games will just give me more games I won't finish. But you guys better play the hell out of Rock Band with me, to make it totally worth it. >=[
LUE almost killed me
1:04 AM

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And I agree with the topic, btw.
"Get along"?
12:22 AM

Did I just make that phrase up? I'm assuming using the phrase in a way like "Pikachu and Charmander don't get along" means that Pikachu and Charmander aren't very fond of each other...Is that right? Or did I make the phrase up? 'cause "Get along" just sounds really really weird, looks like it doesn't make sense, and seems nonsensical.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Dillon, you have my memory card.
9:55 PM

I was surprised to find that my Final Fantasy XII data was not on the PS2 memory card on my PS2...that's 'cause the card isn't mine. >=[ Dillon, find my memory card. The rewards will be great...unless you never wanna see your Disgaea data ever again...or whatever else is on this card.
Ugh, Kojima, you Sony fanboy, you...
1:39 PM

Well, there's finally an MGS4 gameplay video out...too bad I can't watch it thanks to my shit router. PHAIL.

Also, yay, they announced two new MGS "products." Another digital comic for the PSP and a cell phone game.
Kojima's cell phone rings. And he gets it, his cell phone is red and says Metal Gear 20th Anniversary. It's a Sony cell phone that will be available for sale. Hey, there's a cell phone game too!
More proof of Kojima's fanboyness (granted, I hear Sony's cell phones aren't that bad...but he's advertising a new one that hasn't been released yet! ><

Also, something about Metal Gear Online beta or something. Might be Japan-only (Kojima probably loves Japan and Europe more than America, too, making him a Japan and Europe fanboy as well). I don't know. I didn't read much of it 'cause the pictures wouldn't load thanks to my stupid router. I'm assuming Metal Gear Online is PS3-exclusive as well. Lame. Who's got the best online plan? Nintendo, obviously, so it should go to the Wii! Haha...just kidding. No, it should go to the 360.
-_- More Internet problems...
3:27 AM

'kay, I'm still pissed off...

I returned that shitty Linksys wireless router and got a Belkin one instead. I installed that, and all seemed well...then I decided to download something...and found it weird that the download would just stop in the middle of downloading and progress no further. The same would happen with some YouTube videos. It'd load up to a point, and then just stop loading...

The problem lies in the router...again. -_- I know this because I plugged in the DSL modem directly into my Macbook, and the download went through just fine... And at a higher speed than usual, too, around 70+ kB/s. But plugging the modem directly into my Macbook isn't really helpful...'cause that means nothing else can use the Internet. I need to share the connection between the family computer, my Macbook, my Wii, and my Xbox 360... If I go with just a wired connection, I can only use the family computer and my 360 or my laptop. No Wii, and I can't use both my laptop and 360. So I NEED wireless... -_-

I hate this..I hate this so much. This is all AT&T's fault. All this shit stemmed from their stupid phone conversation with my mom and forcing us to switch to DSL. FUCK THIS SHIT.

I think I lost the receipt to the Belkin router, too, so I'm not sure if I can return it...
Saturday, July 21, 2007
So who got Harry Potter spoiled for them?
1:26 AM

I'm guessing not many people I know, 'cause I don't think Paris has people asshattish enough to go to Hastings or something at midnight and yell "MEGATRON KILLS HARRY" (assuming those are spoilers). At least, I dont' think asshattish people in Paris have the resources necessary to obtain the spoilers and apply them at midnight releases...but still...

I've already seen a YouTube video of these dudes spoiling the story for midnight release peoples. Honestly, after what happened with previous Harry Potter spoilers, you'd think people would stay away from these events.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Guitar Hero II is hard...
11:44 PM

I've been playing Guitar Hero 2 on Expert...and what they say is true. The game is easy from Easy to Hard...but it gets much harder on Expert. Much harder than Expert in Guitar Hero 1. Why? You have to stretch. The three note chords and the alternating chords really make the game much more difficult, especially for me, a Guitar Hero 1 "veteran" since there wasn't as much finger stretching to do in the first game, if there was any to do at all...

Plus, the songs in Guitar Hero 2 really ARE inferior to the songs in Guitar Hero 1, so it's not really as fun to play...to me at least. It's just the gameplay features, like the multiplayer options and the training mode that makes the game "superior" to Guitar Hero 1. That's messed up and stupid.
I hate this...
7:05 PM

It took four fucking minutes to load everything to get to my blog entry page. I clicked the link four minutes ago, and I just now started typing. Good God. I hate this. It's like the Internet is going in slow motion.

I spent 2 hours trying to get my wireless router working with this DSL shit. It just wouldn't work for some stupid reason. So I just gave up and put everything back to the way it was, and now it works. But not for long. It's worked before, too, for like a few minutes, then I get signed out of Xbox Live, GameFAQs stops loading, and I have no connection. I wouldn't be surprised if I finished this entry, hit the "publish" button, and nothing happened due to a lost connection. I wouldn't be surprised...but I'd be super pissed.

I really really really hate this. This AT&T DSL bullshit is...well...shit. We get a slower connection, more frustration, and a cheaper price. The 10 dollars a month we "saved" isn't worth all this crap.

Excuse my cursing, but I'm obviously really pissed off by all of this.

...yeah, I just hit the publish button and I signed out of Xbox Live and was presented by a "Server not found" message in Firefox... FUCK THIS SHIT.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Hideo Kojima: The Ultimate Sony Fanboy
7:02 PM

Seriously. I respect his work, and I enjoy some of his games, and he seems like a really cool dude...but you can't deny that he's a Sony fanboy. And it pisses me off...no MGS For DS or 360 or Wii? Fail.
1:03 AM

God, I'm friggin' pissed right now...

My mom signed up for AT&T as an Internet service provider...she was told it was "faster" and cheaper than SuddenLink, so she went with it, without consulting me. She got a one-year contract... I was worried. I didn't wanna go back to the days of downloading stuff at 30 kB/s...

Well, looks like those days are back. After a lot of frustration in dealing with DSL crap (I've never dealt with DSL before), I finally set the AT&T connection up...was it worth the trouble? Hell no. Obviously, we're back to the days where it takes 3 days to download a season of anime. It's faster than what we had before before, but only by like 10 kB/s. Now it's 40 kB/s...and that's nothing compared to the 120 kB/s we were getting with SuddenLink.

Now, I shouldn't say "were getting", because she hasn't canceled SuddenLink yet...but she will eventually...Damn it! THIS SUCKS SO FRIGGIN' MUCH. I am ROYALLY pissed off right now.

There's a notification on the DSL modem that says "leave on for 10 days to maximize connection." Hopefully the connection isn't at its max speed...but I kinda doubt it'll get up into the 100s of kB/s. It'd be great if it did...but hopefully my mom won't cancel SuddenLink for 10 more days...just in case.

The termination fee for her AT&T contract is 99 dollars...I got paid 150 dollars for that airport website design I did, and I want fast Internet so bad, that I offered to give all that to my mom to just cancel the AT&T crap. She refused.


I guess I better download all the shit I need tonight before SuddenLink suddenly goes bye-bye...Fuck you AT&T.

I'm going to miss this...
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I'll let this video speak for itself...
4:35 PM

Japanese TV is awesome
2:23 AM

Monday, July 16, 2007
Soundwave MP3 Player!
5:20 PM

Now this is pretty badass. He doesn't take cassettes, though. It's SD cards instead. Still...very cool...but he doesn't have a built-in speaker. You have to use the headphone jack instead. That's pretty lame.
Muggles > Wizards
4:23 AM

The arrogance of magic users in the Harry Potter series really pisses me off. Wizards see themselves as superior to normal, non-magical human beings. This is a false belief. Muggles own wizards in every way. Wizards are just too stubborn (and stupid) to realize it.

Muggles are smart and hard working. They are able to perform the same tasks that wizards do without the use of magic. Magic is the easy way to do things, and it shows that wizards are lazy. Flight? Just say a few words and wave a wand around. BORING. For muggles, they went through all the trouble to develop airplanes and helicopters and cool stuff like that. Wizards are likely not smart enough to understand these complex machines, not that they would want to, as they would dismiss them as useless or something stupid like that.

Also, what's with the brooms the magic guys use to play Quidditch and stuff? Brooms are muggle inventions! They are not meant for flying, but for sweeping! It is likely that some wizard group found a muggle broom, and being too stupid to figure out what it was really used for, decided it should be used a mode of transportation...that's stupid as hell. Also, the train to get to Hogwartz? The train is a muggle invention as well. So are banks, which are used by wizards as well.

Also, wizards are very careless. They don't seem to have any regard for their own safety. How can parents send their kids off to Hogwartz when many people have died or been severely injured there? I mean, there are freakin' trees just outside of the school that could RAPE a child easily. And Quidditch? Very dangerous sport, and there are no safety precautions to ensure a child's survival during the game. It seems the administration of Hogwarts cares little about their students. And their teachers suck, too, always trying to kill one of their students or hiding some big secret. This crap wouldn't fly in normal muggle schools. We care about our children, and ensure they get a good education and remain safe.

Speaking of Quidditch..what a stupid game. The rules are just dumb as hell and make the game seem really boring if games can go on forever until one catches the Snitch, and the majority of the points scored prior to the catching of the Snitch do not matter. It's all just very unnecessary and stupid. Nothing is done to prevent cheating, either. As seen in one of the books (I forget which), someone could easily curse a player and the game would continue as normal. Stupid. The game design is flawed, but I guess I shouldn't expect a perfect system of anything to come from wizard minds.

Also, what's with this owl mailing system? That's really outdated. Us muggles have e-mail, IM, and SMS. Instantaneous communication, man, and it's all done WITHOUT magic.

And I could go on forever about other ways muggles are superior to wizards, but I'm sleepy.

In the end, I'm just really pissed at how the Harry Potter books negatively portray muggles like me. Though I imagine that J.K. Rowling, being a muggle herself, uses this book to show the ignorance of wizards and reveal their prejudice...but people just don't see it, and they take it as simply a means of entertainment...sickening.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Wizards vs. Muggles
3:31 PM

Muggles would totally win. I've had a lot of explanations for this, but I can't really remember them anymore...but this is a tpoic I will elaborate on in the future.
XFD The Mighty Shockwave!
1:37 AM

Saturday, July 14, 2007
XFD (Transformers: The Movie 1986 Spoilers)
5:37 AM

Friday, July 13, 2007
Harry Potter and the Serious Business
4:53 PM

This entry is about Harry Potter.

I have read three Harry Potter books in my life: The Sorcerer's Stone, The Chamber of Secrets, and The Goblet of Fire. Yeah, I skipped The Prisoner of Akzhaban (or however you spell it) 'cause the library didn't have it when I wanted to read another Harry Potter book, so I skipped to the one about the cup.

Anyway, after Cup of Flames or whatever, I stopped reading the books 'cause I think I stopped reading altogether after that. I dunno. Whatever.

So here we are, and the...last book is it? I'm not sure which number it is. Something about Deadly Halogen or something like that.

And with that, the Internet becomes chaos. Spoilers have probably already been leaked into those good ol' tubes and if you're a Harry Potter fan, you might wanna stay away from the source of all knowledge (and spoilers). Yeah, get off my interwebs. >=[

But seriously, it's kinda funny how on GameFAQs, it's a bannable offense to post ANYTHING from the book before it's actually released. So if the book says something like, "Harry raised his wand," and you post it on a GameFAQs...BANNED.

But why does Harry Potter get special treatment? I've had plenty of movies spoiled for me by accident, and nothing was done about that! Harry Potter and the Transforming Robots was spoiled for me! Megatron kills Jazz.

But anyway...that new Harry Potter movie is out, too. Something about The Court Order Concerning Phoenix Wright. Jessica said it was a good movie, especially compared to the other ones. I wouldn't now. I only saw the first two, and didn't even pay attention when watching the first one.

But Microsoft put up a demo of the Harry Potter and Phoenix Wright Adventures on the Xbox Live Marketplace, so I'll check that out.

And XD at G4 apologizing for cutting to commercial during the Harry Potter vs. Master Chief 3 trailer at the Microsoft Press Conference. Now they're showing it right now. If anyone really wanted to see the trailer so bad, they'd have seen it online by now. XD, wait a minute, I wasn't paying attention, but G4 just said that they showed last year's trailer instead as a joke. Hahah, XD.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
You've got the touch!
2:41 AM

With all this Rock Band hype, I'm just imagining how awesome it would be if "The Touch" ended up as a Rock Band song.

Official Rock Band Hype Post
2:11 AM

Rock Band is EASILY my most anticipated game for this year...or maybe it's tied with Metroid Prime 3...but the fact is, we have more info on Rock Band than we do Metroid Prime 3!

Official site updated with more info.

So here's all the info I've gathered.

First 15 initial songs on the disc:
- (asterisk indicates a cover versihttp://beta.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifon of a song)
- The Who -"Won't Get Fooled Again"
- Mountain - "Mississippi Queen"*
- David Bowie - "Suffragette City"
- Black Sabbath - "Paranoid"*
- Blue Oyster Cult - "Don't Fear the Reaper"
- The Ramones - "Rockaway Beach”
- Rush - "Tom Sawyer"*
- Bon Jovi - "Wanted Dead or Alive"
- Nirvana - "In Bloom"
- Stone Temple Pilots - "Vasoline"
- Weezer - "Say It Ain't So"
- Foo Fighters - “Learn to Fly”
- The Hives - "Main Offender"
- The Strokes - "Reptilia"
- Queens of the Stone Age - "Go With the Flow"
- Plus: Metallica's "Enter Sandman" available on the disc

Downloadable Content
- Downloadable content every single week after its initial release
- Download full albums
- The Who's "Who's Next" album to be first downloadable album

E3 2007 Trailer


Drum Set

Peter Moore Can't Rock

XD, he pauses the game.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Mortal Kombaaaaat!
11:22 PM

Awesome. It appears that Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 for the DS will be the Arcade version. I was afraid it'd be the SNES port. This is good news. But will I get this game? I dunno...
HOLD IT! - Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations E3 Promo
10:31 PM

Blue Dragon Demo Impressions (Xbox 360)
9:59 PM

As part of the E3 at home experience thing that Microsoft's doing for E3, the Blue Dragon demo popped up on the Xbox Marketplace. I downloaded it last night.

Boy...it's pretty...boring. The battles feel too complicated, and the slow-ass framerate doesn't help it. Hopefully the framerate is an issue with the demo only. It's also pretty silly how the demo gives you all these skills and spells to use, but don't explain what most of those skills do. It took me a while to figure out what determined turn order. The slow-down also made charging some attacks kinda difficult, 'cause the meter would feel laggy.

'course, I wasn't planning on getting Blue Dragon anyway. It seems too old-school for me.
I think that's it for today (E3 lol)
8:17 PM

I dunno. I'm tired. The E3 schedule doesn't say anything after the Konami conference.

So for tomorrow and the next day...

* 8:00am - Take-Two conference
* 9:00am-5:30pm - Meeting suites open at the Fairmont Hotel
* 9:15am - THQ conference
* 10:30am - Ubisoft conference
* 1:00-6:30pm - Barker Hanger open to view games
* 1:00pm - Namco Bandai conference
* 3:30pm - Disney Interactive conference


* 9:00am-3:30pm - Meeting suites open at the Fairmont Hotel
* 11:00am-3:30pm - Barker Hanger open to view games
Times are Pacific, btw. So like...add 2 hours for Central time or something. Time Zones confuse me.
lol Konami (E3 stuff)
8:13 PM

Oops, I skipped over Activision's and Midway's conferences...oh well, whatever. Nothing interesting there, IMO.

Konami announced Silent Hill 5 for the PS3 and 360. Cool. No MGS4 for 360, unfortunately. No new Castlevania either (Other than Dracula X Chronicles). =[ Oh well.

I'd embed a video, but the only place hosting it is GameVideos, and they suck.
Bring on the lightgun games for Wii
6:18 PM

(Yeah, I know these aren't really "light gun" games because the Wiimote is not a light gun and works in a completely different way, but it's easier to call them "light gun games.")

Now, I was excited about Umbrella Chronicles before-hand, but after the revelations of the official "Wii Zapper", I'm even more hyped...and I don't know why.

I mean...come on...it's just a piece of plastic to position the remote and nunchuk in a new way...but for some reason, holding the gun like that just make me think of all the fun times I've had with arcade lightgun games. And now that experience can be brought home without an expensive gun peripheral...just a cheap (hopefully) piece of plastic! Awesome.

Bring on Umbrella Chronicles. Bring on Ghost Squad. Sega, make a House of the Dead game for the Wii already! Namco, the Wii yearns for Time Crisis!

lol EA (WTF E3)
5:00 PM

Wow, gamers are really shallow. They complain about not getting much stuff from the "Big 3" conferences, then totally ignore the third-party conferences. The EA conference just ended, and there was info on some new Wii games and Rock Band...but apparently no one on GameFAQs cared 'cause it's "EA" and all they have is Madden or something stupid like that.

Well, now I know that with Rock Band "Every week, they will release a new batch of music online. And within the first year, they say they will have hundreds of songs online."


Announcing songs available on Rock Band: The Who - Won't Get Fooled again, Mountain - Mississippi Queen, David Bowie - Suffragette City, Black Sabbath - Paranoid, Ramones - Rockaway Beach, Rush - Tom Sawyer, Bon Jovi - Wanted Dead or Alive, Nirvana - In Bloom, Stone Temple Pilots - Vasoline, Weezer - Say it Ain't So, Foo Fighters - Learn to Fly, The Hives - Main Offender, Strokes - Reptilia, Queens of the Stone Age - Go with the Flow.


Chen: Rock Band will even offer albums, IN THEIR ENTIRETY, onto the platform. The first? The Who - Who's next.

And finally...

Also a bunch of Metallica songs. They plan to go "very deep" with select bands. And will have much more to announce soon.

But no one knows this yet 'cause they don't remember that Rock Band is an EA-published game.
Well ****
2:27 PM

Unreal Tournament 3 is PS3-exclusive "this year" and it's coming out in November. Hopefully this is just a timed exclusive and it'll be out for the 360 next year.
lol Nintendo (E3 Conference)
12:27 PM

Well...apparently Metroid Prime 3, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, and Mario Kart Wii were cancelled right after release dates were announced.

At least that's what all the gamers on the Interwebs are acting like. Nintendo announced "WiiFit", a fitness game for the Wii. While neat, it does not interest me. The same for most of the "hardcore" gamers out there.

Honestly, you'd have to be a fool to not see something like this coming. Nintendo's obviously been going to this "expanded audience" thing for a while. Remember Nintendogs? Then there was Brain Age, then there was the name "Wii." Did you guys honestly expect that Nintendo would ignore the crap loads of money they're going to get for "expanding" their audience?

And it's not like Nintendo's going to stop making games that appeal to real gamers. No, Metroid Prime 3, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, and Mario Kart Wii did not get cancelled. And, OMG, that's 4 hardcore games compared to 1 casual game (Wii Fit). WTF is wrong with you people?

And Mario Kart online with "more players." Finally some 8-player multiplayer Mario Kart?! And 32-player online Medal of Honor? That's what I'm talking about. Evidence that Nintendo has an online plan (but still not as good as Microsoft's).

And keep in mind, E3 hasn't even started yet. We'll learn more about third party games during E3. And remember that the Smash Bros. Brawl trailer wasn't revealed at Nintendo's conference last year. It was AFTER the conferences.

Also, if you wanted a 100% hardcore gaming experience and you're solely a Wii owner, you made a mistake. Get a damn 360 to go with your Wii. Wii60 FTW.
lol Microsoft (E3 Conference)
2:58 AM

'kay, Microsoft's E3 media event thing was going on earlier last night. Neat, huh?

When it started, I had a moose of a time trying to watch the conference. Originally, I was going to stream it on the Interwebs through Gamespot, but have G4 as a backup. It turned out to be the opposite...kinda. Gamespot's feed wasn't working for me. I tried Xbox.com and that didn't work for me either. So I decided to tough it out and go with G4, fearing for commercial breaks...and they happened (but mostly during the least important parts of the conference). During these breaks, I discovered a working feed on 1up.com, so I'd alternate between G4 and 1up when commercials came up on TV.

But anyway, onto the conference itself...Uh...I don't remember much and I'm too lazy to look up everything, so I'll just comment on the stuff I remembered.

Rock Band
Hellz yeah...'cept the camera focused on the players rather than the gameplay footage. And I XD'd when Peter Moore accidentally hit the pause button. XD XDDX DXKJFLAKSDjfasld;kfj; lolz. But yeah, can't wait for this game. Need more info, though. Hopefully I'll get that later.

Scene It
Don't care.

Resident Evil 5
FINALLY, we get something new on it...but they didn't even show the full trailer! I have to wait for the 26th to watch it all? Pretty lame? But IMO, this was the best part of the conference, since it was something new and not lame like...

Puke Green Halo 360
WTF? And it's only got a 20 gig hard drive? Lame lame lame.

No Price Cut?
Not that it matters to me, 'cause I already own a 360, but I was expecting an announcement here 'cause of the PS3's recent drop in price.

Assassin's Creed
Neat. I've been looking very forward to this game, if you couldn't tell from my previous Assassin's Creed post. Seeing the actual gameplay, though...kinda discouraging. Framerate wasn't very smooth, and the animation wasn't as beautiful as I've heard. Glitchy, too. I lol'd when a dead enemy got stuck in the air. But climbing crap looks awesome. Hopefully they'll fix all this stuff once the game releases...but I'm a little worried, since it's supposed to be released later this year. I'd be willing to endure a delay to make the game run smoother.

Call of Duty 4
Looks awesome. Public multiplayer beta? Sign me up.

Gears of War PC
Looks VERY awesome. I was like, "HOLY CRAP" at the framerate. A smooth 60 FPS, man. Pisses me off that I essentially traded in my PC for a 360...not like my PC would've been able to handle Gears anyway. ^-^; No announcement of this new stuff coming to 360? I'd gladly pay for it...

Beautiful Katamari
Just hearing Peter Moore say it made me gleeful.

No tattoo?
Damn it, Peter. Pull down your pants and show off that Metal Gear Solid 4 tattoo on your ass!


Halo 3
...cool, I guess? I'll probably get it 'cause I had fun with the multiplayer beta. But I've never been much of a Halo fan.

Blue Dragon Demo
Oh, wait, this wasn't part of the conference...oh well...it's available on the 360 Marketplace now, and I am downloading it.

Other stuff not part of the E3 conference...

Guitar Hero 3
Shown off on Attack of the Show prior to the conference. Still looks like crap. The effect shown when successfully hitting a notes doesn't look satisfying at all. All the effects look pretty unimpressive. Battle mode looks kinda cool, though, but still... It's obvious Harmonix isn't involved in the game. Luckily, there is Rock Band. :D
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Wooo one hour and thirteen minutes
9:11 PM

'til Microsoft's E3 Press Conference. I'll be watching it live on Gamespot (hopefully). I might blog my reactions to news or something...I dunno.
Ugh...it needs to stop raining.
6:02 PM

Ooops, how could I forget...
4:56 PM

Assassin's Creed?
"Gone are the usual color-coded textures that make it clear where your character is allowed to move. There is not grid you move along. The art tells you what you can grab. If there is a crack in a wall, you can dig your fingers in and pull yourself up. If a decorative stone knob is sticking out of a building, you can take hold. There's no superficial artistry here -- for once, art and level design have bonded to be one and the same. As you scale a building, the trigger and free run button are held. All you have to worry about is pushing the analogue stick in the direction you want to move. If there's something to grab hold of, Altair will do so. If not, you won't move forward. The detail in every building is key, because as you get to higher areas you'll be forced to look for handholds to continue your ascent. It's a lot like rock climbing, where you continue to search for any groove or jut to grab. The beautiful animations make the climb seem all the more impressive. Altair has weight to him and his movements, just like the virtual Jerusalem, seem completely believable."
Doesn't that sound absolutely badass? I bolded the important parts...well, important to me, anwyays. :P Read the article above for more info...I'm still reading it. Yeah, I'm hasty with these posts, but whatever.
lol E3
4:36 PM

Yup, but Microsoft's Press Conference doesn't start 'til tonight, Nintendo's is tomorrow morning. Sony? LOL, who cares?

So have you guys seen the Soul Calibur Legends trailer? If you haven't, I've embeded it below.

Looks neat, but my main man Cervy isn't playable. =[ Co-op? Yay. And some people are complaining about the graphics. I think it looks fine for a Wii game. C'mon, what are they expecting? It's the WII.

I was a bit skeptical when they first announced this game, but the trailer makes it look fun. The Wii's in need of a good action game, too. Soul Calibur Legends better be that game.

So anyway, things I'm hoping to be revealed at E3:

- Rock Band info
- Soul Calibur IV info
- Animal Crossing Wii
- Real, competitive online plans for Nintendo
- Devil May Cry 4 stuff
- Metroid Prime 3 online play (yeah, they confirmed no online, but I HOPE they were lying :P)
- New Super Smash Bros. Brawl trailer
- Metal Gear Solid 4 tattoo on Peter Moore's ass (or anywhere else on his body, I guess)
- Unreal Tournament 3 stuff
- Unreal Tournament 3 for the Xbox 360 to support Keyboard and Mouse, and user-made content
- Kirby Wii
- Body Harvest sequel
- Nintendo Wii actually transforms into a giant robot
- Zombies (Dead Rising 2, m i rite?)
- Every game portrayed at E3 will be made available for free to J.R., as well as all hardware that these games will be played on.
lol wrestling signs
2:09 AM

OMFG, I found this hilarious. I'm not sure if this was scripted or not (it probably was). Also, notice at around 1:33, the WWE Sign Guy's sign says "IT'S UNANIMOUS, EDGE DOES SUCK!" Allegedly, the WWE Sign Guy passed out all the signs. XD.

Oh wait, the Sign Guy blogged about it. Read about it here. I'm still not sure if the Sign Guy is legit, though. If he is, gotta love Edge for his reaction.
Monday, July 09, 2007
I'm back from that party.
11:23 PM

People are probably gonna wonder if something was bothering me. lol. Should I say yes or no? Should I tell the truth or lie? If I tell the truth, should I go in detail? Nah, that's unnecessary. I'm sure people can guess what was troubling me. XD
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Controller focus
10:03 PM

I was bored, so I took out my SNES and put in Mega Man X. I realized I hadn't uploaded a YouTube video in a while, so I decided to make a video...

Have you ever taken the time to notice what your hands look like when you're playing a video game? Me either, 'cause I'm too busy watching the screen...so I made this video. Keep in mind, that I was in an awkward position to get the controller in view of the camera, so I didn't play the game as well as I would normally.

Haha, I just realized it was 7/7/07 yesterday...
1:03 AM

And guess what else happened yesterday on 7/7/07? I was playing FFVI, and Celes turned level 77, and had 7777 HP. I even have a save of that just to show people!
I just beat Final Fantasy VI...
12:28 AM


Wow...that was...a disappointing ending. And OMG, Kefka was so damn easy! He only got like...two turns: one to cast Haste on himself, and another to physically attack someone. Each of my four party members had one turn, and BAM, he was dead. I didn't even get to hear all of "Dancing Mad." The naked men below Kefka were a breeze, as well. None of my characters died, so I used Celes, Shadow, Sabin, and Cyan the whole time. I don't even feel like I really went out of my way to get equipment or level up, aside from leveling up characters I never used, just to get through the Tower. The Kaiser Dragon might pose a challenge, but I probably won't even bother with it. I might say that FFVI is even easier than FFVIII.

The following things probably (definitely) made the game easy:

- Shadow was level 86+ and had 9999 HP
- Shadow also had the Genji Glove + Master Scroll combo, which allowed him to attack 8 times in one turn for around 4000-5000 damage with each attack.
- Celes had the Soul of Thamasa which allowed two magic attacks in one turn (Ultima x2 per turn!)
- Celes also had a Celestriad, which made it so all magic only cost 1 MP. Cyan also had a Celestriad, but he didn't cast anything but Curaga once or twice.
- Sabin's Phantom Rush pwned at 9999 damage per turn, but compared to Shadow or Celes, that wasn't much damage.
- Cyan's Flurry Bushido allowed 4 attacks of around 4000 damage per turn.

And none of those items were hard to get at all. I even got all the Espers but Diabolos ('cause you have to beat the game first before you can get him). I didn't even do it to be a completionist. I just did it 'cause I didn't wanna go to Kefka's Tower and use characters I hate.

In the end, FFVI is an okay game, but, in my opinion, pales in comparison to almost every FF after it. I dunno, maybe FFVI might be FFIX in my book, but it's close. There were just too many characters in FFVI. >< Umaro and Mog didn't even do anything at the end of the game, and Gogo just kinda...disappeared. Of course, those are optional characters...and so is every character but Celes, Edgar, and Setzer. Heh...but...yeah.

I dunno if I should keep FFVI Advance or trade it in. But whatever the case is, it means I'm back to playing FFXII...or Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition...or Saints Row...or Wind Waker...or whatever other games I haven't finished.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
J.R. Watches Movies! - Transformers: The Movie (1986)
7:48 PM


Well, I just got done watching it. It was a pretty neat movie. I like how it started out with a huge battle and explosions. The action sequences were even easy to follow! I like that!

Sucks that Optimus dies so early in the movie. Oh well. 'least Megatron's sorta kinda is in the whole movie.

The soundtrack...wow...the soundtrack is just really really silly. I almost wanna call it "stupid." Does Weird Al Yankovic fit a Transformers battle? The sound effects are crazy, too. Lasers do not make a "boing!" sound! They make a "PEW!" sound!

Also, there was a dance scene in the movie. Wow, it was just SO silly!

I enjoyed the beginning of the movie. After the Optimus Prime Vs. Megatron fight, though, it's all sorta "meh." The animation was really dodgy, too, especially when the robots transformed. But at least I could keep up with the action...I hope the next Transformers movie (sequel to 2007) has the Transformers either revert to their boxy forms, or have the camera steady during fight scenes... Or pull a 300 and have all the action scenes in slow motion.
The reason I traded my PC for a 360 is coming to the PC...
6:08 PM

Gears of War PC

And it's got an updated campaign mode, new boss fight, and probably lots of other neat stuff (like maybe less lag online with the addition of dedicated servers). I hope this stuff comes to the 360 as downloadable content (FREE, downloadable content...the Epic way, not the Microsoft way).

But I'm not regretting my trade. My PC wouldn't have been able to handle Gears of War. It couldn't even handle GRAW.
I <3 Kevin Perirariararara
5:44 PM

Here is Mr. Pereira and his E3 2007 expectations. Kevin is awesome. I thought this clip was funny. Of course, the folks on the Interwebs (serious business, btw) don't have a sense of humor when it comes to E3 expectations, and they rag on Kev for not being seroius. So...yeah...E3, serious business. Actually, it is, 'cause it seems a lot of game journalists loathe going 'cause it's such a hassle. Haha. I get to sit at home, watching live feeds from my comfy bed. :D

I think we should all throw an E3 party and watch the feeds together. :P
J.R. Watches Movies! - Transformers (2007)
4:39 PM

SPOILERS, obviously.

I walked into the theater expecting giant robots. I got giant robots. But I was somewhat disappointed. But it was still an awesome movie.

First complaint: too many humans, not enough robots. The Transformers don't really get enough development. Optimus Prime and Bumblee are the only Autobots that really did anything. Ratchet existed only to say, "Shia wants to do that chick." Did Ironhide do anything? I don't remember. The action sequences were too confusing. That's another complaint, but I'll get to that later.

The Decepticons were even worse. They're just evil in this movie. They're not really given personalities. Frenzy is given the most screentime out of any of the Decepticons, and that's stupid, 'cause Frenzy sucks. Barricade just disappears at the end of the movie. I don't even remember who the other Decepticons were. Again, confusing action scenes. Starscream did get this badass scene with him killing some fighter jets. The Prime vs. Megatron fight really wasn't that epic, mainly 'cause I couldn't tell what was going on...

Okay, on to my main complaint: the action scenes. I'm glad they were in the movie, and, yes, they were exciting..but also very confusing. Most people blame it on the shaky camera, which probably is a big factor in it. But I think it was also because of the look of the Transformers. They were too complex. I couldn't tell what they were doing most of the time. Like during this one part, a Decepticon gets shot at...but I can't tell if he was shot in the back or the front. And when two robots are fighting, it gets even more confusing, 'cause it's just a bunch of pieces of metal going all over the place. The Decepticons are worse than the Autobots here, because the Decepticons aren't colored. At least I know where Optimus's head is, 'cause it's blue and his body is red. Megatron is allll grey. I wish the Transformers had retained their "boxy" look. Maybe the transformations wouldn't look as cool, but I'd be able to follow the action more with their clearly-defined body parts.

Everything else about the movie was very cool. Watch it.

I've gone Transformers crazy lately. I feel like going out and buying the toys...but I don't have money. =[ I did download the animated movie. I think I'll watch that sometime.
It's already the weekend?
4:28 PM

Great, now all the gaming blogs stop updating. I guess that means it's time to update my own blog.
Okay, I think it's time for me to go to sleep...
5:25 AM

I've spent the last hour reading old blog entries, waiting for LUE to get back up...now that it's back up, I'm sleepy. Gahhhh.

Also, check out the new site I designed.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
GoNintendo readers show their idiocy again
2:42 PM

But, SURPRISE, this time they're NEGATIVE about Super Smash Bros. Brawl!

The Brawl website revealed how to perform smash attacks with all the control schemes. But the fanboys (or whatever they are now...I think they're just idiots for this) say that this update was stupid and useless...
# Alfredo Says:
How does this update suck? It shows how the game will be played with a single remote. That’s big news.

# Hebshi Says:
^ thats not big news, we knew about the wiimote sideways like a month ago, and who ever could not figure out how to do a smash is seriously dumb, its so obvious, this update is useless, but meh, i look forward to a new character or stage being revealed between tomorrow and friday

# Alfredo Says:
I doubt anyone would’ve figured you would have to press 2 buttons plus a direction to do a smash attack with the single remote scheme. A lot of people, as seen above, thought it would be a motion with the remote to perform a smash. I personally thought a double-tap in a direction would’ve been a good substitute for a “tap.”

And this brings up further questions. How will you run regularly with the single remote?
Honestly, did you guys figure you would have to press the 1 and 2 buttons along with a direction simutaneously to do a Smash Attack? And how are you going to jump? Perhaps a motion will be used for that. Maybe they're thinking the update sucks because it only raises more questions, but I think it's great that we're getting SOME info about it.

By the way, I think this update is WAY better than some lame-ass non-orchestrated version of Ocarina of Time music. I think all the updates have been pretty good so far since the assist trophies.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
First Rock Band gameplay video!
7:26 PM

The quality ain't so great, but I'm uber-psyched about this game.

Plus, screenshots. Yes. Screenshots, not scans!

Bidoof...in COLLEGE!
4:22 PM

I found this "joke" on LUE and I lol'd. So now I share it with you.
professor: bidoof I have a question about your paper
bidoof: bidoof
professor: it's just cutups of a magazine on construction paper
bidoof: doof doof bidoof
professor: how did you get into this school
bidoof: doof :B
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