I walked into the theater expecting giant robots. I got giant robots. But I was somewhat disappointed. But it was still an awesome movie.
First complaint: too many humans, not enough robots. The Transformers don't really get enough development. Optimus Prime and Bumblee are the only Autobots that really did anything. Ratchet existed only to say, "Shia wants to do that chick." Did Ironhide do anything? I don't remember. The action sequences were too confusing. That's another complaint, but I'll get to that later.
The Decepticons were even worse. They're just evil in this movie. They're not really given personalities. Frenzy is given the most screentime out of any of the Decepticons, and that's stupid, 'cause Frenzy sucks. Barricade just disappears at the end of the movie. I don't even remember who the other Decepticons were. Again, confusing action scenes. Starscream did get this badass scene with him killing some fighter jets. The Prime vs. Megatron fight really wasn't that epic, mainly 'cause I couldn't tell what was going on...
Okay, on to my main complaint: the action scenes. I'm glad they were in the movie, and, yes, they were exciting..but also very confusing. Most people blame it on the shaky camera, which probably is a big factor in it. But I think it was also because of the look of the Transformers. They were too complex. I couldn't tell what they were doing most of the time. Like during this one part, a Decepticon gets shot at...but I can't tell if he was shot in the back or the front. And when two robots are fighting, it gets even more confusing, 'cause it's just a bunch of pieces of metal going all over the place. The Decepticons are worse than the Autobots here, because the Decepticons aren't colored. At least I know where Optimus's head is, 'cause it's blue and his body is red. Megatron is allll grey. I wish the Transformers had retained their "boxy" look. Maybe the transformations wouldn't look as cool, but I'd be able to follow the action more with their clearly-defined body parts.
Everything else about the movie was very cool. Watch it.
I've gone Transformers crazy lately. I feel like going out and buying the toys...but I don't have money. =[ I did download the animated movie. I think I'll watch that sometime.