Monday, July 31, 2006
I'm still awake.
3:41 AM

I'm watching the Clerks X 2004 first cut commentary, and it's friggin' hilarious. I have to return the video(s) today, though. God, this is so funny. They're talking about seeing Kevin's mom naked when Scott Mosier was staying at Kevin's house, and stuff about Jason and his sexual exploits at RST Video. And now they're eating sandwiches (this is a video commentary, so you actually see them watching the movie and talking). It's cooool.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Wow, I am so bored!
6:50 PM

This is crazy! I thought I'd have more fun here, but...there's not much going on.
Oh yeaaahhh...
6:48 PM

3 of those contacts are usually set to "Away" or "Idle" status.
Oh yeah. One more thing.
6:45 PM

I don't get many calls on my cell phone and I don't usually spend forever talking on them, especially when I have company (no offense to those who do that, which is like...everyone).

One MORE thing. I don't have 23098430284 people on my contact list with 23098430283 of them online. I have 50 to 100 contacts, with 5 of them online.
Well, I'm still bored...
6:37 PM

So I'm sitting here at the Temporal's house, still bored. Ariel's watching Dogma on Comedy Central (WTF? I have the DVD at home, uncensored, unedited, with no commercials, and he's watching it on Comedy Central). And then he flips to these silly reality shows. Good gosh, this is crazy. I'm really out of the loop. BORED.

Hanging out with these "normal" guys really makes me realize how "weird" I really am. I hate most reality shows, and I find them boring and/or stupid. I can't find the entertainment in movies like The Benchwarmers. Don't get me started on my weird taste in music. Oh yeah, sports.

But I'm still bored.
5:47 PM

Where is everyone!? What's everyone doing!? It's Friday, so people shouldn't be out doing church stuff, right? I dunno! Gahhh! BOOORED.

I woke up at 2 PM, fed the pets, and watered the plants. Then I watched Jay and Silent Bob Strike back (I downloaded it while I was a sleep, 'cause I don't have the friggin' movie disc). Now I'm bored. There's nothing to drink here but Gatorade and water. I don't have much money left, unless you count the thirty-something I have in coins in my car. Bwahh! BORED! I'm gonna call Keith and/or Ariel.

I called Ariel. Apparently, they were at my door half-an-hour ago. WTF? Well, I'm goin' to their house. Later dudez.
Driving Miss Winkler
4:03 AM

I guess with nothing better to do, I'll elaborate on my time with Jessica. Originally, we were only supposed to meet each other at Braum's so that I could buy her ice cream (with her money), so she could get a new name tag for work, and so I could give her back her PS2 controller to go sell at GameXchange. I woke up at around 11, when my dad woke me up to tell me what I should do while they're out of town (I'm currenly home alone). Then I went back to sleep, and awoke to Jessica's calling my cell phone.

I go to Braum's, and find that Jessica isn't there. I just sit at a table and wait for a while. Then I decide to call Jess. She tells me her car won't start. I think about offering to pick her up, but I really don't want to drive all the way back there 'cause I'm tired. But eventually, I give in and offer to pick her up and she takes me up on the offer. We got to Braum's and get the ice cream and name tag and crap.

Next, we go to GameXchange to attempt to sell her PS2. They won't take it due to the warranty being void when I opened it up to give it a temporary fix. Jessica just ends up trading some Winter Olympics game and using the store credit to buy some keychain. I trade in 3 Gameboy Advance games (Zelda: The Minish Cap, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland). I buy Clerks: The Animated series and I end up with 24 bucks left in store credit. I save it for later.

Then Jessica and I go to Office Max to buy a wireless router. She just ends up getting a USB adapter thingy. She says Amanda has a router for her anyway. Whatever.

Then me and Jess head to Hastings to sucker them into buying her PS2 and for me to rent movies. More details on that movies can be found in my previous entry. It takes too long to get the people to talk to us about the PS2, so we leave for Blockbuster.

At Blockbuster, we got lucky. I got lucky. They don't check the PS2 for the warranty, and they only check to see if it turns on and displays an image on screen, not see if it reads discs. Lucky for me, we eject the disc tray and find my copy of the first disc of Final Fantasy VII! Had GameXchange or Hastings had taken the PS2, I probably never would've seen this disc again! Woo! Then Jessica buys a controller and some games with the 50 bucks she gets for the PS2 (all the while, I try and convince her to buy me Killer7 :P).

Then we go to some car dealership to get Amanda's router. Yay.

Throughout this whole ordeal, I'm wearing Jessica's work name tag. I forget I have it on until I get home after dropping Jessica at her house. I only realize it once I'm in the garage! I call Jess and tell her about it, and she says that she might be working tonight, and she might need it. I feel really bad about taking the name tag ('cause it is my fault), so I reluctantly agree to drive all the way back to her house to give it back to her. It started raining hard then, too. I hate driving in the rain. =[

So I spent longer in the car than I wanted to. -_-

Jessica says she might come over today. Here's to hoping that happens, 'cause I'll be bored.
Hastings phails again...
2:56 AM

I seriously need to stop going there...but Paris has very few options when it comes to movie and game rental...

Today, I rented Clerks., Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. All were on DVD, 'cept Chasing Amy, which was on VHS. I also bought a used copy of Clerks: The Animated Series (from GameXchange, using store credit from a few GBA games I traded in).

Clerks. probably works fine, but I'm saving that to watch with a few friends who haven't seen it yet (I've already seen it). Me and Dillon watched Dogma and Mallrats okay. Then the trouble began. I couldn't get my VCR to work, so Chasing Amy was out of the picture. Then when I put the Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back disc into the DVD player, the menu showed up, saying "DISC 2: BONUS MATERIAL!" ...I looked for Disc 1, and it wasn't present. Gahh!

Luckily, The Animated Series saved the day in the end. That was awesome.

But, seriously, I rented this stuff from Hastings. I've had bad experiences with Hastings (them forgetting to take off the security things, scratched discs that make them unplayable, and missing discs [but that had previously only been limited to special features discs missing]). This is the last straw..actually, I think they didn't give me the right change either, 'cause the receipt says I should've gotten 8, but I can only find 3 in my pocket...

But in the end, I shouldn't be so trusting of Hastings. I should check the movies and games before I leave the store...I'd take my business to Blockbuster, but movies would be more expensive there.

Actually, Hastings's prices is whack, too. I found a new copy of Killer7 for 19.99. I looked at the used rack, and found a used version of Killer7 for 19.99. And right next to it was a clearance rental version for 19.99. WTF?

There's also some sort of conspiracy of never having Negima number 6. They always have volumes 1-5, and 7-whatever number it's up to now. I need number 6!

Yep, that's my rant.

Also, I hung out with Jessica today, too. It was cool, though too early (1 PM - 4).
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
No need for PSP!
9:49 PM

When I sold my PSP, I soon felt regret for doing so. A while after I did that, downgraders became available to downgrade 2.6 PSPs back down to 1.5, and exploits were discovered to allow 1.5s to play 2.6+ games! I had to say goodbye to my portable emulators and movies and such... Then Sony announced that their official PS1 emulator for the PSP would be "launched" with games like FFVII and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I was like, "Damn it! I missed my chance at a portable SOTN!" However, when I got a Macbook, my regrets gradually disappeared.

My MacBook can play videos, and at a resolution higher that 320 x 240! No need for those stupid, over-priced Memory Stick Duos anymore! And there wasn't any need for any hacking to get some homebrew applications on OS X. ...however, when it came to emulation, I ran into a problem. The Gameboy Advance and Playstation 1 emulators I found on OS X sucked. GBA games ran slowly with choppy sound, and I couldn't even get the PSX one working. However, then came Boot Camp.

The crappy thing about OS X when you compare it to Windows is the availability and variety of applications, especially freeware ones (stuff that's legally free). Everyone developer for OS X seems to wanna charge for the smallest feature of their stupid applications. It's really sad. But I did know that Windows had some stable PSX and GBA emulators on it. Since I recently installed Windows XP on my Macbook via Apple's Boot Camp beta software, I'm able to run all those glorious Windows programs. So today, I ended up installing ePSXe, a Playstation 1 emulator, on my Macbook. And now I've got Castlevania: SOTN and Metal Gear Solid running on this thing! Woo! No need for the PSP's PS1 emulator, at all. I could even run RIIIIIIDGE RAAAACER if I wanted to.

So the only thing I'll be missing from the PSP are games like Loco Roco, but I'll live, and it's not like the PSP is getting many other unique exclusive games like that. Lumines is coming to the PS2 and Xbox 360. Most of the other PSP games out there are inferior versions of PS2 games. No need for the PSP at all, now that I've got a DS (Lite), a Macbook, and my Siren.
The Siren sings again!
12:47 AM

Yes! I found my shizzy 70-dollar 512 MB digital audio player with a laggy interface today! It was in my backpack with my yearbook. I swear I looked in there before... But I still haven't found my most recent pair of headphones... Oh well. Now I've gotta decide whether to use that 256 MB SD card that Josh gave to me for my MP3 player or my digital camera.

My sister recently got a 5th-generation 30 GB iPod recently (that's the one that can play videos). My dad got it for her via eBay. >< Oh well, whatever. My Macbook is like a 5th-generation 80 GB iPod with a 13.3-inch widescreen, interweb access, and the ability to play games! Pwned!

Speaking of playing games, I'm using my Windows partition on my Macbook solely for old Windows games, like Half-Life. Man, multiplayer Half-Life is a blast, and Counter-Strike is as boring as ever.

Speaking of Half-Life, multiplayer Garry's Mod is also very awesome! It's not just building, though. They've got "zombie survival" and melon racing!

Yesterday, I went with Keith and Ariel to one of their youth gatherings (church-related, obviously). I had never really been to one before, other than the church stuff I did with Jessica's church. Anyway, it seems like it would've been a lot of fun had I known people there. I then thought that I was "robbed of my childhood", so to speak, because I never attended one of my church's youth gatherings 'cause I didn't really know what they were all about. They had a lot of Coke at the gathering I went to that day, though. And by Coke, I mean Coke. PURE COKE. They were watching the news about Transformers or something (it had a big truck in it, at least) and they were apparently gonna have a "GoldenEye Tournament." Ehh, GoldenEye was great back in the day, but it's soooo slow and not as fun anymore. The framerate is atrocious in a 4-player match. Gahh.

Anyways, I'm done.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Boot Camp
12:15 AM, I didn't go into military training or anything like that.

Today was rather eventful, though. No, I didn't go anywhere, but I did stuff. I installed Windows XP on my Macbook! This was accomplished using Apple's Boot Camp beta software. Boot Camp simply partitioned a part of my hard drive for Windows, then I used a Windows XP, Service Pack 2 installation disc to install Windows on that partition. Then I spent some time updating XP and installing some games on there.

Now my Macbook is a gaming machine! ...from 1998! I can at least play my Windows copies of Half-Life 1 and Unreal Tournament on my Macbook. It works great. In fact, I discovered that my Macbook is much faster than my desktop PC! From that, it probably would be a good idea to simply sell my Macbook and my PC for a single Macbook Pro! But...nah. My parents probably wouldn't be happy about it, and I'd have to do all this work again. I spent the whole day setting up XP on my Macbook.

There are a few downsides to Windows on my Mac, though. My trackpad features don't work in Windows (no two-finger right click or trackpad scrolling). The built-in iSight camera does not work with Windows either. I also can't "forward delete" since the Macbook lacks a "delete" key (the Mac "delete" is the same thing as backspace). There's no print screen button, either. However, this all doesn't really matter, as I'll be using my Windows partition mostly just to play classic Windows games.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Pokémon, a heart so true!
8:43 PM

I've got Pokémania all over again. I'm listening to the Pokémon 2BA Master soundtrack and I'm longing to play some Pokémon games. Why did I have to sell Hey You! Pikachu? I can't wait for Diamond and Pearl to come out! I have a sudden urge to watch the anime! Grahh!

You know, it's surprising that I never mentioned in this blog the movie the me and Keith filmed on the fourth of the July. Well, here it is:

I wanna make a new movie. At first, I thought I'd make a Phoenix Wright movie, but then I realized that I'd have to write a good story for that, and I'm not good at writing. I've got another idea...POKEMON MOVIE. Yeah, that'd be awesome. I've already got the soundtrack, now I just need to actually make the movie...
La la la.
4:13 AM

Well, It's 4 AM, but it's different this time. I didn't even try to go to sleep. But I'm sleepy now, so I will after I'm done with this entry.

Today (yesterday) was rather uneventful. I didn't even take a shower! I smell...interesting. Heh. I like the way my hair looks when I don't shower, too. But whatever. I'll shower after I wake up.

Secret Window was on FX today. I wanted to watch it 'cause Johnny Depp was in it, and I was never really a Depp fan 'til I rewatched Curse of the Black Pearl. I didn't really watch Secret Window, though. I was talking to Jessica on MSN. We got in a fight. ^-^; But it was later resolved (I think) and I feel better knowing about how she really feels.

I updated my MySpace profile again. This time there's a different "about me" than on this site, so you could check it out, if you wanted to.

I really want a new cell phone. I was talking to Heath about it the other day. I'm thinking about either the a900 or the a920. The a920 (which is also Heath's phone) would probably be of better value (slightly better battery life, and better multimedia capabilities due to expandable memory), but the a900 just LOOKS better (it's THIN!). I'm kinda leaning toward the a900, just 'cause of the design. I love thin gadgets, and the a920 looks too much like everyone else's phone (at least among the people I know). I like having something unique (which is one of the small reasons I got a MacBook instead of a Windows laptop). This is the part where you leave comments to help me decide which phone to get, in the rare case that I actually get a new one.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Yeah, I'm still awake.
3:05 AM

Wanna know why I'm still awake? I'm not sleepy! Why should I have force myself to lie down and pretend to want to sleep? I can't do that. It's like torture. I could be doing something else, but I'm lying here trying to clear my mind, when it should be clear that I can't unless I struggle for an hour. And it's not like I have something important to do today anyway. I'll just go to sleep when I'm sleepy. If anything, the short hours of sleep that I'll probably get will help fix my sleeping schedule. Of course, if I had the aid of something like Nyquil, I could also fix my sleeping habits, but my mom won't let me take Nyquil, so BLAH!

My habits are basically about necessity now... If my room is a mess, I won't bother to clean it unless it becomes a real problem...until it becomes necessary. I won't go to sleep unless it becomes necessary...but I eat all the time, even when it's not necessary. Well, scratch that. I want to eat all the time. I don't like how there's not really much to eat around here...

How come I only feel confident about asking a girl out when she's sleeping? I must be a creature of the night. I hope I'm not a vampire.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
"Running" on 4 hours of sleep
8:56 PM

Ugh. My sleeping situation hasn't improved at all. Last night (yes, last night, as in prior to 12 AM), I tried going to sleep at 11:00. I think I almost did it, too, 'cause for a few minutes, I don't remember what I was doing, but I woke up again and I couldn't get back to sleep 'til 4 AM.

I tried various ways to get to sleep. I tried watching TV. I tried doing push-ups to try and make myself exhausted and tired, but all it did was make me sore. I tried reading a book (well, manga, actually), and I tried listening to music. Eventually, I just went to sleep just 'cause it was 4 AM.

I had to get up for church at 8 AM. Man, was I grumpy this morning. Luckily, I haven't given in to taking a nap yet, but I also didn't do anything. We went straight home after church and I've just been lying in my bed, yelling at MySpace for sucking so much (I also hear there's some MySpace hax goin' around, so watch out, guys).

I really need to do something during the day to make me tired at night. When I was still in school, I'd be REALLY tired once I got home. I usually even took a nap, and I had no problem sleeping before 2 AM. I need to get something to occupy my time. I think I might ask a girl out this week, 'cause Keith and Ariel are out of town and I'm bored. But, eh, you know me. I probably don't have the courage for that.

Watch. Eventhough I've only had 4 hours of sleep, I bet when 12 AM comes along, I won't be sleepy one bit, and I'll struggle to sleep until the usual 4 AM.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Something COOL happened
1:23 AM

Now this is really cool. My room is hot as hell, literally, during the summer time (and cold as hell frozen over during the winter). The air conditioning vent doesn't work in my room. So I've had to suffer horrible summers in here. My computer would over-heat frequently and I'd sweat profusely. That's how I got a habit of just walking around my house in nothing but my underwear. Well, all that will change now! I've got an air conditioner!

Now, the downside to this is that it's takes up a lot of room in my room, and I don't have much room to spare in my room! I need some damn shelves next.

Anyway, it feels wonderful in here now. Maybe I'll finally be comfortable enough to clean my room up again.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Yeah, I'm still awake.
2:36 AM

I did some cleaning up of my MySpace profile. I removed the awesome layout, 'cause I wanted to make a new one. I stuck to the default layout, which is sadly very uncommon among most my friends' profiles. Speaking of friends, I went through and deleted "friends" that I didn't really know. I wanna keep a legit MySpace profile, at least on my "J.R. Dizon" account. Maybe I'll set up a new "Seroth" account, with friends like Hulk Hogan and Captain Jean-Luc Picard, and all those "girls" on MySpace.

MySpace is now the number 1 site on the Interweb in the USA! It's true! Beating out Yahoo!, and even our future overlords, Google? Blasphemy! Wait...well, I guess not anymore. Yahoo and Google are back on top, but it's still in third place!

WTF, I'm half-watching Attack of the Show, and here they go again with the "In Your Pants" segment. I don't wanna hear about Olivia Munn giving guys oral sex. Ughh...I hate her so much. She seems like such a slut, and she's a moron. I miss Sarah Lane. =[ Kevin is still funny, though.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
2:08 AM

Crap. It's 2 AM and I'm still awake.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Drugs are the solution?
10:55 PM

I think I know of a way to get myself to sleep at night...drugs. Last night my mom suggested I take some allergy medicine with a drowsy effect. That might've helped last night, but I still ended up sleeping at 2 AM (so I guess it wasn't last night, it was this morning).

Nick said I should use Nyquil. I'll add that to my shopping list.
Back to "work"
9:59 PM

I've gone back to "working." And by "working" I mean "struggling to make pretty things with little more incentive than simple self-satisfaction." Gahhh.

Here's what I've been working on. It's a sit layout to emulate my everyday environment: my computer. I think it looks really cool. I'm eventually gonna work it all into a MySpace profile.

I also went and redesigned me and Dillon's webcomic. He's gotten that site really popular, so I thought I'd do a bit of work on it.

Obviously, I get some sort of pleasure doing this kinda stuff, otherwise I wouldn't be doing it. I really can't wait to get more professional about this stuff, though...that means I want MONEY...I don't think that job at GameXchange is gonna work out. I haven't gotten a call or anything...and it seems I've misplaced my cell phone.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
I fail at sleep...
2:44 AM

I thought I could do it. I really did. But...I failed. I went to sleep at 12 AM. That was a small victory right there, considering I usually go to sleep at 4 AM...then I woke up and looked at the clock. It said "1:50." My clock is an hour and 10 minutes ahead. I was asleep for 40 minutes, and then I was wide awake...


I have to go to church today, too. Ugh. I was hungry when I got up, so I cooked some ramen noodles (chicken mushroom flavor), and ate some bread...

Now I'm watching Beavis and Butthead.

I'll try to sleep again in a few minutes...
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Aivee, here ya go.
10:29 PM

Well, Aivee's been begging me to put this entry up, so I guess I will now.

A few nights ago, I had a lot of trouble sleeping. I mean a lot. The reason for this was...I was thinking. I thought too much about stuff, like the past, especially missed opportunities.

I remembered a time I asked Laci to see The Grudge with me. She agreed to see it with me. I thought, "Whoa, cool," 'cause I had somewhat of a crush on her at the time. We saw the movie together, but I didn't say a thing to her throughout the whole thing. I felt like a loser, 'cause I might as well had just seen it alone. After the movie, we agreed that the movie was pretty lame, and we were still kinda bored. So we went to see the Incredibles right after. And, yet again, I said very little. The theater was almost empty. She was single at the time (kinda), so I could've made a move. I SHOULD have made a move. If I had, I probably would've been very happy about the outcome... But I didn't make a move. Why? I thought too much. I worried about her attachment to her ex-boyfriend. She had quite an attachment to him, 'cause all she could really talk about was him and revenge against the girl he was dating and stuff like. Thinking about that made me worry, so I never made a move. After the movie, I could tell she still wanted to do something. But, I didn't say much. If my life were a romantic movie, that would've been the ideal time to make a move. Engage in making out with her or something. I don't know. I knew she was into that kinda thing, so she wouldn't have minded at all. But I didn't do shit. So we parted there.

So that night I had trouble sleeping, this was on my mind. Thoughts of what could have been, and how miserable I feel because I didn't take a certain course of action. The thought kept me up until 5 AM.

Actually, that wasn't the only thing that kept me up. There were other thoughts of the past that made me angry at myself. I never disclosed my feelings about Kara (crush), and missed out on asking her to the prom my junior year. I missed out on asking Natalie to the prom this year. The shitty end to my romantic relationship with Jessica. My inability to start another relationship with another girl... so many things to keep a socially-inept individual up.

So there you have, it Aivee. You happy now? I'm certainly not, as this entry conveys. Don't worry, though. It's not your fault. :P
Live Blogging. Part 2.
7:22 PM

Hey, I'm typing stuff. Blogging, I suppose. I'm in Keith's truck, and he's dropping Ariel off at Applebee's for something. Did I spell that right? "Applebee's"? Whatever.

Anyway, today me, Keith, and Ariel went to Wal-Mart and that Reno fireworks place, and also to Braum's over 'round there.

I was looking for Maddox's The Alphabet of Manliness at Wal-Mart, since I saw that it was available at I assumed all Wal-Marts would keep it in stock, but I was apparently wrong. So I bought some earmuffs 'cause we're gonna shoot off fireworks tonight, but I don't like the loudness of the whole affair.

GameXchange was closed (for the 4th of July, I assume), so I couldn't check about the whole "hiring" thing. So we went to the Reno fireworks place to buy more fireworks. We got stuff there.

All this time, I had been calling Jessica, because I was supposed to meet her after work to borrow some Jackie Chan movies. I left her a few voice messages, telling her to call me after she gets off, since I was in the area and could quickly meet up with her. She never called me back, so after the fireworks place, I decided to go to Braum's and see if she was still working. Didn't see her anywhere, though I did see Kara. Ah, well...I'll get my movies some other time then.

So then we went to Movies 8, and I bought my ticket to the midnight showing of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest...however, the ticket says "Thursday, 12:01 AM. Does that really mean 12:01 AM on Thursday, or does it mean 12:01 AM on Friday? Eh, whatever. It's gonna be a kickass movie. I'm uber-hyped for it. I don't even care that I'll see it by myself, thought it would be nice if some pretty female would like to go with me (hint, hint).

Okay, we're almost at Applebee's now. Time to check if I spelled it right. Yup! I spelled it right! Awesomeness.
Monday, July 03, 2006
4:28 PM

Law for Kids:

LUE 4 Kidz:

April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 August 2010 December 2010 July 2011 August 2011 June 2012 July 2012 August 2012 January 2013

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