Assassin's Creed?
"Gone are the usual color-coded textures that make it clear where your character is allowed to move. There is not grid you move along. The art tells you what you can grab. If there is a crack in a wall, you can dig your fingers in and pull yourself up. If a decorative stone knob is sticking out of a building, you can take hold. There's no superficial artistry here -- for once, art and level design have bonded to be one and the same. As you scale a building, the trigger and free run button are held. All you have to worry about is pushing the analogue stick in the direction you want to move. If there's something to grab hold of, Altair will do so. If not, you won't move forward. The detail in every building is key, because as you get to higher areas you'll be forced to look for handholds to continue your ascent. It's a lot like rock climbing, where you continue to search for any groove or jut to grab. The beautiful animations make the climb seem all the more impressive. Altair has weight to him and his movements, just like the virtual Jerusalem, seem completely believable."
Doesn't that sound absolutely badass? I bolded the important parts...well, important to me, anwyays. :P Read the article above for more info...I'm still reading it. Yeah, I'm hasty with these posts, but whatever.