Friday, January 26, 2007
7:10 PM

Guess who just purchased Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All.

Oh yeah, and a 13-month subscription to Xbox Live Gold.

And I've still got 10 bucks left. Weee.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Oops, I forgot
11:56 PM

Phoenix Wright 2 just came out. I think I'll spend my birthday money on that.
Birthday events
9:09 PM

Well, I've given up on downloading the Saints Row demo. I've restarted that thing 23049823 times, and it kept messing up. So today I started and finished BOTH Lost Planet demos (single and multiplayer). I must say, Lost Planet is friggin' awesome. Makes me wanna buy it.

Speaking of buying stuff, I bet you guys are dying to know what I got for my birthday. Well, let's see...
- Wireless Guitar Hero controller
- iPod Nano case
- Dragon Quest Slime PS2 controller
- Castlevania 64 Original Soundtrack
- Gears of War
- Xbox 360 VGA cables
- Xbox 360 Premium (though I had to trade my computer for this)
- A Monster Energy drink.
- 50 dollars
- Pizza, buffalo wings, and breadsticks from Dominos
Mighty awesome birthday presents, I must say! Best birthday ever, present-wise, y'know? Plus, sooo many people actually remembered and acknowledged my birthday than any other previous year. I blame this on the fact that I have friends now, and that MySpace and Facebook "warn" people of others' birthdays.

Now WTF should I spend this 50 bucks on? I'm thinking on either a 360 controller or a 360 game...'course, the game would have to be used or something.

On second thought, I think I'll purchase a VGA splitter and a mini-DVI to VGA adapter so I can hook up both my Macbook and my 360 to my VGA monitor.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
New Horizons
8:38 PM

Now that I have an Xbox 360, my gaming horizons have been expanded. I can now add Xbox 360 games (as well as a few original Xbox games) to my game library! To remind my of games are now accessible to me, I'm going to make a list right here on iJar. Wee!

Xbox 360 Games

Dead Rising
Resident Evil 5
Lost Planet
Assassin's Creed
Half-Life 2: Orange (Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episodes 1 and 2, Team Fortress 2 and Portal)
Ninja Gaiden 2
Halo 3
Alan Wake
Grand Theft Auto IV
Saint's Row
Mass Effect
Unreal Tournament 2007 (rumored to be 360-bound)
Too Human
Xbox Live Arcade
Geometry Wars
Symphony of the Night (HD?)
Alien Hominid HD
Castle Crashers
Online versions of "retro" games (Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat, Contra, Smash TV...)
Oh yeah, check out the birthday present from Daniel and Tori to me.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Guess what I got...
10:49 PM

Guess yet? Here's a hint...below that is my GAMERTAG.

...You use gamertags on Xbox Live.

Yeah, you should know what I have now.

Wii60 FTW!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Super Mario Hax
9:27 PM

I picked up my old Super Mario World hack. I added a few more levels to it. Most likely, you've never played any earlier versions, unless you happen to be Nick.

But yeah, download an SNES emulator and download my little Super Mario World hack.

Download it here.

Saturday, January 13, 2007
It's OS "Ten"
5:44 PM

Wow...I just found out that I've been pronouncing "OS X" incorrectly. It is officially pronounced "Oh Es Ten." I've been saying "Oh Es Ex." I feel like phail. =[
PC for a 360?
5:28 PM

I want an Xbox 360 premium...I want Gears of War. But I haven't found a way to make that money...but then I thought of this: sell my gaming PC for a 360.

It's not as bad as it sounds. I barely play PC games anymore. The last time I launched UT2004 or Half-Life 2 was many many months ago. Not to mention, my PC is up to snuff when it comes to newer games like Oblivion and GRAW and whatever. And if Gears of War does come to PC someday, my PC has no chance in hell of running it...well, running it well (this is assuming I have Vista when the time comes).

A 360 (Premium) would be better than my PC, gaming wise!

And if I got rid of my PC, I would not be computerless! I would still have my Macbook. My Macbook is noticeably faster than my PC! It's just got less hard drive space and it won't run as many games. But it has a DVD burner, so I could easily back up data if I ran out of space. I've also got XP on my Mac, via Boot Camp, so all Windows functionality is kept!

But I'm still not sure on whether I should sell my PC or not. My mom probably wouldn't let me, but whatever.

In case you're interested, here are the specs of the PC:
Operating System
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2


CPU Type AMD Athlon XP, 2079 MHz (12.5 x 166) 2800+
Motherboard Name: Abit NF7-S v2.0 (5 PCI, 1 AGP, 3 DDR DIMM, Audio, LAN, IEEE-1394)
Motherboard Chipset: nVIDIA nForce2 Ultra 400
System Memory: 1024 MB (DDR SDRAM)

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (128 MB)

Audio Adapter: nVIDIA MCP2 - Audio Codec Interface
Audio Adapter: nVIDIA MCP2 - Audio Processing Unit (Dolby Digital)


Disk Drive: ST316082 7AS SCSI Disk Device (160 GB, 7200 RPM, SATA)
Optical Drive: CDWRITER IDE4816 (48x/16x/48x CD-RW)
Optical Drive: TOSHIBA DVD-ROM SD-M1402 (12x/40x DVD-ROM)

Plus a multimedia card reader.
Yeah...leave comments on whether or not I should sell this I can get my Gears of Dead Rising Planet Halo 3 Live Arcade on.
School sucks...
1:18 AM

This is all so confusing. This "hours" crap...ugh. Why don't they teach you about this stuff in school? It's ironic that they don't teach you about school at school, isn't it? GRRR.

To make a long story short, I have to alter my schedule and tack on another class. How lame.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Gears of Desire: I want a 360!
11:00 PM

After playing Gears of War at Daniel's house, I've had something stuck in my head. Something to the tune of, "OH EM GEE, MUST HAVE!!!" Yes, I want an Xbox 360. =[

I remember back when had a special, limited deal for Core Xbox 360s for only 100 dollars! Grr! If only Gears of War was out at that time! I totally would've told my mom about how much of a good deal it was and I probably could've gotten..'course, I wouldn't get a hard drive or wireless controller, but I could easily buy those separately and still have it cost less than a premium! Gaaah...

So now I need money. 400 dollars, though I do have a 10% off card for GXC, and they sell used 360s for like..360 dollars there. So I need like...324 dollars! ><

Get a job, right? WRONG. I don't want to get a job, at least not one where I have to deal with people. I don't like people, especially when they're dumbasses, and after seeing the movie Borat, my faith in humanity is at an all-time low! So...yeah.

...How much did municipal band pay again? 'course, that'd be over the summer...I want Gears of War NOW!

Maybe I'll go out and just rent a 360 just to play Gears...How much does that cost?
Wires? What wires?
3:23 PM

Wireless Guitar Hero controller, babyz! It arrived yesterday and it's awesome. The buttons actually feel like buttons...which means it takes a little while to get used to, but if I can leave the room and walk into my living room and continue to rock out to Symphony of Destruction, that's cool with me! I can even do that little twirly thing they do in the Guitar Hero 2 commercial. Kekekeke!

But this means I won't be playing the Wii for a while now. I still need to finish Elebits.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I got bored again...
7:30 PM

After making the moblog layout, I redid the main blog layout, too. Gaaah, so bored. LEAVE COMMENTS, people...'cause I redid the comment formatting, too.
Damn procrastination
12:43 PM

I still haven't registered for PJC. I guess I'll have to do that tomorrow. I need to see an advisor to know what classes I have to take. Grr. Damn my ignorance, as well.
Introducing: iJar Mobile!
12:58 AM

I got bored again, so I made another blog. Check it out.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Add another item to my birthday list...
4:50 PM

It's the Goddamn iPhone! ...'cept it's Cingular only. =[ Other than that, that phone is uber win. Even without phone capabilities, it'd still kick ass. Widescreen Touchscreen iPod FTW. Though 8 GB wouldn't be much for videos...
Monday, January 08, 2007
Yay! Birthday present!
11:32 PM

...I know it's not my birthday yet, but Jessica got me a present before she left (though I've been hearing she's still in town for reasons. I dunno. I haven't talked to her since yesterday)! ...actually, she got Nick a present (for Christmas, I presume, since the receipt says it was purchased last month before the 25th), but she gave it to me. How lame. But whatever. The important thing is I now have a case for my iPod Nano.

It was a bitch to get it open, and it was a bitch to put the iPod in without getting smudges or airbubbles in it. It's not the most ideal case, but it's pretty good, and it looks really cool, too. It's as if my nano was encased in transparent carbonite...Threepio said that stuff is safe, right? Well, as long as it survived the freezing process... :P

Pics? Pics nao!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Saturday, January 06, 2007
The creativity doesn't end!
8:16 PM

I updated my MySpace profile layout, too.
Feeling creative again...
12:24 AM

I updated the layout of my "Art" site. I bet a lot of you didn't even know it existed:
Friday, January 05, 2007
School looms in the near future
7:10 PM

...I need to sign up for my classes or whatever...but I don't know what classes to take. Someone tell me what this crap means:

Core Curriculum









ffutS .R.J yuB
5:57 PM

My birthday is coming up. To make up for my lack of Christmas presents, I want birthday presents. :D So I'm gonna make a list of stuff I want, so if someone actually feels like getting me a present, they can get an idea of what I..uh..want.

1. ThinkGeek Stuff (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12) + (13), (14), (15), (16)

This stuff includes geeky t-shirts and gadgets. I'm a geek. I should embrace that with some witty t-shirts, m i rite? Plus, I need more shirts...

2. Expensive Stuff (1), (2), (3) + (4) + (5), (6), (7), (8), (9)

Stuff that I'm unlikely to get, but would like to get anyway.

3. iPod accessories (1), (2)

Yeah...accessories for my iPod...

4. Wireless Guitar Hero Controller (1)

^ Now that's the one thing I really want for my birthday. Not too expensive!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Pursuit of Happyness (sic)
5:27 PM

I'm gonna see Pursuit of Happyness tonight, that new Will Smith movie. I genuinely wanna see it 'cause I enjoy Will Smith (Aww, hell naw!). But, seriously, I was planning on seeing it by myself, but I felt it would be rude to not invite some people, so I invited some people. They better just shut up and let me enjoy the movie, though. I don't think this is one of those "have fun by making fun of the movie or laughing at how corny it is" movies. I'm hoping it's one of those "sit there and watch and appreciate the Fresh Prince, damn it" movies.

Plus, Will Smith + Rubik's Cube = good movie, right?
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Two things I want to accomplish in my lifetime...
3:59 AM

1. Own a cat. Ever since my encounter with with Cliffords' cat that wouldn't leave me and my truck alone, I've had a preference for cats. If I were to get a pet, it would be a cat. A fuzzy cat. And I'd give it a badass name to reflect its badass personality. I'd name it something like "Yggdrasil" or "Captain Falcon."

2. Learn to play violin. The violin is just so awesome. I love classical music, especially string quartets, so I guess I'd be willing to learn to play cello or something, too. But yeah. Violin is awesome.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Black Christmas
4:18 PM

I was recently invited to the movies with some peoples (I was invited at around 1:35 this morning, actually). I thought it'd be cool to go, so I said I would go.

Then a call at 3:43 PM informs me of the movie: Black Christmas. How ew. I didn't wanna see a lame movie like that (got a 17% on Rotten Tomatoes). I'd rather see Night at the Museum...which also didn't get that great of a score on Rotten Tomatoes, but better than Black Christmas. But I still said I'd go, despite not wanting to see the movie. Then I realize that if I went, I wouldn't enjoy the movie, I'd feel like a...5th wheel? I dunno. Plus, I've got a cold, and I don't wanna stand being more miserable (though I did previously say I "feel pretty good", which is true, and I don't wanna feel more miserable than "pretty good." But I thought that if I said "No", I'd feel bad 'cause I said I'd go when they asked me first. But then I made another realization that they probably only invited me 'cause they felt bad for me for not attending my party or whatever. I don't know. Whatever. In the end, my mom didn't want me to go 'cause I was sick, so I used that as an excuse (which isn't really an excuse, 'cause she really didn't want me to go, and was reluctant to give me money). I just used that reason instead of the other reasons so I wouldn't offend anyone.

But if they read my blog, they'll know the whole truth, but who the hell reads my blog?

Is this considered lying? I didn't lie to them. I didn't say, "I wanna see that movie." I didn't say, "I wouldn't feel out of place" or "I wouldn't feel awkward." But I feel that I misled them by only telling part of the story... Not like they should care. They were probably relieved when I told them I couldn't go.

Heh, you see what happens when I think too much!? Stupid thing is, I think too much all the time. -_-

BTW, it's not even Christmas any more. Black Christmas is lame. I wanna see Pursuit of Happyness, though. That one with the Fresh Prince in it. They misspelled "Happiness", though.
Enter a new era of J.R.'s reign!
3:30 PM

My first post of 2007. Hooray. Or is it "hurray"? I don't know...

Last night/this morning involved a nice party. I enjoyed it, and I hope all my guests did. I also hope the guests that didn't show up didn't enjoy it! Haha, just kidding.

Despite being sick with a cold or something right now, I feel pretty good. Despite learning news that would normally depress me, I feel pretty good. Despite adslkfjalsdf, I feel pretty good.

Yeah, I feel pretty damn good! It's just my physical health isn't so great. How wah.

So, my New Year's Resolution? Stop cursing so damn much. See, I'll allow myself to say stuff like, "damn", "bitch", "hell", "ass", and "piss" 'cause those words are funny and the use of those words is a part of my personality. However, I'll try to keep words like "shit" and "fuck" to a minimum. See, I'm allowed to say them right now 'cause I'm not saying them in vain. Instead of those words, I'll use euphemisms such as "shiz" and "fsck." ...I guess that's also a cop out, 'cause I'm still techincally cursing, but at least it's not those words. :P
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