The Simpsons Movie is kinda like the opposite of Snakes on a Plane. Snakes on a Plane was SUPER HYPED on the Internet, making it seem like it would be the best movie evar. The Simpsons Movie, on the other hand, was DE-hyped on the Internet, making it seem like it would be the worst movie ever.
While Snakes on a Plane was a good, I can honestly say that the Simpsons movie was better. This is one of the few times that I am ashamed of my Interweb brethren. This elitist bullshiz about "NEW SIMPSONS SUCKS, THE MOVIE SUCKS, THE PREVIEWS AREN'T FUNNY!" is just stupid. I don't care about the new Simpsons 'cause I've never regularly watched the Simpsons, so I can't tell the difference. I found the previews to be VERY funny, and the actual movie was an enjoyable affair! It seems like all the Internet guyz are just bitching about nothing. I find it really hard to believe that none of the scenes from the movie made someone laugh. If that's true, then the person watching was probably a grumpy old man who doesn't like to be entertained. >=[ Fsck you, Internet!
So yeah, go see The Simpsons Movie.