Tuesday, October 30, 2007
An excuse to play Halo 3 again
5:01 PM

Good news, everyone! Infection Ranked Matchmaking Playlist for Halloween and Halloween only. Time to get me some achievements, and just have fun overall with some zombie matches!
Starving for Rock Band
1:12 AM

I'm delirious...I watch Rock Band gameplay videos and pretend I'm playing...
Monday, October 29, 2007
Manhunt 2
6:10 PM

Aww, man. I just saw videos of some uncensored kills from Manhunt 2...so disturbing...and now the censorship pisses me off even more. Oh well. We'll see this weekend...or won't see...whatever.
BlurHunt 2
5:46 PM

Manhunt 2 is out soon...I say this weekend we rent it. and other disturbing/horror games, and play them this weekend.
Where the hell is Phoenix Wright?
2:06 PM

It's 2 PM. Jessica should be at work right now. I told her to call me if they had Phoenix Wright in. She hasn't called, so I'm assuming they don't have it. WTF?! It's been a week since it came out! GAGGGHAHDSLKFJL#JRLK@#JRLKjsd;f kw3.3, 4q43
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Finally, my time in the spotlight
2:49 PM

One of my banners FINALLY is displayed on GoNintendo.com...unfortunately, it's one of my uglier ones...Why is it that only my crappy, rushed works end up being noticed? First that "O RLY?" Animal Crossing comic that I spent probably less than an hour on wins that Animal Crossing DS contest...now this. WTF?

Oh well, no real complaints, 'cause I finally got somethin' up there.

Thursday, October 25, 2007
2:56 PM

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations came out yesterday...but GameXchange didn't have it. I went over ther today...STILL didn't have it. ><

Normally, I'd go to Gamestop, which would probably have it, but I've got credit at GameXchange...so...yeah. I could've been playing this game months ago, had I imported it from Japan... Oh well...

Also, Rock Band...my anticipation for that game is back.
gamez0rz relaunch
9:08 PM

Saturday, October 20, 2007
I want to do something
8:05 PM

This has been a very boring weekend. I haven't done anything. I want to do something. But there's nothing to do that isn't studying (lol) or doesn't require money.

One thing I want to do is start a new website. I've had this on my mind for a while: a gaming blog. Just for fun and stuff, I'd like to design a site, record some podcasts, and write some silly articles on games...but knowing that no one would visit the site kinda makes the whole thing pointless...so I don't end up doing it. So lame.
New SSBM Rule
1:36 AM

Let's call it the "Mexican Truck" from now on.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
7:40 PM

Turns out Jessica's PC can run the Unreal Tournament 3 demo pretty well. Not a max settings mind you, but decent-looking and playable. :D

But...I suck at it now. =[ I remember when I used to be good at UT. Stupid Halo has made me suck at REAL shooters. >=[

Sunday, October 14, 2007
It, in fact, cannot speak.
9:24 PM

Saturday, October 13, 2007
J.R. Plays Games! - Half-Life 2: Episode 2
10:28 PM

Just finished it. MUCH better than Episode 1. Just a little bit longer than Episode 1...but still shorter than Half-Life 2.

But anyway...I played the 360 version of the game. While this was good in some ways (NO MORE STUTTERING!), it was bad in others...notably the controls. Ugh...I CAN'T SWITCH MY WEAPONS WHILE MOVING!?!? Yeah, this made the game a lot harder. The game is obviously meant for mouse and keyboard. So the slower aiming with the analog stick wasn't the only problem.

And the vehicle controls...ugh. You control the car with JUST the left analog stick. Being used to Halo 3's vehicle controls, I kept trying to steer with the right stick, but all that does is control the direction Gordon is facing, not the car. I'm not saying Halo's vehicle controls are good...no, they suck, too, but they'd be much better than HL2's vehicle controls, especially considering the whole game is in first person, and it doesn't go into third-person while in vehicles like Halo does.

Also, since only one stick controls the whole car, that means you have to keep holding forward to keep your foot on the gas. REALLY REALLY ANNOYING. Why couldn't they adapt the game to a console more by giving you an actual gas pedal button? You don't even get a gun on this car, so they could've mapped the gas to the right trigger, and just let you steer with the left stick. BLAH.

But this also because HL2 is meant to be a PC game first, console game second. Blah.

But anyway, those problems aside, the game was cool. Lotso of fun, and some actual new stuff not in the other episodes (Episode 1 honestly brought nothing new, other than HDR lighting...). No new real weapons, though. Also, I just noticed my speakers are messed up. My rear-left speaker doesn't work at all, and the front-left speaker is noticeably quieter than the front-right. Looks like I need new speakers. =[
Thinking with Portals
1:10 AM

Me playing Portal.

You know, if Portal was a longer game, I'd give it Game of the Year (so far). It's just so...cool. According to some developer commentary in the game, there might be more Portal games in the future, which is cool. Personally, I'd like a DS version...puzzle games are great on-the-go...but I wonder if the DS could handle Portal...

Other cool things about Portal: the ending. Wow. Man, that was an awesome ending. In fact, there are kinda two endings. The second half of the game happens after the first "ending." I love games that do that. They go past the expected "ending." Symphony of the Night is another game that does that.

The last boss fight in Portal is infinitely better than Halo 3's. And the credits...<3.

...if you wanna spoil yourself or you think the puzzles in Portal are too hard, look up the ending/credits on YouTube. But you probably won't enjoy it as much as you would if you had played through the game first, so I suggest you play through it first. It'll only take a couple of hours. Like I said, the game is short.
Friday, October 12, 2007
8:34 PM

I rented Orange Box today..and I just finished Portal. OMG, so awesome. Short. But awesome. PLAY IT.

I kinda regret buying Halo 3 instead of Orange Box now... =[
Thursday, October 11, 2007
GameFAQs Character Battle Contest: Joke Characters Are Stupid
4:56 PM

Look at the poll today. Complete joke. I can't believe a joke character got so many votes. Seriously, Vincent Valentine? Who the hell is that? Some optional character in a game that didn't even include him in an ending? Plus he's a stupid, cliched character. Mysterious vampire guy with guns? Boring.

Now Biddoof. That's a real character that matters. I guarantee you won't get anywhere in Diamond/Pearl without running into Bidoof at least once. In FFVII, you can skip over Vincent completely, pretty much nullifying his existence.

But, seriously, Vincent is a stupid character. I really don't find anything interesting about the guy. Why is he even in this contest? I can understand Cloud and Sephiroth being there, because they were main characters, but Vincent is just some guy! Sure, he had his own game, but he didn't deserve it at all.

In conclusion, vote Bidoof, otherwise you're a communist. Notice how Vincent is always wearing red? ...
Good News: Super Smash Bros. Brawl delayed
1:54 PM

SSBB has been delayed in the U.S. until February 10th next year.

Some may be really disappointed with this news...but it's good for me. This means less games to buy this year! There are already too many damn games I want to buy this year. My wallet doesn't like that.

And hopefully this means that they might actually be working on having a GOOD online mode (and orchestrated music :P). So this is all for the better. We can all still continue to play Melee while we wait for Brawl...but who could play Sunshine while they wait for Galaxy? Galaxy is the game to get this year. >=[ (That, and Rock Band).
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Halo 3: Pirate Ships
1:18 AM

OMG, I MUST PLAY THIS...but I don't have enough friends with Halo 3 to get a big enough game going. Damn it! Bungie, add a damn custom game search, or put Pirate Ships on your stupid Matchmaking playlists!!
Halo 3: Not About the graph1x
12:06 AM

Seriously, the graphics in Halo 3 suck in comparison to other Xbox 360 games (like BioShock and Gears of War). Seriously, look at this.

OMG, THE JAGGIES ARE STABBING ME IN THE EYES! Seriously, where's mah AA? I'm not sure if this is because Halo 3 doesn't correctly support my monitor, but I've read elsewhere about complaints on the lack of anti-aliasing.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
XD: GoNintendo Problems
9:22 PM

Gahahaha. GoNintendo's got a new system for their live video podcasts. They've actually assigned someone to being a mod. And this mod is just too strict. Taking all the fun out of the live podcast. He'll ban people for talking in all caps, even if it's just something silly. I can understand if they spam CAPS, but not just a one-time thing.

And now we have to "keep it clean." Laaaame. I just got banned for saying "Lesbo." ...because that's what the guys in the podcast were talking about: the word "lesbo." Stupid. Dumb. Laaaaame. LOLOLOLOLOL.

I guess this means no fun naked time on GoNintendo Live Podcasts, thanks to KingBroly's madness. No, this isn't Sparta...because Sparta would allow awesomeness.
Achievement Unlocked
7:35 PM

Bam. I admit, though, during the last two levels, I just got fed up with it and did it on co-op. But no one was playing the second player. I was still alone. I just used the second player as a spawn point, so in case I died, I wouldn't have to restart all over again.
Halo 3: Legendary Progress
2:39 AM

I'm in the process of beating Halo 3 on Legendary. So far, I've been soloing it, and damn it, it frustrates me to no end! I'm pretty damn sure this game was designed with co-op in mind. You see, in most games, the game is adjusted for co-op. Like, the game will add more enemies and make the game more balanced for co-op. Halo 3 doesn't do that...because all the enemies are already there, even on solo...so there end up being way too many damn enemies for one guy to reasonably handle. ><

But yeah, after lots of dying and screaming, I'm on the second-to-last level of the game (Cortana)...and this was my least favorite level in the whole game my first time through.... oooh, this is gonna suck.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
To War?!
3:01 PM

I figured out how to do direct sound captures now...which is neat. Still no way to get video, though. Oh well.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
lol owned. Halo DS
2:29 PM

And people doubted Matt for no reason. Why would Matt lie about something like this? He wouldn't, and he didn't. Owned.

What's ridiculous is that people are still doubting him. Calling it fake and stuff. Whatever. It doesn't matter. He provided his proof of the game's existence. Now the doubters should provide their proof of the game's non-existence. If they can't do that..well...yeah, they pretty much are owned.

Also, I wrote a question to GoNintendo, and they answered it on their Podcast. Go download it and fast forward to "Seroth's question." It also pertains to Matt Cassamassaface, and it contains a heart-warming story. :D
Monday, October 01, 2007
Bring on Unreal Tournament 3
5:25 PM

Halo 3 is cool and all, and pretty damn fun, but I'd like to say one thing. I hate matchmaking. Matchmaking is so friggin' stupid. If you don't know what matchmaking is, it's a system in Halo that ...makes matches. Except those matches will be randomly chosen. And by that, I don't just mean that the people you play against will the random. I mean everything is random. The map is random, the gametype is random, the weapon sets are random... Well, not really random. There's probably a lists of games that can be played, but really, if you want to just play Slayer (deathmatch) in a social setting, you have a chance of getting into an Oddball or King of the Hill game with swords only instead. -_-

PC online gaming got it right. Players create servers with their own customized gametypes. Those servers were advertised in a server browser, and other players would search for games that they'd like, and then join that server. Now, you can make your own custom games in Halo 3. In fact, it was advertised as a major feature...however, no one will be able to find your custom game. No, you've got to invite other people to join you. Now, what if you friends don't like playing Infection? What if some random stranger you just met in matchmaking doesn't wanna try out your new game with at 300% movement speed with 50% gravity with hammers and mongooses only? Too bad. You're playing by yourself.

It just takes so much effort to get a seemingly simple 16 player free-for-all deathmatch game going, because Matchmaking only allows 6 player free-for-alls. -_- You have to manually find 15 other people to play with. Sooooo LAME.

Bungie says its not possible for them to implement a custom game search. They use excuses like, "It'll take away from matchmaking." Well, GOOD, 'cause I hate matchmaking. Though I'm sure most people would still go through matchmaking instead of searching for some niche custom gametype. God forbid Bungie let us play games we want to play.

But seriously, how hard would it be just to make a server browser that display games that other people are hosting? Every other 360 game in the world seems to have a system like this!

It also pisses me off that custom game searching was announced as a feature before the game was released. But no mention of the feature being taken out was made until after the game was released. That just irks me 'cause I'm sure many gamers bought the game under the false pretense that we could play custom games with little hassle. Hell, I thought I'd be able to get into a 16-player free-for-all deathmatch ever since I decided to get the game. That's one reason I bought this game. Turns out you can't do that unless you've got 15 other friends that happen to have 360s and happen to own Halo and happen to be in the mood for a 16-player free-for-all deathmatch. Booo.

If anything, what Bungie should do is at least make maybe a separate forum on their site for planning out custom games. Or perhaps make different matchmaking playlists for awesome games like Infection and that damn 16-player free-for-all deathmatch. >=[ Also a Forge playlist to make that thing actually useful.

So yeah...maybe I have to wait for UT3 to get my 16-player free-for-all deathmatches going...
Our beautiful new HDTV
11:44 AM

Doesn't it look gorgeous?

Yeah, this sucks. But I kept telling my parents to check to see if it was broken! See, here's the story: this TV arrived at our house around a week ago. The delivery guy put it AGAINST our garage door. So when I opened it to go outside, the package fell, and it fell hard. It made a loud "BANG" and scared the hell out of me. When my mom got home, I told her what happened, and said to open it to make sure it was alright. But nope, my parents wouldn't let me open up the box.

Now that was a week ago...we finally took the TV out of the box YESTERDAY. My dad set it up...but no one even turned it on. -_-

So I come home from school, I ask my mom if I can use the TV. She asks me if I know how to hook it up. Duh, of course I do. So I plug the TV in, turn it on, and BAM, there's that lovely rainbow image of cracks and stuff. -_-

Remember, we had this TV for a WEEK before we even took it out of the box, and I kept telling them to take it out to see if it was broken. Why does no one listen to me?
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