This entry is about Harry Potter.
I have read three Harry Potter books in my life: The Sorcerer's Stone, The Chamber of Secrets, and The Goblet of Fire. Yeah, I skipped The Prisoner of Akzhaban (or however you spell it) 'cause the library didn't have it when I wanted to read another Harry Potter book, so I skipped to the one about the cup.
Anyway, after Cup of Flames or whatever, I stopped reading the books 'cause I think I stopped reading altogether after that. I dunno. Whatever.
So here we are, and the...last book is it? I'm not sure which number it is. Something about Deadly Halogen or something like that.
And with that, the Internet becomes chaos. Spoilers have probably already been leaked into those good ol' tubes and if you're a Harry Potter fan, you might wanna stay away from the source of all knowledge (and spoilers). Yeah, get off my interwebs. >=[
But seriously, it's kinda funny how on GameFAQs, it's a bannable offense to post ANYTHING from the book before it's actually released. So if the book says something like, "Harry raised his wand," and you post it on a GameFAQs...BANNED.
But why does Harry Potter get special treatment? I've had plenty of movies spoiled for me by accident, and nothing was done about that! Harry Potter and the Transforming Robots was spoiled for me! Megatron kills Jazz.
But anyway...that new Harry Potter movie is out, too. Something about The Court Order Concerning Phoenix Wright. Jessica said it was a good movie, especially compared to the other ones. I wouldn't now. I only saw the first two, and didn't even pay attention when watching the first one.
But Microsoft put up a demo of the Harry Potter and Phoenix Wright Adventures on the Xbox Live Marketplace, so I'll check that out.
And XD at G4 apologizing for cutting to commercial during the Harry Potter vs. Master Chief 3 trailer at the Microsoft Press Conference. Now they're showing it right now. If anyone really wanted to see the trailer so bad, they'd have seen it online by now. XD, wait a minute, I wasn't paying attention, but G4 just said that they showed last year's trailer instead as a joke. Hahah, XD.