Well, this is stupid. I finish these icons, and I can't enjoy them 'cause I just learned of some horrific news.
You guys (Dillon only, pretty much) remember Jackie? She used to post on the old foro and stuff? Turns out she has passed away. =[
Me and Jackie hadn't really talked much in a while. I mean, she was still on my contact list and all, and I sometimes saw that she was online. But I didn't messaged her. Us being just online friends, we weren't that close, but when we did talk back in the day, we were as close as online friends could be.
Man, this friggin' sucks and is very sad...but I feel bad for having little reaction to it, though that is understandable 'cause we stopped talking and we didn't know each other in real life. Still, it's pretty disturbing...
I thought about what would happen if someone I knew online died, or if I died. I wondered, "How would they know? Would they care?" Gah, this is...blah. I really don't know what to say.
I'm not gonna cry, but still...this is ****ed up. Life...throwing crap at you like this. But yeah...Like I said before, I don't know what to say!
If this turns out to be a big joke, the haha, the guy who IMed me are sick. But I'll believe it to be true until I have evidence of it being otherwise.
I guess I should say rest in peace, Jackie. <3