Friday, August 31, 2007
Metroid Prime 3 is an underrated Wii game
7:44 PM

Yeah, MP3 is getting high scores, so if anything, it's overrated, right? WRONG. MP3 is getting lower scores than Twilight Princess...WTF!? As a Wii game, Metroid Prime 3 kicks Twilight Princess's ass all over the damn place. Twilight Princess is crap compared to Metroid Prime 3. I'll tell you why.

Metroid Prime 3 is a true Wii game. Twilight Princess is a Gamecube game on the Wii. That's why I think Gamespot gave it a "low" score of 8.8...but then Gamespot went weird and gave MP3 a low score. Different reviewer saw it differently, I guess.

Let's look at TP... It's a Zelda game first of all. Of course people are going to rate it high, just for that. For some reason, people like Zelda more than they do Metroid. Out of Nintendo fans, Metroid is probably one of the least popular franchises. I remember on GameFAQs seeing topics like, "Which Wii games are you looking most forward to?" Super Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros. Brawl were on 99% of the lists. Metroid Prime 3? It was at maybe 70% or less. I was really surprised. I was like, "WTF?"

Then I look at my friends. I'm the only one I know that was really excited about MP3. I think I'm the only one that really loved the first two Metroid Prime games even! But the rest of my friends, they jump for joy for Zelda and Smash Bros. Everyone I knew with a Wii thought Zelda was a "must have" on the Wii, and they all owned the game. Now Metroid Prime 3 is a "must have"...but I'm the only one I know that has it. Metroid just isn't as popular is Zelda...and that pisses me off.

Twilight Princess was a good game...but as a Wii game, it's just not all there. It had some really finicky motion controls...they seemed very tacked-on. And had some "waggle" and IR aiming...and that's pretty much all the Wii features the game used. Face it, Twilight Princess is a lame example of a good Wii game because it really doesn't take advantage of the Wii! You want proof? It's on the Gamecube, too, with very little difference in functionality...

Now there's Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. An ACTUAL Wii game. Why do I say this? I mean, after all, Metroid Prime 1 and 2 were Gamecube games. How is this different? The controls, damn it. The controls work really really well in this game, and it's not any of that unresponsive waggle crap. The IR aiming works wonders. Yes, Twilight Princess had it, too, but Metroid Prime 3 takes it to the next five levels. People have been wanting 1:1 movement, right? Well here it is in Samus's arm cannon! The movement is just fluid and pretty much matches where you point the Wiimote. The other motion controls also work really well. Things like pushing levers, activating rotating switches, and locking energy cells into place are 1:1 motions, not that "move the remote for a canned animation" crap, like Zelda's sword swings. But some of MP3's motions don't work as well...the spring ball doesn't work all the time, but it's not necessary, because the bomb jump is still in the game. The grapple beam is responsive in throwing it. It's feel less good when reeling it back in, though...but it works much better than Zelda's shield attacks.

But good, well thought-out motion controls aren't the only thing that makes Metroid Prime 3 a real Wii game. It even has online functionality. The game takes advantage of WiiConnect24 to allow exchanging of friend tokens, allowing you to unlock bonus content in the game. While, yeah, it's not exactly the deepest, most complex, or even useful online system, but it's present. Twilight Princess had no online functionality whatsoever.

The token thing goes even further with the in-game achievements. While it's unfortunate that the Wii doesn't have a built-in achievement system, Retro did the next best thing with game-specific ones. So MP3 even ADDS features to the Wii...kinda sorta.

So...why aren't more people buying Metroid Prime 3!? Did people just get tired after Zelda, then sell there Wii, making buying new Wii games futile? Or do people actually believe Twilight Princess is more worthy than Metroid Prime 3? If that's the case, you guys are silly! BUY METROID PRIME 3!

And keep in mind...I've only discussed why MP3 is awesome as a Wii game. I haven't even started talking about how awesome MP3 is as video game in general. There's badass boss fights, clever puzzles, and an intriguing story there, too. But I'll save that topic for when I finish the game.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
How dare someone go to GameFAQs for game help!
5:09 PM

LUE is officially the only cool place on GameFAQs. The game boards are annoying as hell. Full of fanboys and elitist. And just look at this topic.

Let me pull a few quotes out of there:

it used to be pretty good.

then, the game was released, and everything went to ****.

now, it is only help topics.... yes....

From Seroth

This site is called GameFAQs. The whole reason for this site's existence is for game help. It's stupid how help topics are looked down upon on GameFAQs. -_-

From Hyper_Shado

Seroth, that thing isn't applying to the Message Boards. These are for discussion, and anyone looking for help should check the FAQs (once this game gets some, anyway). It's really annoying to see idiots asking for help here when they could find it even easier by just checking a FAQ.

From ObsidianReio

Seriously, if you have a problem with people asking for help on a just-released game with no FAQs written on a site called -- well, I was going to say you have some problems but since my comment speaks for it self, there you go.

Either help them or ignore their threads, as easy as that.
I applaud ObsidianReio.
Monday, August 27, 2007
The Bitchfest
9:50 PM

This is ridiculous.

In Before Bitchfest
7:08 PM

Gamespot gave Metroid Prime 3 a "low" score of 8.5. I think I'll stay away from the GameFAQs board for a while...
Sunday, August 26, 2007
One more BioShock video...
5:03 PM

I made this one, too...and it's to song that fits the game perfectly!

Rapture is a Mad World
2:41 AM

In commemoration of my completion of BioShock, I made this video. I got the BioShock commercial and put it to the Gary Jules version of Mad World. Hey, it worked for Gears of War! I also had to "splice" (pun intended :P) in some footage from the X06 trailer to make it fit the song more.

Saturday, August 25, 2007
BioShock Beaten
9:06 PM

Well, I'm done with BioShock. Beat the game with the good ending. I got 39 out of 50 achievements. Now I'm off to return the game. Wee. Bring on Metroid Prime 3!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Guess who got invited to the Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer Beta..
7:13 PM

Me. :D

Now you guys get in somewhow so we can play together. More info at
2:37 AM

Well, I rented BioShock. It's pretty neat, but I doubt this game is as epic as Metroid Prime 3 will be. I'm not particularly fond of the combat in BioShock. Ammo is limited, and with the wrench, you pretty much have to get damaged 'cause there's no way to avoid or block melee attacks from what I've played. Plasmids are cool, but EVE (Plasmid ammo) is also limited.

Right now, I just beat the first boss and encountered my first Big Daddy. The guy is a biz to kill, and I haven't actually killed him yet. But the thing about this game, is that it should be easy to kill anything, because if you die, you're simply resurrected in a Vita Chamber, and there is no consequence to this. The enemies that you've damaged so far remain hurt, so you can hurt a Big Daddy a little bit, die, hurt him some more, die, hurt him some more, die, then kill him. So you could kill a Big Daddy with a wrench if you wanted to, it'd just take a lot of time to walk from the Vita Chamber back to the enemy. I've also heard that people like to regain EVE by killing themselves whenever they're near a Vita Chamber, so they can respawn with more EVE.

But whatever.

Heh...the game is pretty creepy. God...there was this one part that was pretty damn scary (or just startling). You walk into this room with an empty chair, and it gets all foggy. When the fog clears, there's a dead body in the chair. Not scary. Pretty boring actually. So you walk to up this item sitting on a counter, and the screen fogs up again. Blah blah blah. You get the item, turn around an-- HOLY CRAP, THERE'S A GUY STANDING RIGHT BEHIND YOU! And I whack him with my wrench repeatedly. I don't know if he attacks you or not, 'cause I was quick to kill him 'cause he surprised me. ^-^;

But yeah, the game is neat.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Glorious Day!
8:13 PM

I have my Mac back! Gahahaha! Be prepared for a long-winded Anti-Windows post coming in the near future!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Track and Field
10:55 PM

Konami's making a new Track and Field game for something or another. I don't know. I don't really care. The only thing that caught my interest was a certain character in the game... someone with a oddly shaped head...
You don't need a Wiimote to be innovative... - skate. demo impressions
5:48 PM

I downloaded the Skate (spelled "skate." with a period and lack of capitalization) demo on the Xbox Live Marketplace. It's the best skateboarding game evar. Why? The controls.

So many Nintendo fanboys think that you can only innovate by making brand new controllers like the Wiimote. While the Wiimote does give a new way to play games, so do new games.

The Xbox 360 controller...the standard game pad. Two analog sticks and some face-buttons and triggers. Boring in comparison to the Wiimote, right? Well, it depends on a how a developer utilizes these controls. Skate innovates with an old controller.

Look at the Tony Hawk games. You press a button to do an ollie, and press some other buttons to do some tricks or grind a rail. Skate is totally different. You use the analog stick to pull of an ollie by pushing the stick down, then flicking it up, essentially controlling the feet of the skater. You control your body with the left analog stick, and when you feet are off the board, you control the board with the right stick.

In Tony Hawk, you press the A button to ollie, then the X button to grind a rail. When you press the X button, your board autmomatically positions itself and it magnetically attaches to the rail, allowing you to grind. It's not like that in Skate. To grin a rail in Skate, you have to ollie with the analog stick, then manually position the board so that it can grind the rail. Accuracy and perfect timing is needed to successfully pull of moves. While it may be more complicated, it ends up being more rewarding.

This is next gen to me. Next gen is controlling parts of you character, rather controlling your character as a hole. In Skate, you control your body, feet, and board separately. It makes you feel more in control of your character. This is also the kinda control I want on the Wii. This is why people want 1:1 sword movements on the Wii. They want to REALLY control the character. In Metroid Prime 3, you will actually be controlling Samus arm and gun, separate from controlling her movement and face. Most FPS games already control movement and aim separately, but the gun is usually in a static position on the screen, so you don't really control the gun. You do in Metroid Prime 3. That's awesome. That's next gen...and so is motion blur. Next gen = controlling individual parts of a character and motion blur. :D
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Paris movie theater fails again!
6:10 PM

We're not getting War.
I missed my chance at more Internet popularity..
2:41 AM

And it's all Windows's fault. Had I had my Mac, I could've easily recorded the new SSBB video and uploaded it to YouTube. BUT NOOOO, I have Jessica's PC and I tried looking all over the place for a desktop recording program. Then someone else uploaded the video.

GAH. I miss my Macbook so much. =[
Monday, August 20, 2007
XD @ fanboys
7:06 PM

I was going to wait to get my Macbook back before updating, but this is just funny and pathetic enough for me to post something about it.

Even BioShock has their fanboys! Gamespot gave BioShock a 9.0. That's good, right? Nope, it means it's the worst game ever, apparently, 'cause the folks on the GameFAQs boards are going crazy. It's like Twilight Princess and the 8.8 all over again!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
You guys suck at planning things.
4:15 PM

So here's what we're gonna do. I've been working on reviving the old foro just for kicks, but now I see that it could be useful for planning stuff out. And no, I don't mean just posting a topic about it and hope people read it. I'm talking about the calendar.

Yes, use this calendar. If you haven't already signed up for the forum, go ahead an do it and introduce yourself on there so I know who you are (or leave a comment on this post...whatever). After you've done that, add stuff to the calendar. Post your work schedule, errands you have to do, or anything that could be helpful in planning out getogethers and what not. And don't be scared of discussing things in the actual forums, either.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Vote Bidoof :B
6:25 PM

The GameFAQs character battle is coming up. The bracket is up. Normally, cool characters like Bidoof and the L-Block from Tetris start up against lamers like Link and Cloud...and they never advance passed the first round. =[ Don't let that happen this year! Votes for the underdogs! Pick Bidoof, the L-Block, Mudkip, CATS, Phoenix Wright, and Matt (the trainer from Wii Sports)! And let's not forget the real star of Final Fantasy VII: the Midgar Zolom!

Keep in mind, though, voting hasn't started. The link to the bracket is for you to predict the winners, not to vote.
J.R. Plays Demos! - Stranglehold (360)
3:12 PM

I think this'll be the last demo for a while...anyway...

This game is pretty cool. It's like Max Payne, except more arcadey. A lot of the gameplay mechanics seem like they were taken straight from Max Payne. 'course, then people get in an argument that John Woo came first and Max Payne ripped off John Woo...but John Woo didn't have a game before this, os Max Payne was first to pull off these gameplay a game. But the games are different enough anyway.

The game is a lot of fun. Bullet-time (or "Tequila Time") is always fun, and works pretty much just like it does in Max Payne. You can also interact with objects (like push carts :D) and use 'em in combat, which is really cool, since I love interactive environments...

My only complaint about the game is something you probably wouldn't expect to hear from me: It's too arcadey. Yeah, you heard me. I'm actually complaining about the game being too fast-paced. The game feels TOO MUCH like a video game, when it should feel more cinematic. The animation just seems so...last-gen. When Tequila automatically jumps over stuff when you run into them, the animation just looks so wonky and he just unnaturally slides over everything. The graphics are pretty bad, too, for an Xbox 360 game. The game looks like it could've been run on my old gaming PC. The framerate is nice, though...

But, yeah, the game is fun, which is what should come first in a video game, it's just it could've been so much more. Considering it's a game sequel to a movie, I'd expect to feel more like a movie than a game. It's just..weird.
J.R. Plays Demos! - Beautiful Katamari (360)
2:04 PM

The title holds true to the game. It is indeed "Beautiful." A 60 FPS Katamari title is something I've never seen before! The is truly astounding! I love it! The demo is only 3 minutes long, though. If this game retails for 60 bucks, I'm not sure it's worth it. A dollar per frame per second?
ANOTHER demo to download...
4:32 AM

I was about to go to bed, so I went on Xbox Live to see what else I could download while sleeping...And then I find out the Katamari demo had just been released...WTF? AT 4 AM? That's really weird. Oh well. Downloading. :D
A Tour of Rapture
4:11 AM

Here's a video of part of my second run through the BioShock demo. I found some things I skipped over in my first run...but I forgot to pick up the Incinerate plasmid. ><

Also, I had to cut some parts out of the video and speed some parts up to get under the 10-minute limit of YouTube. -_-
Monday, August 13, 2007
J.R. Plays Demos! - BioShock (360)
11:57 PM

Well, finally got to play the BioShock demo. I'm kinda underwhelmed. Everyone made it out to be the best demo EVAR. But it didn't really do much for me. It showed me how awesome the graphics and atmosphere was...but the gameplay wasn't really represented. The only thing that made the game look REALLY awesome was the little movie clip they played after the demo is over, showing all the different things you can do in the game...but you have to buy the game to do them! Though I guess the demo achieved what it was supposed to. It made me interested (or for me, more interested) in buying the game. The story looks especially interesting.

Still, this game will have to take a back seat to Metroid Prime 3. :D
I'm not sleepy -_-
2:55 AM

I went to sleep at 11 PM, hoping I'd get up early for once...I ended up getting up too early. I woke up at 1 AM. -_- Now I'm not sleepy. Plus I'm bored. The Bioshock demo is up on Xbox Live and I don't have my 360 with me. =[
2:15 AM


Awesome. I just wish his name was "Red", though. "Pokémon Trainer" just sounds so lame and generic.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
GoNintendo Podcast
12:33 AM

Okay, recently GoNintendo has been doing live video feeds of their podcast sessions, and they allow people to chat via the IRC or the webcam chat itself. I have participated in all of these chats, but this time they interacted more with the IRC people during the podcast...but none of my questions or anything got through 'cause it was so busy.

But AFTER the podcast was over, that's when things got good. People started asking silly questions and the GoNintendo guys actually replied over the cam. I specifically asked them to have an epic gun fight in front of the camera, and they started going "PEW PEW PEW!" at each other in front of the camera. I yelled "MORTAL KOMBAT!" in the chat, and the GoNintendo guys yelled it as well.

Most of us chatters rallied to get them to take their shirts of and get naked (we always ask them to do that after every podcast). Unfortunately, no shirts were taken off. Though some of the questions were hilarious, and were made even funnier 'cause they were disguised as legitimate game questions, and the GoNintendo crew would read them out loud. Someone would ask a question like, "If Wii Fit had a mini-game that required you to take your shirt off..." or "When SSBB coems out, will you still be wearing a shirt?" I onced asked "Why are shirts so annoying?" also read that out loud. It's so great...I feel like I made an impact on some "Internet celebrities."

But then the mods in the IRC didn't know the video feed was still on, so they started kicking people out of the chat, thinking we were just spamming the chat. Lame. But I got back in later. :P

Last week, we got one of the podcasters to put his shoe on his head.

So, post-podcast sessions on GoNintendo are great...too bad they don't record them. =[
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I had a dream...
1:56 PM

And it was about Kevin Pereira. Weird? Or awesome? I decide. It was awesome.

2:03 AM

Test post from blogging software...

Thursday, August 09, 2007
Hentai for the story...
4:59 PM

Similar to "reading Playboy for the articles" except less boring.

This dude on LUE made a topic asking about Hentai Games with "good gameplay." Most people would "lol" at such a question. Well, some posters took it seriously and actually suggested some games..'course, I didn't know what these games were about, but they intrigued me. Apparently, by "good gameplay" they meant "good story" (though apparently there's a side-scrolling shooter hentai game....and it's not Cho-Aniki).

This one dude mentioned this one game called "Kana - Little Sister" or something like that. LOL! INCEST M I RITE!? But he talked about how the story made him cry. I was like, "WTF?" Why would you play a hentai game if it would make you cry? 'cause it's got a good story! I haven't played the game myself (though I'd like, too...need to find somewhere to download it...I wonder if there's a Mac version...), but I read up on the story. And yeah, the story seems very sad. I think it's about some little girl who is the main character's sister and she's like...really ill and stuff. Main character (you) hate her because she gets all the attention from your parents. Stuff happens, you begin to care for your sister, she develops romantic feelings for you. Probably some sexy scenes with her, I don't know, 'cause the plot synopsis didn't go into detail >=[. But yeah, in the end you find it she wasn't really your sister, and then she dies. Something like that.

Yeah. Neat story. I didn't go into much detail, obviously, 'cause I haven't played the game and I'm just reciting what I can remember from the plot synopsis I read.

Then later, I was reading about Negima on Wikipedia for some reason (I'm sure Hastings still doesn't have #6, but I don't care anymore, 'cause from reading the plot on Wikipedia, the direction has changed to something less interesting to me). But I ended up reading about some Negima H-doujin I found on some blog, talking about how "OMG, TEH STORY!" So I scoured Google for a translated version and read it. XD, wow, that was great. It started out like a traditional hentai comic, gratuitous sex and stuff, and was really silly at first...but then later, it got much darker and more serious. At the end I was like, "Holy crap. I'd totally start reading Negima again if it was like this." Well, if they took out the explicit, gross sex scenes, at least. They could maybe mention them, and imply they occur, 'cause they're integral to the story, but actually showing them is a bit much...'cause some of the scenes are...yeah. Nothing like scat or some weird crap that Dillon talks about happening in Alabama, but Buck Cake-ish things.

So let's see if I can summarize the story from memory...

First, some background info: Negi is a 10-year-old genius magi who is teaching a class at some all-girl Japanese school. By "magi" I mean he can use magic. His students (composed of 14-year-old girls) are none-the-wiser to his magical abilities...except for one: Asuna, who he lives with.

I bet you're all getting ideas for all the fun, sexy things that can happen in this doujin! ...but you're probably all wrong about what happens. :P

So, like there are a bunch of other students, but none of them really matter in this story. One other student (the main character of this doujin) is like..Chisame..or something...I don't know her name. Let me look it up. Okay, I was right. Her name is "Chisame Hasegawa." Anyway, she's essentially a computer nerd...a very cynical one at that. She lives a double life, though. She runs this Interweb site under the name "Chiu" and she's a "net idol." I'm not really sure what that is, but she's like some kinda model. I guess the site is something like a porn site without nudity. She dresses up in a strange outfits (like bunny girl or maid costumes) and takes pictures of herself, Photoshops her boobs to make them look bigger, then uploads them to gain Internet popularity. Epic lulz.

In the anime, the whole class starts up their own website, and post pictures of the students. In some weird and disturbing way, the student site ends up being more popular and stealing traffic from Chisame's site, and she has to figure out ways to get her 'net popularity back.

Anyway, that's the backstory. All that is canon to the Negima story, by the way. The doujin, though, is not canon (though it'd be cool if it was >_>).

...I'm tired of typing. How 'bout you all just go read the damn doujin yourself! It's called "Negimaru." There are 4 volumes. Use your Google skillz to find a translated version. If you're curious enough, you know you'll do it! I gave you the back story, so you'll understand, somewhat, what the characters are all about.
I work so hard...
1:59 AM

I finally finished my new MySpace layout. This thing took like...3+ days to finish. This is one of my more ambitious projects. The layout changed many times while I was working on it...I'll post later about what it started out as.

But anyway, the final product is here. Leave a comment.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
4:24 PM

Mac news! New iMacs announced. Don't care! I don't like the look of the black border around the screen. iLife 08? Again, I don't really care. New keyboards? OH HELLZ YEAH!

Looks a lot like my Macbook keyboard, huh? That's awesome. I love it. It's 50 bucks for the wired USB one...I can afford that...but then I couldn't get Rock Band. >< Damn it...but this keyboard is sooooo cool...much better than my shizzy USB keyboard that I have right now.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Even Guitar Hero/Rock Band have their fanboys...
7:21 PM

I don't see why so many people hate on Guitar Hero 3's battle mode. I was on the Rock Band forums, discussing power-ups in battle mode, and I said that it'd be neat to play with if it was a separate mode. And then I got the fanboy responses... "No, it would ruin the game. To me, the game is about listening to the music and simulating the band experience." "It ruins the point of Rock Band as a new way to experience music. If you want a more 'toyish' game, Rock Band is not for you."

WTF? "Toyish game." Uhh..kinda redundant, don't you think? Games are toys. You're supposed to have fun with them. If I wanted something less "toyish" I'd get myself a real guitar...but I don't want something less of a toy. I want a toy. That's why I want Rock Band...

If you wanna listen to music, download some MP3s or buy some CDs, not some 60+ dollar game. You can still "experience" your music if Rock Band had a battle mode. It would be an OPTION to play battle mode with friends. I can understand getting pissed off with Guitar Hero 3, because "boss battles" will be part of the career mode in that game, but as a separate mode, it's fine. I think they're just pissed at the thought of losing to a crappy player because of power-ups. conclusion...three types of people exist in the world in relation to Guitar Hero. Someone who plays the game to have fun, someone who thinks it's serious business, and someone who is grumpy and doesn't like to have fun (like those guys who are like, "OMG, THIS IS DUMB. LEARN 2 PLAY A REAL GUITAR!").
I love Kevin Pereira
3:21 AM

Why am I still awake? I'll tell you why. I've been watching Kevin Pereira videos on YouTube. OMG....I love this man so much. He is so awesome. Look up some videos. Like this and this.

Update on how godly I am
2:16 AM

Ow ow ow
12:44 AM

Okay, the only thing left is Freebird and I've beaten Guitar Hero II on Expert...and OH MY GOOOOD I don't think I can do this. The song is just too damn long and too many parts I cannot nail...I don't think there's enough star power for me to get through. >< So close, yet so far...I hate it when that happens.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
My haaaaands...
8:44 PM

Oh hands are tired...especially my right. Why? Well, Dillon found my memory card finally, so now I'm gonna have to give him back his card. Before I knew it was his card, I began my quest to beat Guitar Hero II on expert. I figured since I'd be giving the card back to Dillon, I might as well finish the quest so it makes Dillon look like he beat Guitar Hero II on expert!, I just wanted to finish it myself without having to go through the whole campaign again.

Well, I'm on the last tier now...I only stopped playing 'cause I was tired, but some of the songs that gave me a biz of a time: "Carry Me Home" and "Psychobilly Freakout." Luckily, Guitar Hero II has a practice mode, so it only took me a couple of runs to beat those songs. "YYZ" was surprisingly easy, though I still ended up only 3-starring it. But you'd expect the encore of the second-to-last tier to be the hardest...

But anyway, up at the last tier. "Beast and the Harlot" doesn't seem that hard (to finish, I mean, not to five-star it, or whatever). I got to 44% before I failed and I quit playing 'cause...yeah...again, I was tired. But yeah, "Misirlou" looks scary. "Hangar 18" will probably be a biz. And "Freebird"? Well...I might not have the patience to retry that song after failing it, considering how damn long it is...
I am SO bored...
1:14 AM

It's 1:18 AM, and I'm normally doing something to pass the time really quickly at this time of the day...but not today. No. I am totally bored. LUE is slow, there's no SSBB update coming up, it's too late to play Guitar Hero ('cause it'd wake people up or something), and there's nothing to watch on
Friday, August 03, 2007
8:51 PM

Well, good news for PS3 owners! UT3 will support keyboard and mouse.

So what do they have to say to 360 owners?
Mark Rein: 360 Users: please do not hijack this thread. The game is only coming out on PS3 and PC this year and then will appear on 360 next year. As soon as we have a better idea on 360 release timeframe and features we'll announce it but don't expect any news on it before the end of this year.
Sad to hear that, but this message actually gives me hope for the 360 version. It seems like they have an agreement with Sony to not say anything about the 360 version. So maybe after the PS3-timed-exclusive runs dry, Epic will pull a 180 and announced kickass features for the 360! ...if Microsoft doesn't end up being a biz. Honestly, I don't care that much for user-created-content. I mean, it's cool and all, but that's not why I buy UT games. I buy UT games for fast-paced twitch-shooter action, and a keyboard and mouse supplies that. >=[

On a happier side, Quake III Arena is being released for the Xbox Live Arcade. But...probably no keyboard and mouse support for that... but that's okay, 'cause I've never really played Quake III before.
I am a god
2:36 AM

The new Smash Bros. update featured a new video. It was loading like crap for a lot of people. So I recorded it and uploaded it to YouTube. Now it's being linked to all over the Internet. I am awesome.

XD. It's only been a couple of minutes, and the video already has more than 70 comments. This is awesome. And 4 stars based on 80+ ratings! :D

And now some people are claiming I'm Sakurai (jokingly...I hope). Ah, this is so wonderful.

Apparently some other people have caught up to me, uploading the video, and at a better frame rate, too. Me, being the frame rate whore that I am, would usually suggest you view their videos...BUT NO. I uploaded mine first so mine is teh best! ...haha...yeah. :P
Rock Band Hype
1:21 AM

I was bored again, so I decided to mock up some Rock Band box art...

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
2:32 AM

[entry is encrypted and cannot be viewed by anyone but J.R. 'cause he's awesome]
Let's play some Tetris, mofo
1:30 AM

Are you bored enough to watch me play a game of Tetris? Then watch this video!

It's on 'cause YouTube wouldn't accept it since it's over 10 mintues long. Google Video was just being bizzy.

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