Wednesday, July 30, 2008
lol @ people complaining about the new Facebook
3:31 PM

Live with it or go somewhere else. Go start your own website or blog, 'cause then you can make it look however you want. It's more personal that way, too. Go do it.
5:19 AM

I found this pretty funny. This is why I love the IGN guys.

Just look at Craig as he smiles, waiting for Greg to go splat. So heartless.

Also, where the hell's my Game Scoop Podcast, Daemon!??!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Semi-Nostalgia Alert: Goosebumps
3:00 AM

Remember Goosebumps? Those "scary" kids' books from back in the day? I was always curious to what those books were like, but I wasn't able to read them thanks to my Accelerated Reader (remember that?!) reading level being too high (Instead, I got to read boring books like Treasure Island. That's not sarcasm, either, as I hated that book as a kid.). Also, the covers of these books always scared me for some reason. I remember that sometimes I'd see them at a store, and try to avoid them, but eventually I'd just end up staring at them from afar due to curiosity...

Anyway, like I said, I never got to read these books, so I never knew how scary they were. So much later in life, I caught the Goosebumps TV show on Cartoon were terrible thanks to terrible acting and ridiculous stories. But still, I wanted to know what the books were like. Well now I do, thanks to Blogger Beware: The Goosebumps Blog!

This site summarizes the many Goosebumps stories, while also providing humorous commentary. This crap isn't scary at all! But it's hilarious to read about it, and the guy behind this blog is a genius. Seriously, I spent at least three straight hours reading this site. So entertaining. Check it out.

Here's an example of how this stuff goes down:
#04 Say Cheese and Die!

Questionable Parenting:
Greg's dad almost kills his entire family by not paying attention to the road, then harps on them for complaining. But he's earned that attitude. After all, he's driving A NEW STATION WAGON, MOTHER****ER!

Crimes Against Fashion Alert:
Proving that RL Stine should never be allowed to dress a child, Shari appears at various intervals in the book sporting a yellow jumper, various shades of leggings, and crimped hair. Did Stine learn everything he knew about how kids dressed from Square Pegs?

Vague Word Choice So As Not To Infringe On Name Brands Alert:
Greg's brother works at Dairy Freeze, the group of friends follows the adventures of a gang of superhero mutants known as the X-Force, and since Polaroid is a name-brand, the camera is described in excessive detail as a self-developing camera.

Memorable Cliffhanger Chapter Ending:
There are some all-time stupid ones in this book, but I'd be bereft in my duty if I didn't report on:
Ch. 9/10:
Greg's brother wants to know... ARE THERE ANY MORE POTATOES?

Great Prose Alert:
"His hand trembling, his mouth hanging open in disbelief, Greg goggled at the photo."
That's not a typo, he goggled.
Also, reading some summaries of this guy's top-ten best Goosebump books have also shown me that R.L. Stine actually wrote a few legitimately good stories every once in a while. It's quite surprising.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
I'm now a Leopard user
3:53 AM

I've upgraded from OS X 10.4 Tiger to OS X 10.5 Leopard. It's neat. Here's my desktop. Not much has changed, but my menu bar looks neater. :P

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I changed my Facebook Profile Picture
6:22 PM

Friday, July 18, 2008
I am now conflicted.
4:55 AM

Which is my favorite movie of 2008? Wall-E or The Dark Knight? Both were amazing. Agh.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
5:24 AM

I was reading this topic on LUE about how "Thomas the tank engine is the creepiest thing ever." So I just had to look this up...

It makes me feel kinda sad inside... =[

Also, this

There, now I'm better. :P

Dead Rising Wii?!
2:59 AM

WTF IS THIS?! I wanted Dead Rising 2, but this could be just as good as that. Is it a sequel? A remake? A spin-off? I MUST KNOW. I MUST HAVE MORE DEAD RISING!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Sony E3 Conference Stuff
3:18 PM

Yay! God of War III trailer, though it was short, it had Kratos being just standing there and saying one sentence. I'm not being sarcastic, either. Kratos is badass.

MAG? Looks ambitious. Hopefully it won't turn out to be LAG.

The Little Big Planet presentation was awesome. If only Will Wright was the one speaking instead of...I don't know who that Sony guy's name was.

I think MK vs. DC Universe looks better than DC Universe Online, but they're totally different kinds of games. :P

Nothing else stands out in my mind. Again, I don't own a Sony system, so I don't really care that much.

I think Microsoft had the best conference out of the 3. They actually had some cool gameplay demos, and not just a bunch of trailers.

Now there's the rest of E3...And I guess I'll have to stick with crappy G4 to watch the other conferences online. ><

Ubisoft at 4:30 PM, Capcom at 6:30, Activision at 10:45...I think...I hate timezones.
Oh yeah, I wanted a hard drive
12:40 PM

And Nintendo didn't announce one. Damn it.
Semi-Live E3 Blog
12:13 PM

I'm watching IGN's live stream. I don't even have G4 on right now, so I'm probably behind by at least three minutes, but whatever.

WTF, that's not Reggie.

Shaun White Snowbording
  • I don't care 'cause I sold Wii Fit and my Balance, it's not a Nintendo game.

  • Finally, a familiar face...and he speaks much better English than the Square-Enix guy.
  • Too bad he's not talking about anything that's interesting right now
  • ...yay, pictures of old people playing video games...
  • He's still talking about boring stuff. I'm browsing other sites 'cause I'm bored
  • C'mon. Tell me more about MotionPlus!
  • I bet all the Nintendo fanboys are enamored by this boring stuff
  • OMG, HIDEO KOJIMA is not on stage. Iwata is still there, talking about boring stuff
  • YES! KATSUAY EGUCH! ....I'm assuming he's an Animal Crossing guy, yep, "Creator of Animal Crossing." Hell yes!

Animal Crossing: City Folk
  • Yep, looks like Animal Crossing on the Wii...
  • An academy to find out what other players are doing
  • Gracie has a store
  • You can send messages to Wii Message Board
  • A NEW PERIPHERAL: WII SPEAK, a microphone that sits on the sensor bar?
  • VOICE CHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • People are fishing together and talking about stuff with each other!
  • ...only 4 people on screen at the same time...
  • Doesn't look that different from the other Animal Crossing games
  • My sound just died.
  • I'm not sure what he's talking about right now, 'cause the sound is being dumb
  • Okay, it's back
  • Okay, that presentation is over
  • Not much mention of online play...
  • Yay, Reggie's here!

  • Animal Crossing coming by the end of this year with WiiSpeak
  • Blah, boring NPD sales. Whatever.
  • Booo, more boring Nintendo "Lol, we pwn" speak. Of course, I expected this.
  • BREAKING NEWS, NINTENDO'S GAMES SELL, even the crappy ones.
  • More breaking news! Wii outsells other consoles! :O
  • So boring. Why can't they get Will Wright to do these charts?
  • OMG, HALO FOR WII-- no, that would be exciting, and it's still boring
  • 19 third party games have exceeded 400,000 units...that seems kinda low
  • Ugh, another chart that says, "Wii sells more." Stop bragging, damn it.
  • Only 3 new games to be shown. :P

Star Wars: Clone Wars
  • The normal crazy smiling people waggling their remotes to gameplay footage
  • Doesn't look all that interesting

Rayman Raving Rabbids
  • Raving Rabbids TV or whatever

Call of Duty: World at War
  • Ugh, the Wii Zapper
  • The best-looking game out of these 3, but it's a multiplatform game from someone who's not Infinity Ward
  • Firs Wii gameplay footage. Looks better than COD3 Wii, at least

Okay, that was all third-party stuff, so we'll see first party stuff later, I assume.

Not Reggie
  • Ugh, more charts, but this time, DS instead of Wii. My sound is messing up, but I don't really care 'cause it's boring stuff.
  • Just turned on G4 'cause IGN was messing up
  • and still more boring stuff
  • lol, new GTA game...for the DS
  • I bet all the Nintendo fanboys who hate GTA will love this
  • And then they'll complain that there's no Wii version

Wii MotionPlus
  • Finally, though I'm watching this on G4, so I'm gonna have to turn around instead of typing.
  • New Wii Sports game: Wii Sports Resor: comes with MotionPlust
  • I'm gonna stop talking and watch.
  • Yay, a fetch game with a dog. lol, POINT THE WII REMOTE AT THE SCREEN PLZ!
  • JetSki game...honestly doesn't look as fun as Wave Race
  • I Now this is what I'm talking about. Looks like 1:1 sword movement
  • To bad he's chopping log and not people.
  • Now they're whacking each o ther with sticks
  • That looked pretty cool, but no blood or chopping off limbs, unfortunately
  • One more experience available this MotionPlus stuff in this one...

Wii Music
  • And it's Wii Music! Looks pretty neat. He's playing the drum set with the Wi remote and Balance Board. But it's not like it just sounds like he's banging on stuff randomly.
  • Miyamoto is playing the Sax with the Wii Remote
  • Yay, MIDI quality music :P
  • basically, the song plays itself, you just act like you're playing it at your own tempo...uhh...yeah. I'm not buying this "game."
  • Yay, they mention F-Zero...'cause it's a song in the game
  • Okay, honestly, as a big Nintendo fan, this is really lame. It's like those keyboards that play a preset song when you press any key. Try mashing keys on those things and listen to how silly it sounds.
  • Whoa, more than 4 players at a time. That's neat. Shows potential for other games.
  • They're playing the Mario theme song, just by waggling! Woo.
  • So it's a more casual version of Rock Band/Guitar Hero. Well, at least the hardcore Wii Fanboys have Guitar Hero: World Tour, probably at Activision's conference.

The End

Kind of a disappointment, but E3 isn't over yet (it hasn't even begun). Sony's conference is later today, but since I don't own a Sony system, I probably won't blog that. I'll watch it, though. I expect cool things from them, too.

At least there's Grand Theft Auto DS! That's pretty cool news. Wii MotionPlus also has a lot of potential, but they, unfortunately, did not demonstrate that much of it. I guess I'll be buying WiiSports Resort. And I want more info on Animal Crossing and WiiSpeak...
Monday, July 14, 2008
Aww. Harmonix knows I love them.
7:19 PM

A while back when, I used to post a bit on the Rock Band forums (before it became a haven [hell] for whining about the week's DLC). There was this mod there that started a "Community Project" to show appreciation for Harmonix's work. One of these was a large banner filled with people's created RB characters. At least one of my characters made it on the banner.

Here's a portion of the banner. See if you can find one of my creations...

See it?


Why Rock Band 2 will kick ass
7:02 PM

Feature list here. Setlist here.

  • World Tour mode, now online, simplifies the best of gameplay from the original Rock Band by fusing Solo Tour and Band World Tour modes and cranks it up a notch with an all new collection of opportunity gigs, challenges, cities, venues and hirable staff
  • Battle of the Bands mode challenges players to go head to head against other bands in constantly refreshed contests* created by Harmonix (*internet connection required)
  • Quickplay makes it easier than ever to get in and jam without hassle while allowing for new prefab characters or customized characters that can play on any instrument plus lets you make your own set lists and organize your song lists in a variety of categories (genre, era, etc.)
  • Backwards compatibility with all Rock Band downloadable music content released to date
  • Disc Export Feature gives owners of the original Rock Band the ability to export most of the Rock Band disc tracks and upgrade them into Rock Band 2 gameplay--the first time ever in videogame history!
  • The Rock Band 2 soundtrack will feature over 100 songs - with over 80 songs on disc plus an additional 20 bonus tracks which will be made available for free download this fall
  • Megadeth :P
  • Eye of the Tiger :P
  • the Rock Band music library will feature more than 500 songs by year’s end
  • Fender Stratocaster Controller takes on a new authentic look plus adds a reinforced strum bar, quieter buttons, wireless functionality and a built in calibration tool that automatically sets your AV setup to an ideal setting for maximum rock.
  • Drum set goes wireless while also featuring quieter, velocity sensitive drum pads and a metal reinforced pedal.
  • Cymbal Expansion Pack is a straightforward but amazing upgrade to the Rock Band 2 drum set featuring add-on cymbals.
  • ION Drum Rocker, a real electronic drum kit that functions as a game controller, brings the Rock Band fantasy to life featuring a simple substitution that takes the drum kit from a controller to a real instrument. (also, 300 dollars, lol)
Why do people only care about MS, Sony, and Nintendo at E3?
5:33 PM

The EA Press Conference is happening right now, and only G4 has a live stream of it, and the live stream sucks and doesn't work very well. Why couldn't IGN and Gamespot do a stream as well? And how come no one on gaming message boards seem to know that EA is having their conference? And why is no one talking about the new RE5 trailer? It seems, no one pays attention to anything at E3, unless it's a part of Microsoft's, Sony's, or Nintendo's conference, and it's annoying. ><

I wanna see the Dead Space and Mirror's Edge gameplay demos (I'm sure they'll release trailers later, but those aren't the same as gameplay demos). Rock Band 2 might also show up!! But I cannot watch these things 'cause G4 (and everyone else) sucks.

Update: Even with this crappy stream, I heard Peter Moore make a joke about pausing the game during the Tiger Woods demo. XD

Update2: Well, I ended up watching a stream OF G4's stream, and it was more watchable, strangely enough. I caught a few cool things, I guess (Left 4 Dead looks pretty awesome). id showed something, but I have no idea what 'cause the camera just showed the audience (and I got to see Will Wright in the crowd :D). Now everyone online is, of course, acting like E3 was disappointing, as if E3 was over already. lol.
Semi-Live E3 Blog
12:51 PM

I'm watching

Fallout 3
  • Looks neat

Resident Evil 5
  • Friday, March 13th, 2009
  • Where's Dead Rising 2!?!?

Fable 2
  • Peter Moleysadlfkjsnf
  • Trailer or something, reminds me of Harry Potter 'cause there is a bird flying
  • Poop (literally)
  • Dog
  • Yay, more online co-op
  • October 2008
  • I don't really care about Fable, but I guess it's cool

Gears of War 2
  • Trailer thing
  • More co-op demoing! Woo!
  • lol, texture pop-in 1 second into the demo
  • lol, wtf, the IGN stream restarted the demo. So now I'm even further behind "live"...but oh well.
  • Lancer has a different shooting sound effect. Sounds "heavier"
  • Eff this blogging stuff. I'm just gonna watch
  • HOLY CRAP! 5-player co-op "Hoarde" mode. Essentially INVASION from UT2004!
  • November 7th, 2008

Marketing Crap
  • blah blah blah
  • This "Don Matrick" guy is pretty boring, though I don't know how he compares to previous Microsoft guys, as I've never actually seen Peter Moore or Jeff Bell first hand.
  • "360 will outsell PS3" lolz, don't even mention the Wii, of course
  • Xbox Live stuff, blah blah blah.
  • BTW, there's a Rock Band 2 COMPLETE track list on IGN right now. It actually went up a while ago. I didn't read all of it yet, but I did see MEGADETH on there. :D
  • More TV stuff on Xbox Live Marketplace. Whatever.
  • "On Xbox Live Now" A bunch of old movies and stuff. Yeah, I don't care!
  • more HD movies, blah blah blah
  • Growth and innovation = ?
  • I bet this is where the "Avatar" stuff comes in

The New Xbox Live
    They're showing someone's dashboard. Everyone's going to add that gamertag on screen now
  • There you go. That stupid Avatar crap.
  • Wow, looks like the new update changes the dashboard ENTIRELY. Wow
  • Avatars apparently replace gamerpics on the gamercard.
  • Ugh, they look so ugly.
  • Wii fanboys are probably really pissed right now, though. :P
  • I'm sorry, I can't get over how UGLY they are!
  • Miis > Avatars
  • Booo, avatars show up EVERYWHERE, spreading their ugliness!
  • ALL OF MY FRIENDS MUST CREATE COOL-LOOKING AVATARS, I don't want ugly crap on my Dashboard
  • Sharing photos with people. Boooring.
  • Finally, some game-related stuff with "Xbox Live Primetime": "gameshow" stuff. Do I have to buy this stuff?
  • New "Games" channel.
  • XBLA stuff, maybe this will be good.

Xbox Live Arcade
  • Geometry Wars 2!!!

    • IS THAT 4-player CO-OP!!!?

  • Galaga Legions

    • Sequel to Galaga (...finally?)
    • Basically, Pac-Man Championship Edition, but with Galaga. Neat


    • NEW PORTAL GAME! "Portal: Still Alive" for XBLA! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG :D :D :D :D :D

  • South Park XBLA game, I guess...Neat?

More Boring Crap
  • Netflix on Xbox Live...'kay.
  • You can watch Netflix movies with other sounds cool, but stupid :P

Shane Kim talking about stuff
  • Ewww, now they're showing Avatars of the speakers ><
  • GTA IV DLC available THIS YEAR
  • Yay, Rare games!

    • Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts trailer thing
    • Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise trailer. I still need to try the first.

  • That stupid movie trivia game again (Scene It), but this time, WITH UGLY UGLY AVATARS!

  • "You're in the Movies"...WTF is this?

    • Actually looks like it could be pretty fun. But I'll need the camera, apparently
    • Wait, nevermind, these are basically EyeToy games
    • Girls is dancing, audience isn't reacting, I bet she feels silly
    • The movies it makes using footage of you playing the games looks pretty cool/funny, but I can see it getting old after a while
    • Okay, it comes with the camera...still ain't buying it.

  • Booo. Microsoft is a flip-flopper. Last year, they showed Rock Band. This year, they're showing Guitar Hero. >=[

    • Stuff we already know so far, but I expect some surprises
    • Okay, a new screen shot of the music creator
    • Here come the new announcements!
    • REM track pack...okay
    • Uh-oh, here it comes...Metallica? Ah, new album from them for both GH3 and GH:WT. Interesting. But what's this mean for Metallica on Rock Band?
    • That's it? No trailer? No gameplay demo? Bah

    • WOO! Trailer!
    • They hoooked up a Zune to the 360...does this mean we can use our own music!?
    • "This holiday"
    • Woo! INIS (Ouendan) guy (and his ugly Avatar)
    • ...looks almost exactly like SingStar, though.
    • I don't know who this person is (Duffy?), but they're singing some song I've never heard
    • ROCK BAND 2!!!

    Rock Band 2
    • Harmonix guy takes the stage...WITHOUT AN UGLY AVATAR! WOO!
    • Entire set list...small text on screen. People laugh. Whatever. It's already on IGN.
    • Blah blah blah, stuff we already know
    • Bob Dylan, huh? Cool.
    • AC/DC, we already knew that, though
    • MEGADETH! (though I already knew that, too)
    • RB1 DLC compatible...yeah yeah.
    • HELL YES! IMPORT RB1 DISC SONGS (but he said "most of them", not all of them... hmmm...

  • Don Matrick or whatever is back, this time with an ugly Avatar

  • One final guest: President of Square-Enix, along with an ugly Avatar
    • Woo! Japanese-accented English! I love it.
    • "America is awesome" or something. I can't really understand him, and I'm half-not-paying attention
    • Stuff we already know
    • Infinite Undiscovery, September 2nd, I don't care right now
    • Star Ocean, Spring 2009. Okay
    • Star Ocean gameplay trailer on XBL Marketplace. I'll wait for someone to upload it to YouTube or something
    • The Last Remnant footage...let's see if it's awesome...hum, ugly anime-ish guy. "THE POWER OF REMNANTS" A guy that looks like Chris Jericho. Another ugly anime guy. Nice graphx, though....and logo. That's it? Bah. 11.20.2008
    • Last Remnant is also on PC? A JAPANESE RPG ON PC!?! Heh, only PC announcement so far :P
    • No Final Fantasy XIII announcement, of course. Oh well

    Don Matrick again (Am I spelling his name right?)
    • Square Enix Guy (I thought it was Shane Kim at first ><) says one more big announcment

    Big Announcement
    • I can only see footage on a small screen...
    • Some text I can't read
    • Flying Airships.....okay
    • More text I can't read
    • Obviously this must be some kind of JRPG
    • More text I can't read...WAIT, is this Star Wars? ...Oh SHIT IT'S FINAL FANTASY XIII.
    • Did they forget this was the Microsoft Press Conference?
    • More text I can't read
    • End Trailer, "Final Fantasy XIII" crowd cheers
    • Xbox 360 logo
    • Neat
    • OMG, HIDEO KOJIMA IS ON STAGE-- just kidding. :P

    And that's it. Conference over. I can see the G4 guys down there on the bottom of the screen. WTF? Is that three red lights on the screen?
    What the hell, Nintendo?
    11:16 AM

    E3 hasn't even started yet, and now I see this.
    Nintendo's upcoming Wii MotionPlus accessory for the revolutionary Wii Remote controller again redefines game control, by more quickly and accurately reflecting motions in a 3-D space. The Wii MotionPlus accessory attaches to the end of the Wii Remote and, combined with the accelerometer and the sensor bar, allows for more comprehensive tracking of a player’s arm position and orientation, providing players with an unmatched level of precision and immersion. Every slight movement players make with their wrist or arm is rendered identically in real time on the screen, providing a true 1:1 response in their game play. The Wii MotionPlus accessory reconfirms Nintendo’s commitment to making games intuitive and accessible for everyone. Nintendo will reveal more details about the Wii MotionPlus accessory and other topics Tuesday morning at its E3 media briefing.
    And Nintendo's conference is TOMORROW. Such a tease, damn it!
    lol, CAD
    10:52 AM

    edit from LL
    Sunday, July 13, 2008
    Pre-E3 Post
    11:48 PM

    Well, Microsoft's Press Conference is tomorrow, so I guess I better post my hopes for them, and I might as well do it for the other people, too.

    Stuff I'm hoping for from E3, organized by company:
      • Animal Crossing with awesome online and no friend codes (not going to happen)
      • Storage solution (hard drive) for Wii
      • New Zelda (futuristic just to piss off fanboys)
      • Something awesome that will appeal to the "hardcore gamer" (something that's not Kid Icarus)
      • New handheld/DS redesign

      • Lips (yes, that karaoke game. If being able to use your own music is true, then I'm definitely buying this)
      • Motion controller
      • Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts (I want something to truly convince doubters that this will be an awesome game)
      • I community features for Xbox Live or something

      • I dunno. Whatever.

      • Dead Rising 2, plz.

      • Guess
    Friday, July 11, 2008
    Pre-Pre-E3 Post
    6:11 PM

    I'm posting this to remind me to write a Pre-E3 post.
    I wish I were a real drummer: Rock Band 2's "Premium" Drum Set
    6:05 PM

    I want one of these. It's the limited "premium" version of the Rock Band 2 drum set, which can also be converted to a real electronic drum set. It looks really cool. It's at 300 dollars. Yeah, not exactly what I'd want to pay for what I'd use only in Rock Band, but I'd still like to have it.

    See, if I were a real drummer, I'd have a REAL use for this, and it'd probably less silly to spend 300 dollars on it. Plus, I'd probably be able to deal with how much room it will take up. :P
    Thursday, July 10, 2008
    Holy something-or-another, Batman!
    9:33 AM

    I just realized that The Dark Knight is only a week away. It seems like I've been waiting forever for this movie...

    In other news, the first official trailer for the Max Payne movie is out:

    Looks alright, though the black dude with the stupid accent was...stupid. Also, it needs more of the Max Payne theme music ('cause it had exactly zero of it). But it's got a lot of other stuff that a Max Payne movie needs: slow-motion action (yay for shoot dodging), snow, and metaphors.

    I have high hopes for this movie...but history says that I'll be disappointed. Oh well.
    Tuesday, July 08, 2008
    Do you accept change?
    3:54 AM

    'cause I'm obviously changing things around here.
    Square Enix has a new game out...FOR THE IPOD
    3:14 AM

    It looks awesome. From what I gather, it's a tactics games that uses your songs to create soldiers. Stuff happens like a soldier will level-up depending on how many times you listen to the song it was created from.

    Unfortunately, it only works on newer iPods (and not iPod touches). I've got a 2nd gen iPod Nano...which means it doesn't work on mine. =[
    I hear Zac Effron will play Light in an American Death Note movie.
    2:42 AM

    I don't know how reliable this site is, but I'll roll with it for the sake of a blog post.

    Honestly, I think he does look like long as he's not making a stupid face (and it seems majority of the pictures I see of him have stupid faces). But can he act? Can he act CRAZY? 'cause Light's freakin' crazy, and that's what makes him awesome. I honestly didn't really pay attention the one time I "watched" High School Musical, so I don't know how this guy is as an actor.

    So who would they get to play L? Sam Jackson? Nah, I think he'd make a better Ryuk, though since Ryuk would probably be CG, it'd be better to get the English anime guy to do him.

    Also, Shia Labeouf as Matsuda, plz. :P

    And some weaboos would say that an American Death Note movie is stupid and shouldn't happen. I disagree. I'd love to see an American Death Note movie. It couldn't be any worse than the Japanese one, which wasn't terrible, but was no work of art either.

    This is how the movie should end up being:

    I always wanted an excuse to use this.
    Sunday, July 06, 2008
    New Video: Cell Phone Review - Sanyo Katana
    2:06 AM

    Cell Phone Review - Sanyo Katana

    The Keroppi Menace

    Yeah, I'm still messing around with special effects.
    Saturday, July 05, 2008
    MK vs. DC Universe looks even more awesome
    3:55 AM

    On Gametrailers, you can watch the latest episode of GametrailersTV, which has a LOT of gameplay footage of MK vs. DC. And holy crap, I think it looks awesome.

    Sure, it's no Soul Calibur, and this game won't be at the elite gaming competitions out there, but I don't care. It looks fun, damn it. I love Mortal Kombat. I love DC. I'm gonna love this game. Believe it or not, I had fun with Deadly Alliance and Deception (never played Armageddon), so if this game plays anything like those, then I'm gonna be satisfied. Like I said, I'm not expecting Soul Calibur or Tekken or even Dead or Alive (and anyone who is/did probably doesn't like Mortal Kombat in the first place).

    Actually, there's one thing that could disappoint me...if Lobo isn't in this game, I will be pissed.

    I can't wait 'til E3!
    Friday, July 04, 2008
    The DC Animated Universe - The Greatest Animated Continuity Ever
    12:13 AM

    The DCAU consists of:
    • TV Shows

      • Batman: The Animated Series

      • Superman: The Animated Series

      • The New Batman Adventures

      • Batman Beyond

      • Justice League

      • Justice League Unlimited

    • Films

      • Batman: Mask of the Phantasm

      • Batman & Mr. Freeze: Sub Zero

      • Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker

      • Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman

    Static Shock, The Zeta Project, and some online flash cartoons are also a part of the continuity, but I don't care about those.

    But all the above things are awesome (except for maybe Mystery of the Batwoman, 'cause I haven't seen it yet), and made even more awesome because they all fit together in the same continuity. From Batman: TAS to Justice League Unlimited. It's all related. Everything that happens is canon to the story. And all the shows and movies are just great quality, well-written, and very enjoyable to watch.

    Like the title says, I believe that the DCAU is the greatest animated continuity ever. This tops your silly anime series and your seasons of Family Guy and The Simpsons and blah blah blah. I don't think anything will ever beat it.

    I will make it a goal to someday legally own every part of the DCAU...but I guess I'll wait 'til I get a Bluray player and wait for all these shows and stuff to be released on Bluray. :P
    Thursday, July 03, 2008
    Batman vs. Kira
    8:30 PM

    From LL:

    Batman wins after Light writes down Bruce Wayne, because it isn't that hard to figure out that is Batman's secret identity, and it doesn't work, because Batman is his real identity.

    Just as keikaku.
    Wednesday, July 02, 2008
    Hancock - Not so good
    6:14 AM wasn't terrible, but it wasn't that good, either. I thought it was gonna be about Will Smith tearing crap up! And it was! ...for like half-an-hour. Then there was this stupid plot twist and bleh.

    Go see Wall-E.
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