Well, I just got done watching it. It was a pretty neat movie. I like how it started out with a huge battle and explosions. The action sequences were even easy to follow! I like that!
Sucks that Optimus dies so early in the movie. Oh well. 'least Megatron's sorta kinda is in the whole movie.
The soundtrack...wow...the soundtrack is just really really silly. I almost wanna call it "stupid." Does Weird Al Yankovic fit a Transformers battle? The sound effects are crazy, too. Lasers do not make a "boing!" sound! They make a "PEW!" sound!
Also, there was a dance scene in the movie. Wow, it was just SO silly!
I enjoyed the beginning of the movie. After the Optimus Prime Vs. Megatron fight, though, it's all sorta "meh." The animation was really dodgy, too, especially when the robots transformed. But at least I could keep up with the action...I hope the next Transformers movie (sequel to 2007) has the Transformers either revert to their boxy forms, or have the camera steady during fight scenes... Or pull a 300 and have all the action scenes in slow motion.