Also, yay, they announced two new MGS "products." Another digital comic for the PSP and a cell phone game.
Kojima's cell phone rings. And he gets it, his cell phone is red and says Metal Gear 20th Anniversary. It's a Sony cell phone that will be available for sale. Hey, there's a cell phone game too!More proof of Kojima's fanboyness (granted, I hear Sony's cell phones aren't that bad...but he's advertising a new one that hasn't been released yet! ><
Also, something about Metal Gear Online beta or something. Might be Japan-only (Kojima probably loves Japan and Europe more than America, too, making him a Japan and Europe fanboy as well). I don't know. I didn't read much of it 'cause the pictures wouldn't load thanks to my stupid router. I'm assuming Metal Gear Online is PS3-exclusive as well. Lame. Who's got the best online plan? Nintendo, obviously, so it should go to the Wii! Haha...just kidding. No, it should go to the 360.