Saturday, October 28, 2006
J.R.'s own Invitation-Only Halo LAN Party
4:10 AM

The GXC dudes and whatever had this invitation-only Halo 2 LAN thingy at GXC. In response, J.R. started his own Invitation-Only Halo 2 LAN Party.

But instead of Halo 2, it was Halo PC, and instead of a LAN party, it was online, and instead of invitation-only, it was J.R.-only. It was great fun, man. Rockets and grenades only. Then sniper rifles and pistols and grenades only. Then shotguns and grenades only. Spamming grenades has never been so much fun! I think the large number of players and the small maps made them awesome.

Also, check this out:

ALMOST! So damn close! Gahhh! That was sniper rifles, pistols, and grenades in Blood Gulch, btw.
Friday, October 27, 2006
ZOMG, J.R. is teh Halo master now!!!111
10:51 PM

Most people should know that I'm not a big fan of Halo, and I'm pretty sucky at it. That all changed tonight! ...well, not all of it. Halo's an okay game, but I still think UT owns it all over the place. Tonight I was playing Halo PC. I suck at that, too, but look at this:

Bam. I'm a master of the game. Actually, no, it was a CTF match and I just happened to pick up the flag when one of my team mates dropped it, and I guess I just got lucky enough to not die 'til after I reached my base. Then I spent the rest of the time guarding the base so the other team couldn't score.

But I'm still the top rank there, so haahahahhaAHEAHahA!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
A Quest for Masters
11:06 PM

I'm playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time: Master Quest right now. Man, I forgot how awesome Zelda 64 was! I kinda regret selling my gold cartridge now... Oh well, I still have it on this disc I received for pre-ordering Wind Waker...

Speaking of Wind Waker, after replaying OOT, I now know why I'm not all that fond of Wind Waker. Well, I've known this all along, but now it makes more sense. I hated the sailing in Wind Waker. After playing OOT, it was the lack of "freedom" that made sailing so boring. In Wind Waker, you could only sail in the direction that the wind was blowing. Sure, you could change that direction, but you had to conduct that song everytime you wanted to do it. You couldn't really "explore" the ocean...mainly 'cause there wasn't much to explore but some islands and rupees. You couldn't see your destination in the distance unless you've been sailing for 5 minutes... It didn't feel very exciting when everything around you was just the same-looking water. It just didn't feel as epic or adventurous as traveling Hyrule or Termina field... The world also seemed smaller and disconnected due to all the islands and oceans.

But yeah, I'm playing OOT: Master Quest right now. Maybe I'll finish Wind Waker after OOT. By then, I'm sure I'll have the Wii and Twilight Princess in my hands. :D
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Jack's Second Ass
2:27 AM

Yeah, we saw Jackass Number Two today. It was awesomely funny. Not many people were in the theater, so it was a great time. I'm glad I saw it today, 'cause we'll probably have the movie for less than a week before they drop it. To make it sound like I have a lot of friends, I'll just list the group of people who I saw the movie with in alphabetical order: Calvin (I think that's how you spell the name), Chris (I think that's how you spell the name), Daniel, and Tori.

After the movie, we stood outside the theater for a few (many) minutes, like always, then we went to McKee's, which was packed, like always, and then we went to Denny's, where Tori and Chris contemplated ways to get the number of the attractive waitress. Good times...good times...

'course Denny's was basically just a lot of waiting. We waited to get our drinks (didn't take long, but the waitress mixed up Dr. Pepper and Coke), then we waited for our orders to get taken. That took FOREVER. The attractive waitress didn't even come to take the orders, it was some guy. Apparently someone else was trying to get her number, too. Then we waited for our food. That also took forever. Then when we were done, we waited for our check. When we went to go pay it, we waited to pay ('cause the employees were stressing out due to one of the waitresses walking out on Hectic night for them. I feel sorry for them, including the attractive waitress due to her being involved in many a discussion within the group...though she was never around when these discussions took place. :P

Yeah, I sleep now.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Witty Title That Somewhat Summarizes a Portion of this Entry
7:46 PM

My goodnes, I'm getting much better at Guitar Hero. Last night, I 5 starred the first three tiers of songs on Expert (except for I Wanna Be Sedated, 'cause that's..difficult).

My little sister, Sabrina, is also playing Guitar Hero on expert. Funny how everyone else I know ('cept for that one friend of Tori's) can't do that yet. Dillon's still on Medium, for some reason. Unless my sister ILEGALLY enters my room and plays Guitar Hero when I'm not around, she hasn't been playing for long. C'mon guys. I need some challengers in multiplayer. :P

And ummm...oh yeah. Paris is finally getting Jackass Number Two here at Movies 8. FINALLY. Sad news is that with that comes the depart of The Departed. I didn't get to see that. -_- Funny how the one movie I did end up seeing was a movie I didn't want to see (The Grudge 2)...well, I guess I didn't actually see that.

I'm typing up this entry in Notepad 'cause my blog entry form hasn't loaded yet. Good God, Sabrina is, like, downloading 302984320984 songs, which makes the Interweb reeeeaaally slow, and our connection already sucks to begin with.

Soo, uhh..yeah. I'll text Tori in a little bit when he gets off work...Actually, I'm not sure if he's even at work, but I'll just wait 'til 8. I wanna see Jackass 2 tonight.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I want some tacos...
11:54 PM

I'm soooo gonna not do well on this Lit test tomorrow...Studying for it was surprisingly a lot harder than last time, 'cause we never had an in-class review for any of the material. The exam really seems so sudden. Also, there's some stuff in the study guide that we haven't even gone over yet.

Teh Butterflies and their Effects on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds
7:15 PM

I guess I only make blog entries when there's no one to talk to online...Heh.

The Butterfly Effect is on FX right now, and I started watching it. During a commercial break, I looked the movie up on Wikipedia and read a bunch of spoilers. It sounds like a very depressing movie, so I'm not sure if I wanna watch it now. =[ I don't wanna be depressed., I have to study for some lame-o Lit test. >< I hate Lit. So boring and, I feel, unecessary. Blahhh. I kinda wish I had some real friends in that class so we could have a study group or something. That'd be really neat.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
It's hard to have good online conversations now...
12:04 PM

No one ever seems interested in what I have to say, and some people are being strangely too honest in their words. ("You wanna see my picture?" "No.") I'd normally say sure and do it anyway, even if I didn't care for the picture, unless it was a picture of goatse or tubgirl or something. I just wanna be nice. Also, something like, "I'm a bit annoying, aren't I?" "Yeah, you are." No sarcasm involved or anything. Wow...people are so blunt nowadays. WTF happened?

Also, I see the single reply of "okay" as an indication of that person's desire to end the conversation.

Why are you on MSN if you don't wanna talk, damn it!? Bahhhhh.
Monday, October 09, 2006
11:07 PM

Look at what I just scored from Hastings.

But I don't think I have room for it. ^-^
12:07 AM

I ended up eating some fried/dried squid and rice. Not exactly your normal midnight snack.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
I desire a midnight snack...
11:28 PM

Okay, it's not exactly midnight. It's 11:28 PM, but it's close enough, and I'm hungry. But nooooo! Like always, there's nothing to eat around here. What kind of household doesn't have proper snacks? All we have is cereal and dried mangos! Ugh! So hungry... I can't start my American Lit. reading assignment on an empty stomach!

Also, I finally saw the beginning of Back to the Future Part II. Maybe I'll actually see the rest of the movie, too. I have never seen Back to the Future I or II in its entirety. It's usually on TV, but I forget to watch the beginning, or I stop watching in the middle or end.
An Expert Career as a Guitar Hero
9:03 PM

Alright. I'm stuck. I've been trying to finish Career Mode in Guitar Hero on Expert for the past few days. I've done pretty well up until the last few songs, but I passed all of 'em...but now I'm at the dreaded last two: Cowboys from Hell and Bark at the Moon. Maybe my fingers are just tired, but I'm pretty sure that this is gonna be tough, and maybe impossible for me to finish. Heh...oh well. I'm still better than some people at this game. :P


Saturday, October 07, 2006
Blogger beta
2:01 PM

I just migrated to the new Blogger beta. It might break Facebook compatability, but I doubt anyone ever read my Facebook notes anyway.

Anyways, this new Blogger thingy allows me to post entries without having to publish them, so maybe I'll start blogging more now.

Oh yeah. I can add labels to my entries now. That would've been so helpful when I was working on gamez0rz (which is dead right now).

Also, I changed the design of my MySpace to match my blog. This isn't a "new" design, as I made this a long time ago, but when I posted it on LUE, they said they didn't like it, so I took another hour and made a "newer" one. I also fixed the display problems in Internet Explorer (lamer browser).

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