Monday, July 16, 2007
Muggles > Wizards
4:23 AM

The arrogance of magic users in the Harry Potter series really pisses me off. Wizards see themselves as superior to normal, non-magical human beings. This is a false belief. Muggles own wizards in every way. Wizards are just too stubborn (and stupid) to realize it.

Muggles are smart and hard working. They are able to perform the same tasks that wizards do without the use of magic. Magic is the easy way to do things, and it shows that wizards are lazy. Flight? Just say a few words and wave a wand around. BORING. For muggles, they went through all the trouble to develop airplanes and helicopters and cool stuff like that. Wizards are likely not smart enough to understand these complex machines, not that they would want to, as they would dismiss them as useless or something stupid like that.

Also, what's with the brooms the magic guys use to play Quidditch and stuff? Brooms are muggle inventions! They are not meant for flying, but for sweeping! It is likely that some wizard group found a muggle broom, and being too stupid to figure out what it was really used for, decided it should be used a mode of transportation...that's stupid as hell. Also, the train to get to Hogwartz? The train is a muggle invention as well. So are banks, which are used by wizards as well.

Also, wizards are very careless. They don't seem to have any regard for their own safety. How can parents send their kids off to Hogwartz when many people have died or been severely injured there? I mean, there are freakin' trees just outside of the school that could RAPE a child easily. And Quidditch? Very dangerous sport, and there are no safety precautions to ensure a child's survival during the game. It seems the administration of Hogwarts cares little about their students. And their teachers suck, too, always trying to kill one of their students or hiding some big secret. This crap wouldn't fly in normal muggle schools. We care about our children, and ensure they get a good education and remain safe.

Speaking of Quidditch..what a stupid game. The rules are just dumb as hell and make the game seem really boring if games can go on forever until one catches the Snitch, and the majority of the points scored prior to the catching of the Snitch do not matter. It's all just very unnecessary and stupid. Nothing is done to prevent cheating, either. As seen in one of the books (I forget which), someone could easily curse a player and the game would continue as normal. Stupid. The game design is flawed, but I guess I shouldn't expect a perfect system of anything to come from wizard minds.

Also, what's with this owl mailing system? That's really outdated. Us muggles have e-mail, IM, and SMS. Instantaneous communication, man, and it's all done WITHOUT magic.

And I could go on forever about other ways muggles are superior to wizards, but I'm sleepy.

In the end, I'm just really pissed at how the Harry Potter books negatively portray muggles like me. Though I imagine that J.K. Rowling, being a muggle herself, uses this book to show the ignorance of wizards and reveal their prejudice...but people just don't see it, and they take it as simply a means of entertainment...sickening.

Anonymous Anonymous said:
i wanna be a wizard...rah...maybe.

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