J.R. Watches Movies! - Spider-Man 3

'kay, I saw Spider-Man 3 a while ago. I bet people are gonna be like, "ZOMG, you posted this RIGHT after you saw it." That's untrue. It's been like...an hour+ since I finished seeing the movie.
SPOILERS, obviously.
But anyway, you all know me. I'm not a big fan of Spider-Man, so, obviously, I really wasn't expecting much with this movie. Boy, was I pleasantly surprised (at certain times).
The normal Spider-Man movie stuff applies to this movie. By the normal stuff, I mean:
1. Peter Parker is a boring, wussy dork
2. Mary Jane is a bitch and a slut
3. Fight scenes are awesome
4. Any dialogue between a male and a female is boring and stupid
HOWEVER, there is a suspension of item #1 for a brief time in the movie. When Spider-Man becomes dependent on the symbiote/black suit, Peter Parker suddenly becomes awesome (or at least, entertaining). I know many will complain about his "emo" look. While Peter may have the emo look, he definitely does not act like one. He comes off more as a pompous jackass, which is a good quality when it comes to fictional super heroes (you know, like Batman, Superman, House...). Sure, Parker is still dorky, but dorky in an "LOL XD" sort of way, not dorky in a "pathetic wuss" sort of way. This part of the movie is the best part (that actually pertains to the storyline. Bruce Campbell's part isn't a crucial plot point). As "Pimp" Parker, Peter does all sorts of awesome things. He bosses around women to make him cookies, he beats the crap out of that daddy's boy Harry, he beats the crap out of that slut Mary Jane, and he taps some of that fine Gwen Stacy. Only thing he didn't do was tell Aunt May to shut the hell up.
I've got reason to believe that this part of the movie is awesome because Mary Jane isn't involved. The minute she does get involved (when Pimp hits her), Peter goes back to being lame-o Peter Parker. THIS is where he actually gets emo and crap. -_- Damn Mary Jane, ruining everyone's fun.
Most people are gonna be praising the "Venom" part of the movie (and the Bruce Campbell part). Venom, while cool, didn't really do anything. Sandman got WAY more screen time, and way more action. Eddie Brock was cool, though. He was very entertaining.
Plot? Who gives a crap about the plot? It's an action movie! Speaking of action movie, fight scenes were great (and were present, unlike in Ghost Rider). Speaking of speaking, speaking scenes were boring. Item #4 still holds true here. Aunt May and Mary Jane need to STFU. But, yeah, back to plot. A lot of things were just stupid, like the Alfred-wannabe talking about Harry's dad's wounds were made by his kite, so
obviously the wounds were self-inflicted. I mean, it's not like someone else can take the glider and stab him with it, or trick it into hurting himself or anything. Sarcasm, btw.
Ending sucked (mainly 'cause Peter ended up back with Mary Jane). LAAAAME.
Kirsten Dunst said something like, "Spider-Man 4 wouldn't be good without me and Tobey." I'm like, "LOLZ, it'd be better." Actually, it'd just be better without Mary Jane. Dunst can still be in the movie if she plays someone that isn't annoying. Preferably she'd play a guy, so she wouldn't have some stupid boring dialogue with Peter.
But yeah, I enjoy more parts of Spider-Man 3 than parts of Spider-Man 1 and 2. So I give it a "I like some parts of it"/10.