Okay, I'm at the end of The Thousand-Year Door, at the last boss fight. It's pissing me off. It's not just that the last boss is difficult, no. It's that the stupid gameplay mechanics are against me!
'kay, first time I try to fight the boss, I didn't have any healing items with me, so I was kinda screwed there, but I did manage to take 50 HP off of the boss's second form before dying.
Second time, I went ALLLLLLL the way back out of the last dungeon area to get to town to buy some items. That took forever, because there's no warp or anything to the town. You have to go through the dungeon twice: once to get out, once more to get back in. -_-
But anyway, I come back, loaded with healing items, and I feel pretty confident about winning. 'course, I have to watch two long-ass, unskippable cutscenes again: one to introduce the boss's first form, one to introduce the second. -_-
So anyway, I get to the boss's second form. With my healing items, I should pwn this biz pretty easy, right? Well, I would...IF THE FRIGGN' STAGE WOULD STOP ATTACKING ME. At random times, the stage will attack whoever is on it. Of course, the BOSS IS IMMUNE TO THESE ATTACKS, but I AM NOT. So the stage freezes me, causing me damage, and making me lose two turns, and during those two turns, I take more damage from the boss. 'kay, I waste a healing item. OH NOES! Something falls from the top of the stage and damages Mario again. -_- Oh, there we go. I got frozen again. -_- Eventually, I run out of items, and get screwed over and die.
God...the random crap in battles just piss me off to no end. Who the hell thought up that crap? I bet next time, I'll be screwed over by the "three poison mushroom" roulette thing. -_-
I just wanna get this game over with...