I know, a lot of people hate Macs...dunno why, but they just. I see people going, "Those Mac commercials are so annoying 'cause they try and make Mac seem superior! LOLZ!" Newsflash: If you know how to use a computer, these commercials are not meant for you.
Take the latest commercial for example. It has the PC guy going, "I GOTS SO MANY VERSIONS OF VISTA! I DON'T KNOW WHICH TO CHOOSE!" Any tech-savy guy can look through all the versions and pick the right one...but what about their mom, who isn't so tech-savy? She'll be confused and be like, "HOW MANY MEGAHURTZ DO I NEED?" The PC isn't meant for her, 'cause she'll probably fsck it up with spyware and viruses. She needs to use a Mac. Apple is trying to reach her with these commercials, saying, "Macs are user-friendly. We've got everything you need in one package, and it's secure." Essentially, they are saying, "You can't fsck this up, biz, 'cause Macs are idiot-proof. Even YOU can use it." And that's true.
See, if all the computer illiterate people would switch to using Macs, they wouldn't be coming up to us, asking if we can fix their PCs that they've bloated with spyware and other malicious programs. They'd happily be sitting at their desks, downloading crap off of iTunes (and actually paying for music. lawl).
So everyone stop dissing on Apple, 'cause they're trying to do the world a favor and rid the PC user base of clueless people. And with that, we won't have PC vendors trying to fool people into thinking that the latest integrated Intel Extreme will be sufficient to run awesome gamez.