So today we get some new "information" on the game. And we still don't know anything. Yet the fanboys continue to say stuff like ""it amazing to see a small company make asuch a ground breaking game." Ground-breaking? Maybe it's ground-breaking in a sense that it's the first Wii game that's been hyped to hell without any real information on it. I mean, even Duke Nukem Forever had screenshots and videos!
So I'm thinking "Hey, if Nibris, some no-name developer, can announce a game without any actual proof it exists and get all this hype, J.R. can, too!" So, here you go. Today, I announce my new Wii game: Gladness.
Gladness: Total Warrior is an epic game from small-time developer "Dizon Design." At least, it's GOING to be an epic game.
The game will feature:
- Gameplay.
- Characters. You get to play as a guy with a cane who kicks ass.
- Also, it's set in World War I and the main character is from the future.
- Enemies.
- 20 hours of gameplay, which includes gameplay and enemies.
- Voice acting. Not good voice acting. Not famous voice acting. But the fact is that there will be voice acting.
- Soundtrack will be performed by popular band ASDFLL..ka;k23
- Epicness.
- Game will not load. Ever. That means NO LOADING TIMES!
- Will make unique use of the Wiimote and Classic Controller (no nunchuk!)
- Will be presented entirely in shades of blue, because that's unique, too.
And to show you that the game is real, check out the ARTWORK!

The box art

The main character

The main character's trusty steed (car)

An enemy!

Here's a guy pretending to play the game!

The box art

The main character

The main character's trusty steed (car)

An enemy!

Here's a guy pretending to play the game!
And there you go. Now, you even know more about Gladness than you do Sadness. How stupid.