My MacBook can play videos, and at a resolution higher that 320 x 240! No need for those stupid, over-priced Memory Stick Duos anymore! And there wasn't any need for any hacking to get some homebrew applications on OS X. ...however, when it came to emulation, I ran into a problem. The Gameboy Advance and Playstation 1 emulators I found on OS X sucked. GBA games ran slowly with choppy sound, and I couldn't even get the PSX one working. However, then came Boot Camp.
The crappy thing about OS X when you compare it to Windows is the availability and variety of applications, especially freeware ones (stuff that's legally free). Everyone developer for OS X seems to wanna charge for the smallest feature of their stupid applications. It's really sad. But I did know that Windows had some stable PSX and GBA emulators on it. Since I recently installed Windows XP on my Macbook via Apple's Boot Camp beta software, I'm able to run all those glorious Windows programs. So today, I ended up installing ePSXe, a Playstation 1 emulator, on my Macbook. And now I've got Castlevania: SOTN and Metal Gear Solid running on this thing! Woo! No need for the PSP's PS1 emulator, at all. I could even run RIIIIIIDGE RAAAACER if I wanted to.
So the only thing I'll be missing from the PSP are games like Loco Roco, but I'll live, and it's not like the PSP is getting many other unique exclusive games like that. Lumines is coming to the PS2 and Xbox 360. Most of the other PSP games out there are inferior versions of PS2 games. No need for the PSP at all, now that I've got a DS (Lite), a Macbook, and my Siren.