Yes! I found my shizzy 70-dollar 512 MB digital audio player with a laggy interface today! It was in my backpack with my yearbook. I swear I looked in there before... But I still haven't found my most recent pair of headphones... Oh well. Now I've gotta decide whether to use that 256 MB SD card that Josh gave to me for my MP3 player or my digital camera.
My sister recently got a 5th-generation 30 GB iPod recently (that's the one that can play videos). My dad got it for her via eBay. >< Oh well, whatever. My Macbook is like a 5th-generation 80 GB iPod with a 13.3-inch widescreen, interweb access, and the ability to play games! Pwned!
Speaking of playing games, I'm using my Windows partition on my Macbook solely for old Windows games, like Half-Life. Man, multiplayer Half-Life is a blast, and Counter-Strike is as boring as ever.
Speaking of Half-Life, multiplayer Garry's Mod is also very awesome! It's not just building, though. They've got "zombie survival" and melon racing!
Yesterday, I went with Keith and Ariel to one of their youth gatherings (church-related, obviously). I had never really been to one before, other than the church stuff I did with Jessica's church. Anyway, it seems like it would've been a lot of fun had I known people there. I then thought that I was "robbed of my childhood", so to speak, because I never attended one of my church's youth gatherings 'cause I didn't really know what they were all about. They had a lot of Coke at the gathering I went to that day, though. And by Coke, I mean Coke. PURE COKE. They were watching the news about Transformers or something (it had a big truck in it, at least) and they were apparently gonna have a "GoldenEye Tournament." Ehh, GoldenEye was great back in the day, but it's soooo slow and not as fun anymore. The framerate is atrocious in a 4-player match. Gahh.
Anyways, I'm done.