Today was rather eventful, though. No, I didn't go anywhere, but I did stuff. I installed Windows XP on my Macbook! This was accomplished using Apple's Boot Camp beta software. Boot Camp simply partitioned a part of my hard drive for Windows, then I used a Windows XP, Service Pack 2 installation disc to install Windows on that partition. Then I spent some time updating XP and installing some games on there.
Now my Macbook is a gaming machine! ...from 1998! I can at least play my Windows copies of Half-Life 1 and Unreal Tournament on my Macbook. It works great. In fact, I discovered that my Macbook is much faster than my desktop PC! From that, it probably would be a good idea to simply sell my Macbook and my PC for a single Macbook Pro! But...nah. My parents probably wouldn't be happy about it, and I'd have to do all this work again. I spent the whole day setting up XP on my Macbook.
There are a few downsides to Windows on my Mac, though. My trackpad features don't work in Windows (no two-finger right click or trackpad scrolling). The built-in iSight camera does not work with Windows either. I also can't "forward delete" since the Macbook lacks a "delete" key (the Mac "delete" is the same thing as backspace). There's no print screen button, either. However, this all doesn't really matter, as I'll be using my Windows partition mostly just to play classic Windows games.