Thursday, January 31, 2008
Internet Annoyances: "Am I the only one...?"
3:09 AM

Am I the only one who hates it when people ask "Am I the only one"? No.

I hate it when people say stupid things like, "Am I on the only that doesn't care about Smash Bros.?" No, you're not. Stop thinking you're special. There are more people in the world that don't care about Smash Bros. than people who do care. There are lots of people in the world. Not all are gamers. Hell, even within gamers, there are plenty of people who don't care about Smash Bros., or Nintendo, or about how it sucks that Ganondorf doesn't use his sword, or other stupid stuff like that.

You're not unique. There's at least one person (I'm sure much more than one person) that has the same opinion as you.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Boo @ Toon Link
12:23 PM

Lame. Why must we have two Links? If we get two Links, we should get two versions of all the characters. >=[

I'd honestly rather have John Cena in the game than Toon Link.
More Good News: Best SSBB Night evar
2:23 AM

Captain Falcon, FINALLY! GANONDORF! Checker Knights and MGS3 music! Weee!

I just need them to reveal Dante and Travis Touchdown now...
Not Captain Falcon, but still awesome news...
12:00 AM

Monday, January 28, 2008
SSBB Intro
11:46 PM

Marth and Ness. Boring.


Well, I just beat No More Heroes
12:04 PM

I think it took me around 13 hours.

Man...another "WTF" ending from Suda51! 'course, this one was nowhere as confusing as Killer7's story, and the story of No More Heroes is more humorous. It starts making fun of itself by the end of the game. The ending is purposefully full of cliches and starts to break the 4th wall. It's great.

I might play through it again on the hardest difficulty. The game has a "New Game+" type thing, and I can collect concept are and stuff...yeah. But I think I'll finish Orange Box (again), first.
Rock Band Cover Songs
9:43 AM

People are always bitching about cover songs in Rock Band. Does it really matter? So what if the vocalist doesn't sound exactly like the original? The point is you're supposed to have someone else sing the vocal part anyway. Get some friends and play Rock Band how it's intended to be played. >=[
Sunday, January 27, 2008
So about that Royal Rumble...
10:42 PM

Guess who showed up and overcame the odds to win? John Cena.


I was really looking forward to Jeff Hardy winning the title. =[

Friday, January 25, 2008
There are already No More Heroes Fanboys!
8:10 PM

I got to the GameFAQs board, and I see people bring up legitimate complaints about the game, and they are marked as a troll, or act like it's the players fault for the developer's oversight.

Like, the game uses the Wiimote speaker for cell phone conversations, right? Well, I, and probably a lot of people, usually turn their Wiimote speaker off. Most games sense this and have the sounds directed to the TV speakers. Not No More Heroes. If your speakers are off, you'll just see Travis take out his phone and walk to silence. When this happened to me, I thought it was some kind of glitch. The game never tells you about the speaker feature (It might be in the manual, but who reads the manual?).

So some guy on the board brings up this issue. Guess's his fault for not changing the speaker settings in the options menu and for not turning the subtitles on. WTF? So stupid..
No More Heroes: First Impressions
6:22 PM

Well, I bought No More Heroes for the Wii today. I played an hour or so of it. Here's what I think so far:

A lot of technical problems. Ick. Framerate is very unstable. Camera sucks. Animation is weird. But, DAMN, has this game got style! Everything is friggin' crazy in this game. EVERYTHING. Like sometimes you'll get random slot machine upgrades that turn Travis into a super saiyan demon, screaming things like, "STRAWBERRY ON THE SHORTCAKE" as he slices people up in one hit. Crazy.

So this game is kind of fun so far. But it's nowhere near being AAA...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
So serious...
5:44 PM I wake up from my nap, only to find LUE flooded with Heath Ledger topics. And I'm like, "WTF?" Then I find out...he's dead... WTF?!

If you didn't know, Heath Ledger played the part of the Joker in the upcoming Batman movie, The Dark Knight. Now, I'm sure the movie is finished filming...but MAN, that's so...troubling. If the Joker dies in the movie, it's gonna feel even weirder... If he doesn't die... then yeah, still weird.

RIP, Heath Ledger.

J.R. is made of win
10:41 AM

I just bought The Orange Box for 30 bucks from Family Video. This game is normally priced at 60 dollars. The game also includes 5 games on it. That's like 6 bucks for each game.

So I'm saving crap loads of money...

Each game separately on the PC is probably around 20 bucks each. So this is a 100 dollar value. So I saved 70 dollars. So much win.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Be sure to visit the Xbox Live Marketplace on Wednesday
6:48 PM

I know not many people read this, but I'm sure the few that did probably missed out on the free Carcassone during Xbox Live's 5-year anniversary, meaning I wouldn't be able to play them online.

Well, I won't let that happen this time! Microsoft is giving away Undertow for free from January 23rd to January 27th. So go get it during that period. Why are they doing this? 'cause Live was down majority of the time during the holidays. It might still be having problems, too.

I don't even know what Undertow is about, but it's free, and originally priced at 800 points, so that's cool.
6:40 PM

Yay, my birthday! What have I done on my birthday? Sleep. I woke up at 4 PM again. :\ But whatever. I'm 20. Big deal. Nothing special happens at 20. But still happy birthday, m i rite? Moar liek boring birthday, but whatevers. Thank you everyone, for wishing me a good birthday. Yaaaay.

I prefer going Commando
4:23 AM

OMG, the "new" Bionic Commando game looks awesome. No, I don't mean the Spider-Man one, I mean Bionic Command: Rearmed, the remake of the original.

Now, I'm sad to say that I haven't played the original. I know, I know. Weird, huh? But I'm definitely looking forward to purchasing and playing this one...someone else better, too, 'cause it's got 2-player co-op!

I highly suggest you download and watch the HD version of the trailer, but I've embeded the regular one here:

Saturday, January 19, 2008
J.R. Watches Movies!: Cloverfield
4:25 AM

I'm not really sleepy, so while I wait for Terminator 2 to finish downloading, I'll be talking about my Cloverfield experience.

Let's get a little more professional and structure this entry logically. First, my reaction to the first teaser trailer from Transformers. I had read on GameFAQs about "Cloverfield" before even seeing Transformers. I just read that it was some really weird trailer without a name. Then I saw it for myself. I was like, "Wow...WTF?" Then I went back to GameFAQs after seeing Transformers and then there was speculation about Voltron and Cthulu and blah blah blah. I personally was like, "Voltron would be awesome, but I'll just wait for the movie to come out." So I did. I did not really give into the "hype." I wasn't all excited about "OMG, I WONDER WHAT THE MONSTER LOOKS LIKE." I was more like, "I just wanna know what this whole thing is about." So I guess that's a component to why I was not disappointed by the movie. I had no expectations before seeing the movie, so there was little room for disappointment.

Cat (Caitlin wants me to call her that now) said something about "another monster movie?" Cloverfield is definitely not just "another monster movie." Now, I haven't seen the entirety of the original Godzilla, and I don't remember anything about Godzilla 2000, but I'm going to assume that the movie focused mainly on the monster destroying crap, and it clearly showed what the monster looked like and its actions. In Cloverfield, "SpongeBob" (which is what I'll be calling the monster) is pretty much a mystery. Since you're viewing everything from the victims' perspectives, you have no idea WTF SpongeBob is going to do. This makes the movie kinda scary. You don't know what to expect because you don't know where the hell the monster is. There's no warning for when he attacks.

People complain/will complain about not knowing more about the monster. If you're watching this movie solely for the monster, you will be disappointed. This movie is about the victims. And that makes it awesome. Having the movie focus on the victims more than the monster makes this movie special. If it had focused on the monster just tearing stuff up from a birds-eye view, it would've just looked cheesey-- Well, this does happen, but then something similar to what happens in Call of Duty 4 and makes you remember you're still with the victims, so its anything but cheesey.

The shaky cam...yeah, it made me sick, but I don't think I would've had the movie filmed any other way. I never saw the Blair With Project, so this type of thing was new to me, and I'm sure that having a movie with a giant monster destroying things filmed in this manner is superior than filming a movie with some sticks banging in the woods...'least that's something I read on GameFAQs.

The movie is one word: intense. I really want people to see it ASAP, because the large screen, the booming surround sound, and all that jazz really makes the movie a great experience (as long as you're don't eat a lot of popcorn and aren't prone to motion sickness). Once they move the movie to one of the smaller screens, I don't think it'll be as good. Also, don't read the damn spoilers.

Now I'm getting tired of typing and I can't remember other stuff I was gonna talk about...

Once you start reading up on the viral marketing on the Internets, Cloverfield becomes even more interesting. The stuff about Slusho and the Japenese drilling company is quite interesting, and people have come up with some crazy, but logical theories regarding those things...then there are those lamers who try to discredit these theories using science. WTF? "Eggs couldn't come from space 'cause it's absolute zero and organisms wouldn't be able to survive" or "it couldn't have come from the deep ocean 'cause the difference in pressure would kill it." And then people complain about the Signs aliens being weak to water. Man, it's a movie about a giant monster. SUSPEND YOUR BELIEF. 'course, if the thing that came from the sky did just turn out to be a satellite that made the Slusho drilling guys look for it and wake up the monster, that makes it all much less interseting, but whatever. I'm partial to the "Slusho is made from crazy monster nectar that makes the monster kill people" or something like that. You probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Learn to use the Internet. >=[

Other complaints come from the ending or the fact that they didn't explain the origins of the monster or anything like that. Really, if they just had some scientist guy randomly show up and be like, "Oh, well, this is what happened", then it really would have ruined the tone of the movie. Don't get me wrong, though. I want to know what happened, especially since I'm afraid there might not be a sequel, but a straight explanation from the movie itself just wouldn't have been acceptable to me. But we're apparently going to get more viral clues up until the DVD release, so yay.

I have no idea what I'm talking about now. Go see Cloverfield.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Cloverfield made me vomit (Spoilers)
11:37 PM

A movie has never made me do this before. People always talk about how FPS games and such give them motion sickness, and I've always been, "Pshh, yeah whatever." Then I went to see Cloverfield tonight on this huge screen. I was stupidly eating a lot of popcorn during the previews.

A little bit after I saw someone explode in a bloody mess or something (I'm not sure what happened 'cause I was just glancing at the screen every now and then 'cause I was ill), I left to go to the bathroom and ended up throwing up.

While it's obvious the shaky cam bothered me, I'm not sure if I would've preferred the movie any other way. If the movie was filmed like any other monster movie, in third person and such, then the movie would've lost a lot of its...mood. It would've ended up another cheesey monster movie. The cam-corder (which an amateur camera guy is willing to lug around during a dangerous monster attack , recording in high definition on a tape and has a long battery life, but I'm willing to suspend my belief) makes the movie very unsettling (both in the "omg creepy" and "ugh, I feel sick" kinda ways).

I liked the movie. Too bad I missed a lot of it. I'll watch it again, but on DVD on my small 13.3" laptop screen.
3:17 AM

Today (well, yesterday, Thursday), me and Jessica went to see the musical theatre version of Sweeney Todd in Dallas. It was supposed to be for my Music Appreciation report, but I decided I'd rather enjoy the show rather than take notes. I might end up writing the report anyway, but whatever. The only thing that matters is that I saw it and it was awesome.

Now I wanna see the movie, but, of course, Paris doesn't have it and I have no idea when the DVD release is. There's a CAM version out on the 'net, but I can only find torrents, and recently torrents haven't been cooperating with me.

I'll do a review of the play (or whatever it's supposed to be called) later.

This isn't the one I saw. This video is from the 2005 revival. The 2007 one had different actors, and the guy who played Sweeney Todd in the 2007 tour is AWESOME. It was hilarious how he sounded disgusted when he says, "HAH!" in reaction to Mrs. Lovett's idea...unfortunately the 2005 guy doesn't do that.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
It's in the Air
6:02 PM

So today, Apple announced their ultraportable laptop: the Macbook Air. Wanna know my reactions to it? Sure you do.

The Name

Terrible. "Macbook Air" is a stupid name. It just sounds lame and unsexy. What's my old Macbook supposed to be? "Macbook Dirt"? A better name would've been the "AirBook", but I guess Apple wants to keep the "Macbook" name in their. Maybe take a note from Nintendo and call it "Macbook Lite." Or maybe "Macbook Mini"!

The Design

I suppose it works. It matches the new iMacs, with the black and aluminum color scheme. I love the Macbook keyboard, so that's great and all. The thinness is...AMAZING. I saw that envelope and I was like, "WTF, if fits in that?!" 'course, the thinness comes with some sacrifices, but I'll get to that later... Seriously, though, it looks like I could break that thing by accident! But the thinness makes it look sexy, and I like sexy electronics.

The Features

Most awesome thing about the Macbook Air: the multi-touch trackpad. I love it...I want it in MY Macbook, plz! It's just so sleek and awesome. Check it out in action here, here, here, and here.

Only 1 UBS port? That's really lame, but I guess the idea here is that it's supposed to be almost totally wireless for portability, so you'll be using a bluetooth mouse, or just the trackpad most of the time. No big deal, I guess. You'll mainly be using the port for a optical disc drive, because...

No optical drive?! WTF?! That's really lame. But again, I understand why, 'cause it adds to the portability factor. And it's obvious to me that Apple is trying to get you to use its other products instead of relying on a disc drive. Wanna back up your hard drive? Don't burn a disc, send the data to Time Capsule. Wanna watch a DVD? Rent it on iTunes! Burn a music CD?! WTF, Just use an iPod and iTunes! Yeah, I find it stupid, too, but if you're lugging a bunch of CDs around with your Macbook Air, you've got no business owning an ultraportable. >=[

But how do you install software without an optical drive? Remote Disc, which is kinda neat. 'course, you've got to already have a computer with a disc drive to use it, but I see the Macbook Air as a compliment to your other computers, so I guess that's understandable...

5 hour battery-life. AWESOME.

64 GB solid-state drive. Cool, but expensive. 'course, I know people are gonna be like, "ONLY 64 GB!??! LAME." But you've gotta understand that it's got no moving parts, and is faster than a traditional hard drive. So it's got its advantages...especially in an ultraportable like this.

The Price

$1799. Too much money for me, especially since I really don't need a Macbook Air.

The Conclusion

I'd rather just get another Macbook (non-Air) if I needed a new laptop. An ultraportable won't have much use to me. However, if I had crap loads of money, and more powerful desktop Mac at home, a Macbook Air would compliment it very well to just take to school and stuff. But I emphasize the part where I'd need craploads of money.

Now, if they put the multi-touch trackpad on the Macbook Pro, that's definitely going to be MINE...eventually. :D
1:01 AM

XD. Smash Bros. Brawl has been delayed from it's original February 10th release to a March 9th release.

Hahaha, the Internet is going to be fact, I bet it already is. I'm about to venture to the SSBB board on GameFAQs to see their reaction. I fear that I may get lost in the waves of rage and idiocy.

But that Pikmin level looks really cool.
Monday, January 14, 2008
I got a new Rock Band guitar.
4:48 PM

It wasn't an empty box! How delightful! The strum bar seems to be working...but I'm missing notes, mainly 'cause I need to get used to the Stratocaster again. The tilt mechanism for Overdrive seems wonky...and I can hear rattling when I shake the guitar.

But whatever. If there problems become too bad, I can just send and Express request in, have that fail, then send another one in, then a month, have my new guitar break completely, then wait another month, and I'll have a new guitar.

EA sent me a survey about my customer service experience. I marked "poor" on various questions...
Rock Band always needed some monkeys...
4:42 PM

But we still don't have monkeys. But we do have Monkees.

The DLC for this week is:
  • Action - Sweet (Cover) (160 MS Points)
  • Last Train to Clarksville - The Monkees (Cover) (160 MS Points)
  • All the Small Things - Blink 182 (160 MS Points)
Now, I don't know Sweet that well, and I've only really seen Blink 182 on the back of people's t-shirt, but I sure as hell know the Monkees! 'course, I guess the hardcore music fans or whatever don't share my feelings. I read comments on various game blogs, and their responses range from "Monkees awesome," to "Sucks." to "Stop giving us crap 'cause I'm too much of an idiot to appreciate weekly downloadble content for a wide variety of tastes in music. My taste in music should be everyone's taste. And WTF is Monkeys?"

I hate the Internet sometimes.

Saturday, January 12, 2008
I remember why Halo makes me bored.
10:44 PM

Matchmaking. OMG, it's taking forever. Like, I do really well in one match, so I'm fired-up and ready to go for another one...but after 5 minutes staring at a screen for matchmaking, I lose interest and become bored. I no longer feel like playing Halo.

Maybe this isn't Halo's fault. Maybe Xbox Live is still having problems from the holidays. Whatever. The fact still remains that MATCHMAKING SUCKS.

My Game of the Year (2007)
9:24 PM

Yeah, I know it's 2008 now, but I've been lazy and have been putting this off. IGN announced their Game of the Year yesterday, so I guess it's my turn.

According to my Facebook, the games I played this year were:
  • Trauma Center: New Blood
  • Assassin's Creed
  • Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition
  • Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
  • Super Mario Galaxy
  • Halo 3
  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
  • Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock
  • Rock Band
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
  • MySims
  • Half-Life 2: Episode 2
  • Portal
  • Team Fortress 2
  • Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
  • BioShock
  • Crackdown
  • Final Fantasy VI Advance
  • Medal of Honor: Heroes 2
Note that I split Orange Box to the three games that were new in 2007. I also probably missed some games, but whatever. That's not that important, because the three games I narrowed down to were:
  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
  • Portal
  • Super Mario Galaxy
All were amazing games, and they were the best games of 2007 in my opinion...What's funny is that I don't own any of these games...I rented them all. :\ But whatever. They're still great. The one that gets my title of "Game of the Year", however, is...

Super Mario Galaxy

Yeah. That's it. It's awesome. It's great. I loved it. I'm too lazy to explain why. Maybe there's some impressions somewhere in some previous blog posts. Whatever.

Honorable mention would be Rock Band, which is also awesome, but I'm really not keen on picking a multiplayer-focused game for GOTY. Whatever. Alright, on to 2008.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Well, I guess I'll probably need to get a PS3 now...
4:37 PM

Once I get my own HDTV, I guess...but yeah. We all knew how much of a failure PS3 and Sony was a while back. But with Blu-ray absolutely slaughtering HD-DVD, the PS3 is suddenly becoming more viable of a purchase. If Blu-ray becomes popular (I doubt DVD will die anytime soon), people will flock to the PS3, because it's cheapest Blu-ray player, and has a bunch of features (like being able to play games) that more expensive players don't have. So then developers will be like, "WHOAMG, look at all the people buying PS3s now! Maybe it doesn't suck after all!"

Also, PS3 has Darth Vader. =[

You all know I hate Sony. So I'm sad that Sony might end up winning this console war. :\ And the DualShock 3/Sixaxis still sucks. >=[

In other news, my 360 has also become more valuable in that I found a way to stream my iTunes/Movies from my Macbook to my I just need that damn HDTV!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Nevermind. Cervantes all the way.
11:13 PM

Turns out Vader is exclusive to the PS3 version. 360 gets Yoda. LAME.
So Namco announced the Soul Calibur IV guest characters...
4:48 PM

I bet you were expecting Dante, huh? I was...I was hoping for Dante...but we got something better.


...and also Yoda.

Now, people are going to complain/are complaining about this because "OMG, IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE" or "THAT'S STUPID." No, it makes sense, and it's AWESOME. See, people always mistake Star Wars for being set in the future...but every movie states it happens "a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away." What else is supposed to take place a long time ago? The Soul Calibur series.

Some people are saying Soul Calibur is a joke now, and now it sucks...WTF? It's just some bonus characters, and it's just a VIDEO GAME. Honestly, people take video games way too seriously sometimes... I'm sure Tori's gonna have a field day with this one...

And how is this more ridiculous than Spawn, Heichaiefwof, Link, and Lloyd being in Soul Calibur? It's not. It's more awesome.

But I doubt I'll play as Vader that much...Cervantes will always be my main man.
3:53 PM

Will Smith boosting Scientology.

Damn it. My wonderful, beautiful mental image of Will Smith has been shattered...

But some LUEser has made sense of the whole matter...
From SilverMasamune
Maybe he's just lying about it so he can infiltrate and bring them down?
That's reasonable...right...RIGHT?!?!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008
10:55 PM

Well, the "failed RMA" from EA that I had from last year (last month) has been updated as "New RMA" and now I have a UPS tracking number.

...awesome? I hope this isn't another empty box...
Monday, January 07, 2008
Singing Talent Unlocked
10:56 PM

Okay, not really. I'm still not that good at singing. I four-starred very few songs, and I think I only got 5 stars on Run to the Hills. I, surprisingly, only failed one song, though, and that would be Foreplay/Long Time at the very end, and that's the last song in Solo Tour...

Also, after many many months of having 4 and 4/5th stars of Rep on Xbox Live, I finally have a full 5.

Why'd it take so damn long!?
Why I'm not asleep...
3:16 AM

I've been working on a website for my "band." Check it out.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Fred moved
3:13 AM

I knew it.

'course, the best explanation for this is that we are seeing Fred from Neville's mental perspective. He thought it moved, so we see it move...It didn't really move, though. However, I still think the Alpha Male put it there.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
4:07 AM

'kay, I saw Juno today. It was an okay film. It wasn't horrible by any means, but I didn't think it was super awesome or anything like that. It was entertaining, and I don't regret watching it. That's about it.

My problem with the movie is that it didn't really have many likable characters. Juno was kind of a bitch. Her friend was a moron. Juno's mom was kinda bitchy, too. The father of Juno's kid was just...well, he seemed pretty lame. The adoptive mother was...I don't know what she was. Her husband was pretty cool, 'til you found out he was pretty much a pedophile. I guess Juno's father was okay, but he didn't get much screen time.

Also, OMG, the horrible, awful "lingo" in the movie. "I swear to blog"?! WTF? "Wizard"!?!? Do people really use those words and phrases?

Also, watching immature people do stupid crap isn't really as entertaining as it sounds. In fact, sometimes it just pisses me off.

What's funny, is that the movie seemed opposite of what I've experienced in life. Like, at the school in the movie, everyone was like, "OMG WTF A GIRL'S PREGNANT! SO WEIRD! BLAH BLAH BLAH" But there were tons of pregnant girls at Paris High.

Another thing that might've degraded the movie for me was 'cause it was about sex and I'm still a virgin. That always makes me feel stupid for some reason. Not really stupid...but it's not a good feeling. That lame-ass Bleeker kid wasn't a virgin. He sucks. I'm awesome. Damn it. Pisses me off.

So might seem like I hate the movie, but I really don't. It's better than...uhh..some lame movie that I saw last year, probably. I don't remember what movies I saw last year, but this movie wasn't bad. It was kinda good. It wasn't awesome, though. I Am Legend was awesome. If this movie was about Will Smith getting pregnant and killing zombie vampires, then it'd be awesome. Hell, if this was just Will Smith getting pregnant, I'm sure it'd still be awesome.

And...uhh...Oh yeah. I got to see the Wall-E trailer...or was it a teaser? Whatever. Yay, a Pixar movie that I probably won't get to see...but I want to see it. I WANT TO SEE IT SO BADLY.

I feel like watching House now. See, people on that show are bitches and assholes, but it's okay 'cause they're adults...and they save people's lives. :P
Well, it's finally happened...
2:53 AM

My Rock Band guitar has gone kaput. Down strums no longer register. It couldn't have happened at a worse time, either. Me and my sister were going through a 12-song set in Band World Tour. After the 10th song, with only 2 more to go, my down strums stop registering, so I'm left only with the ability to do upstrums, which is hard......and the songs we're on are also hard. So I make it to the solo in Flirtin' With Disaster and we fail...TWO FREAKING SONGS AWAY FROM THE END. We wasted all that time playing the previous 10 we're going to have to play them again once I get a new guitar.

Speaking of which, I've already put two replacement requests a long time ago. First time I got an empty box, second time it says it's "canceled", and I haven't heard a response from EA about that. >< I'm going to call them ASAP...
Friday, January 04, 2008
Awesome Game
2:24 AM

Check this out. It's a single-player co-op game. How does that work? Just play it and find out...
Thursday, January 03, 2008
I got new glasses
9:35 PM

No pics 'cause I'm lazy.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
What songs do YOU want?
6:57 PM

List of available downloadable songs for Rock Band. What songs do you want?

I plan on purchasing a few XBL point cards soon, and once Xbox Live stops being a huge biz, I'll go about actually purchasing some songs. But I don't wanna just buy crap no one will want to play/sing. So help me choose! Leave a comment, post on the foro, whatever. Just tell me.
Happy New Year!
6:50 PM

I certainly had a happy new year. I was invited to Caitlin(one of Jessica's friends)'s party. Despite having a hard time finding the place, problems with my car getting slightly messed up due to driving over a tree stump, I had a good time...and Rock Band wasn't as involved as I thought it'd be. Probably 'cause I'm in need of some new songs (and 'cause Jessica and Kara need to learn how to sing :P).

So anyways, here's a summary of events at the party: fireworks, cold, fire, cold, Rock Band, Sorry! (the board game), "A Game of Chance", Twister, the Futurama movie, and sleep-deprived discussion until 7 AM.

Highlights: I left the Rock Band group to go upstairs to Caitlin and her friends. We played Sorry! for some reason. Having never played the game, I was quite confused. That, however, did not stop me from totally owning everyone at the game. Yeah, I won. Weee.

Prior to these events, Caitlin had instructed people to bring 3 one-dollar bills to the party. I had no idea WTF this was for, but it was only 3 dollars, so I was like, "Whatever." So it turns out it involved gambling...but again...only 3 dollars! So there were 9 people involved, meaning whoever won this "game of chance" would walk away with 27 dollars. It was just some silly game involving dice, and passing money to each other. I'm too lazy to explain it, and it really doesn't matter. What does matter is I totally won 27 dollars. :D Ohh, such a lucky night for me. But everyone wins, 'cause I plan on spending this money on more Rock Band songs.

Everyone pretty much left the party by 3 AM. Me and Daniel (who rode with me to the party) were there until 7. WTF did we do during those 4 hours? I'm not really sure. The only people left were Caitlin, her two friends, and me and Daniel. We pretty much just talked about weird-ass things, apparently due to sleep deprivation. But yeah, we left at 7 AM.

Since it was 7 AM, the sun was out, and finding our way home was made a very simple task...and damn, Patmayse Lake looks beautiful at 7 in the morning. Previously that night, we drove over a bridge, and it was scary as hell. Driving over it again in the morning felt really good. It really felt like a new year! A new everything! I'm feeling really good, for the most part. This is awesome. Yay for touchy-feely happy time blog posts!

So, yeah, thanks Caitlin.
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