I got to the GameFAQs board, and I see people bring up legitimate complaints about the game, and they are marked as a troll, or act like it's the players fault for the developer's oversight.
Like, the game uses the Wiimote speaker for cell phone conversations, right? Well, I, and probably a lot of people, usually turn their Wiimote speaker off. Most games sense this and have the sounds directed to the TV speakers. Not No More Heroes. If your speakers are off, you'll just see Travis take out his phone and walk to silence. When this happened to me, I thought it was some kind of glitch. The game never tells you about the speaker feature (It might be in the manual, but who reads the manual?).
So some guy on the board brings up this issue. Guess what...it's his fault for not changing the speaker settings in the options menu and for not turning the subtitles on. WTF? So stupid..