The EA Press Conference is happening right now, and only G4 has a live stream of it, and the live stream sucks and doesn't work very well. Why couldn't IGN and Gamespot do a stream as well? And how come no one on gaming message boards seem to know that EA is having their conference? And why is no one talking about the new RE5 trailer? It seems, no one pays attention to anything at E3, unless it's a part of Microsoft's, Sony's, or Nintendo's conference, and it's annoying. ><
I wanna see the Dead Space and Mirror's Edge gameplay demos (I'm sure they'll release trailers later, but those aren't the same as gameplay demos). Rock Band 2 might also show up!! But I cannot watch these things 'cause G4 (and everyone else) sucks.
Update: Even with this crappy stream, I heard Peter Moore make a joke about pausing the game during the Tiger Woods demo. XD
Update2: Well, I ended up watching a stream OF G4's stream, and it was more watchable, strangely enough. I caught a few cool things, I guess (Left 4 Dead looks pretty awesome). id showed something, but I have no idea what 'cause the camera just showed the audience (and I got to see Will Wright in the crowd :D). Now everyone online is, of course, acting like E3 was disappointing, as if E3 was over already. lol.