WTF, that's not Reggie.
Shaun White Snowbording
- I don't care 'cause I sold Wii Fit and my Balance, it's not a Nintendo game.
- Finally, a familiar face...and he speaks much better English than the Square-Enix guy.
- Too bad he's not talking about anything that's interesting right now
- ...yay, pictures of old people playing video games...
- He's still talking about boring stuff. I'm browsing other sites 'cause I'm bored
- C'mon. Tell me more about MotionPlus!
- I bet all the Nintendo fanboys are enamored by this boring stuff
- OMG, HIDEO KOJIMA is not on stage. Iwata is still there, talking about boring stuff
- YES! KATSUAY EGUCH! ....I'm assuming he's an Animal Crossing guy, yep, "Creator of Animal Crossing." Hell yes!
Animal Crossing: City Folk
- Yep, looks like Animal Crossing on the Wii...
- An academy to find out what other players are doing
- Gracie has a store
- You can send messages to Wii Message Board
- A NEW PERIPHERAL: WII SPEAK, a microphone that sits on the sensor bar?
- VOICE CHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- People are fishing together and talking about stuff with each other!
- ...only 4 people on screen at the same time...
- Doesn't look that different from the other Animal Crossing games
- My sound just died.
- I'm not sure what he's talking about right now, 'cause the sound is being dumb
- Okay, it's back
- Okay, that presentation is over
- Not much mention of online play...
- Yay, Reggie's here!
- Animal Crossing coming by the end of this year with WiiSpeak
- Blah, boring NPD sales. Whatever.
- Booo, more boring Nintendo "Lol, we pwn" speak. Of course, I expected this.
- BREAKING NEWS, NINTENDO'S GAMES SELL, even the crappy ones.
- More breaking news! Wii outsells other consoles! :O
- So boring. Why can't they get Will Wright to do these charts?
- OMG, HALO FOR WII-- no, that would be exciting, and it's still boring
- Ugh, another chart that says, "Wii sells more." Stop bragging, damn it.
- Only 3 new games to be shown. :P
Star Wars: Clone Wars
- The normal crazy smiling people waggling their remotes to gameplay footage
- Doesn't look all that interesting
Rayman Raving Rabbids
- Raving Rabbids TV or whatever
Call of Duty: World at War
- Ugh, the Wii Zapper
- The best-looking game out of these 3, but it's a multiplatform game from someone who's not Infinity Ward
- Firs Wii gameplay footage. Looks better than COD3 Wii, at least
Okay, that was all third-party stuff, so we'll see first party stuff later, I assume.
Not Reggie
- Ugh, more charts, but this time, DS instead of Wii. My sound is messing up, but I don't really care 'cause it's boring stuff.
- Just turned on G4 'cause IGN was messing up
- and still more boring stuff
- lol, new GTA game...for the DS
- I bet all the Nintendo fanboys who hate GTA will love this
- And then they'll complain that there's no Wii version
Wii MotionPlus
- Finally, though I'm watching this on G4, so I'm gonna have to turn around instead of typing.
- New Wii Sports game: Wii Sports Resor: comes with MotionPlust
- I'm gonna stop talking and watch.
- Yay, a fetch game with a dog. lol, POINT THE WII REMOTE AT THE SCREEN PLZ!
- JetSki game...honestly doesn't look as fun as Wave Race
- I Now this is what I'm talking about. Looks like 1:1 sword movement
- To bad he's chopping log and not people.
- Now they're whacking each o ther with sticks
- That looked pretty cool, but no blood or chopping off limbs, unfortunately
- One more experience available this MotionPlus stuff in this one...
Wii Music
- And it's Wii Music! Looks pretty neat. He's playing the drum set with the Wi remote and Balance Board. But it's not like it just sounds like he's banging on stuff randomly.
- Miyamoto is playing the Sax with the Wii Remote
- Yay, MIDI quality music :P
- basically, the song plays itself, you just act like you're playing it at your own tempo...uhh...yeah. I'm not buying this "game."
- Yay, they mention F-Zero...'cause it's a song in the game
- Okay, honestly, as a big Nintendo fan, this is really lame. It's like those keyboards that play a preset song when you press any key. Try mashing keys on those things and listen to how silly it sounds.
- Whoa, more than 4 players at a time. That's neat. Shows potential for other games.
- They're playing the Mario theme song, just by waggling! Woo.
- So it's a more casual version of Rock Band/Guitar Hero. Well, at least the hardcore Wii Fanboys have Guitar Hero: World Tour, probably at Activision's conference.
The End
Kind of a disappointment, but E3 isn't over yet (it hasn't even begun). Sony's conference is later today, but since I don't own a Sony system, I probably won't blog that. I'll watch it, though. I expect cool things from them, too.
At least there's Grand Theft Auto DS! That's pretty cool news. Wii MotionPlus also has a lot of potential, but they, unfortunately, did not demonstrate that much of it. I guess I'll be buying WiiSports Resort. And I want more info on Animal Crossing and WiiSpeak...