And I don't even own the game! I rented it yesterday, and OMG, this game is so freakin' awesome. It definitely tops Metroid Prime 3 as my favorite Wii game, and dare I say it, this game is even better than Super Mario 64!
Everything about this game is awesome. The gameplay, the graphics...and OMG, the music. It's about time Nintendo started using orchestrated music in their games, and it is BEAUTIFUL. Why can't they do the same with Smash Bros.? You hear that new Meta Knight song? Yeah, it's horrible. It's even worse than the SNES version.
But anyway, Galaxy is just so unexpectedly awesome. Sure, it's a Mario game, we all know that, but whoever expected there to be stuff like bloom lighting and orchestrated music in a Mario game? Mario even gets orchestrated music before Zelda, and you'd expect Zelda to get that sooner!
And gameplay. Yes, this is a true successor to Mario 64. Forget that Sunshine crap.
No my complaints: sometimes when walking on spherical worlds, the controls get weird, specifically when you're upside down. A lot of the time, Mario will be going the opposite direction I want him to go. >=[ Luckily, spherical worlds aren't the whole game, as some bigger planets exist, too, and the spherical stuff is still pretty cool every once in a while.
Another thing I hate: the side sommersault. They changed it so that it's harder to do in this game. In Mario 64 and Sunshine, I could pull this jump off easily, and I used it all the time. In Galaxy, I attempt to do it and fail, pulling off either a long jump or a regular jump, or just running in the opposite direction and not jumping at all. Due to this, I pretty much just have to stop using it (or trying to use it).
I've only got 33 stars, and I have to return this game tomorrow. I think I can finish it tonight...maybe. If not, oh well. I'll buy this game somewhere down the line. It's worth it.