J.R. Plays Games! - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations (DS)
Took me forever to get this game...but now I've got it. Actually, I've had it...but only for a couple of days. I just finished the second case yesterday. Very cool, just 'cause it broke a lot of Phoenix Wright "traditions" so it was something new.
It's a shame most of you guys aren't into the series. Daniel said to me yesterday, "I'm surprised you haven't beat it already." I was like, "WTF?" Phoenix Wright games are NOT short games. They are hella long. Sure, there's only like...4 cases, but each case is at least twice as long as the one before it. Plus, there's some head-scratching moments in the game that might have you stuck for a while. There was a few parts in case 2 that I said, "screw it, I'm looking it up in an FAQ." But yeah, I'm still enjoying the game.
Also, Godot is badass...I should've been him for Halloween. =[