I rented Call of Duty 4 yesterday...I intended to rent Super Mario Galaxy, but Family Video didn't have it. >=[
Well, I just beat Call of Duty 4. Yeah, it took me only one day. :P Still, it was pretty damn cool. Very intense...but not GOTY for me...'cause I'm not big on tactical shooter. Sure, this is no Rainbow Six, which is good, actually, 'cause it's not THAT tactical. It's more arcadey...but it's not Unreal or Halo. I died multiple times... I was playing on Hardened, btw, which is pretty much "Hard Mode." I'm not even going to try it on Veteran. The second-to-last level on Hardened was hell...Veteran must be..OMG, I don't even want to think about it!
But one level was just absolutely badass. It was the level that was shown during E3 last year. You're basically just following a guy and doing what the says..yeah, sounds boring, but it's incredibly tense and just awesome-feeling...but then the level after that is my second-least-favorite level.
And the cinematics were just...awesome...and it's pretty much like Half-Life in that it's all seen through your character's perspective...and some stuff happens to your characters...well, at least one of them. :P
So...I guess I'll just play the multiplayer now, then return it tomorrow and see if they have Mario Galaxy.
...and what's with all games having humorous end credits music? Gears of War, Portal, now Call of Duty 4! That's true next-gen right there!