Since seeing some TV previews of Stephen King's The Mist, I've been wanting to see it...but guess what! Movies 8 isn't showing it! Instead, they're showing stupid Christmas movies and Hitman. Hitman!? WTF?
Only one movie out of the movies sowing at Movies 8 has a "Fresh" Rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Normally I don't care about the rating on Rotten Tomatoes when it comes to movies I'm interested in seeing. But I'm not interested in seeing any of those movies except Beowulf, which happens to have a 70% fresh rating, so Rotten Tomatoes supports me here. The Mist also has a 69% Fresh rating. Everything else is "Rotten."
So I guess I'll go see Beowulf sometime soon...'cause if it's a good movie, they'll get rid of it fast.