I'm too lazy to make individual posts for each of these topics, and I don't want to go into much detail? Why? 'cause I'm lazy. Seriously. What's up with that? I have pretty much NOTHING to do on this Saturday, so I could easily take the time to write up some nice, long, detailed entries for my blog...but no. I'm lazy. I'm not gonna do that. >=[ So here's just the facts:
J.R. Watches Movies! - Saw IV
Say what you want, but the Saw movies are interesting. A lot will say, "Saw sucks" and be like, "All it is is gore" and "It's not scary" and stupid crap like that. Whatever.
I watch the movies because I want to know what happens. I want to know why the things happen. I want to know the story. Of course, I'm some people are going, "LOL STORY." Sure, the plot is quite silly, but with most movies, you must suspend your belief, and if you do that with Saw, the experience is enjoyable...
'course, Saw IV literally did NO explaining...but it certainly makes you want to watch Saw V for the same reason I watched Saw IV: to understand WTF happened and why. And there's a Saw VI coming, I'm sure V will not answer many questions either. I'm fine with that. That's 2 to 4 dollars a year to watch a movie that's more than slightly interesting.
Sure, Saw may not be a cinematic masterpiece, but that doesn't make them not entertaining. Not every movie you watch has to be the Green Mile or whatever. I'm sure people will say that movie sucks, too. -_-
J.R. Plays Games! - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
Well, I'm on the last case now (Case 5), on the second trial portion of the game. If this game is anything like the others, this will either be a really really really long trail, or a long trial, with trials to follow. I must say, this last case is quite epic. I don't wanna spoil it...but since no one else plays the games, does it really matter? Oh well, highlight some crap if you want spoilers:
You play as Phoenix during the beginning of the "case", before a murder even occurs. After the murder occurs, Phoenix becomes incapacitated...and then you play as Edgeworth, Phoenix's rival, and major prosecutor in the series. So you finally get to hear Edgeworth say "HOLD IT!" and "TAKE THAT!" You also do some investigating as Edgeworth, and instead of Maya accompanying you (Maya is currently trapped in a cavern...I dunno what might happen to her. It'd suck if she dies), Detective Gumshoe takes her place. It's quite funny. 'course, since you're playing as Edgeworth in the next trial, Godot drops out, as he only is interested in battling Phoenix Wright. So Franziska von Karma takes Godot's place at the prosecution's side (She's the prosecutor from the second game...). After this trial is over, you're back in control of Phoenix Wright. Since Maya is still trapped, Franziska is your partner instead. It's like, "WHOA...all the prosecutors are helping you out this time! Don't you love it when enemies team up for the greater good?" But then Godot shows up. He is not interested in helping Phoenix. But he reveals why he has that awesome visor on his head. He explains that he's died before, has had his organs regenerated, and is essentially a cyborg fueled by coffee, which makes him more awesome. 'course, I already knew this, 'cause the previous case reveals Godot's identity before his death, but the game doesn't go outright and say it.
But I'm kinda disappointed now. The central character, and defendant, of this case is a nun named Iris. The reason that Phoenix is interested in her is that she looks a lot like his evil ex-girlfriend who tried to kill him in the first case, and killed a bunch of other people in the case prior to this one. Iris talks about how she's at the temple (where the murder took place) because she has committed some "sins." I was like, "WHOAMG, it's her! It's Phoenix's ex!" And I was like, "Wow, that's so cool if she actually has reformed." But, nope. Turns out Iris had a twin sister that turned out to be evil. DAMN IT! But I have yet to discover why Iris cares about Phoenix, considering that she has never met him, and Dahlia (her twin) claimed to hate Phoenix's guts.
Oh yeah, you also find out the identity and location of Maya's mother all these years (which was only mentioned in the first game to be missing) and that Iris and Dahlia are related to the Feys. This is so awesome, because this game is actually tying up all the loose ends in the whole trilogy. With all the games in a series I've played, they always end with some stupid question that is never answered, but it looks like Phoenix Wright is going to find answers to all questions.
So yeah, that's pretty much where I'm at. I'm playing as Phoenix, Godot is back as prosecutor, and Maya is still trapped in that cavern. I have yet to figure out what's exactly going on with Iris, and I still need to find out why Godot's got a grudge against Phoenix, and wait for the game to reveal his true identity for real...yeah.
End spoilers.
Damn it, I said I wouldn't write much...oh well. Whatever.