So what do they have to say to 360 owners?
Mark Rein: 360 Users: please do not hijack this thread. The game is only coming out on PS3 and PC this year and then will appear on 360 next year. As soon as we have a better idea on 360 release timeframe and features we'll announce it but don't expect any news on it before the end of this year.Sad to hear that, but this message actually gives me hope for the 360 version. It seems like they have an agreement with Sony to not say anything about the 360 version. So maybe after the PS3-timed-exclusive runs dry, Epic will pull a 180 and announced kickass features for the 360! ...if Microsoft doesn't end up being a biz. Honestly, I don't care that much for user-created-content. I mean, it's cool and all, but that's not why I buy UT games. I buy UT games for fast-paced twitch-shooter action, and a keyboard and mouse supplies that. >=[
On a happier side, Quake III Arena is being released for the Xbox Live Arcade. But...probably no keyboard and mouse support for that... but that's okay, 'cause I've never really played Quake III before.