Similar to "reading Playboy for the articles" except less boring.
This dude on LUE made a topic asking about Hentai Games with "good gameplay." Most people would "lol" at such a question. Well, some posters took it seriously and actually suggested some games..'course, I didn't know what these games were about, but they intrigued me. Apparently, by "good gameplay" they meant "good story" (though apparently there's a side-scrolling shooter hentai game....and it's not Cho-Aniki).
This one dude mentioned this one game called "Kana - Little Sister" or something like that. LOL! INCEST M I RITE!? But he talked about how the story made him cry. I was like, "WTF?" Why would you play a hentai game if it would make you cry? 'cause it's got a good story! I haven't played the game myself (though I'd like, too...need to find somewhere to download it...I wonder if there's a Mac version...), but I read up on the story. And yeah, the story seems very sad. I think it's about some little girl who is the main character's sister and she's like...really ill and stuff. Main character (you) hate her because she gets all the attention from your parents. Stuff happens, you begin to care for your sister, she develops romantic feelings for you. Probably some sexy scenes with her, I don't know, 'cause the plot synopsis didn't go into detail >=[. But yeah, in the end you find it she wasn't really your sister, and then she dies. Something like that.
Yeah. Neat story. I didn't go into much detail, obviously, 'cause I haven't played the game and I'm just reciting what I can remember from the plot synopsis I read.
Then later, I was reading about Negima on Wikipedia for some reason (I'm sure Hastings still doesn't have #6, but I don't care anymore, 'cause from reading the plot on Wikipedia, the direction has changed to something less interesting to me). But I ended up reading about some Negima H-doujin I found on some blog, talking about how "OMG, TEH STORY!" So I scoured Google for a translated version and read it. XD, wow, that was great. It started out like a traditional hentai comic, gratuitous sex and stuff, and was really silly at first...but then later, it got much darker and more serious. At the end I was like, "Holy crap. I'd totally start reading Negima again if it was like this." Well, if they took out the explicit, gross sex scenes, at least. They could maybe mention them, and imply they occur, 'cause they're integral to the story, but actually showing them is a bit much...'cause some of the scenes are...yeah. Nothing like scat or some weird crap that Dillon talks about happening in Alabama, but Buck Cake-ish things.
So let's see if I can summarize the story from memory...
First, some background info: Negi is a 10-year-old genius magi who is teaching a class at some all-girl Japanese school. By "magi" I mean he can use magic. His students (composed of 14-year-old girls) are none-the-wiser to his magical abilities...except for one: Asuna, who he lives with.
I bet you're all getting ideas for all the fun, sexy things that can happen in this doujin! ...but you're probably all wrong about what happens. :P
So, like there are a bunch of other students, but none of them really matter in this story. One other student (the main character of this doujin) is like..Chisame..or something...I don't know her name. Let me look it up. Okay, I was right. Her name is "Chisame Hasegawa." Anyway, she's essentially a computer nerd...a very cynical one at that. She lives a double life, though. She runs this Interweb site under the name "Chiu" and she's a "net idol." I'm not really sure what that is, but she's like some kinda model. I guess the site is something like a porn site without nudity. She dresses up in a strange outfits (like bunny girl or maid costumes) and takes pictures of herself, Photoshops her boobs to make them look bigger, then uploads them to gain Internet popularity. Epic lulz.
In the anime, the whole class starts up their own website, and post pictures of the students. In some weird and disturbing way, the student site ends up being more popular and stealing traffic from Chisame's site, and she has to figure out ways to get her 'net popularity back.
Anyway, that's the backstory. All that is canon to the Negima story, by the way. The doujin, though, is not canon (though it'd be cool if it was >_>).
...I'm tired of typing. How 'bout you all just go read the damn doujin yourself! It's called "Negimaru." There are 4 volumes. Use your Google skillz to find a translated version. If you're curious enough, you know you'll do it! I gave you the back story, so you'll understand, somewhat, what the characters are all about.