Yeah, MP3 is getting high scores, so if anything, it's overrated, right? WRONG. MP3 is getting lower scores than Twilight Princess...WTF!? As a Wii game, Metroid Prime 3 kicks Twilight Princess's ass all over the damn place. Twilight Princess is crap compared to Metroid Prime 3. I'll tell you why.
Metroid Prime 3 is a true Wii game. Twilight Princess is a Gamecube game on the Wii. That's why I think Gamespot gave it a "low" score of 8.8...but then Gamespot went weird and gave MP3 a low score. Different reviewer saw it differently, I guess.
Let's look at TP... It's a Zelda game first of all. Of course people are going to rate it high, just for that. For some reason, people like Zelda more than they do Metroid. Out of Nintendo fans, Metroid is probably one of the least popular franchises. I remember on GameFAQs seeing topics like, "Which Wii games are you looking most forward to?" Super Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros. Brawl were on 99% of the lists. Metroid Prime 3? It was at maybe 70% or less. I was really surprised. I was like, "WTF?"
Then I look at my friends. I'm the only one I know that was really excited about MP3. I think I'm the only one that really loved the first two Metroid Prime games even! But the rest of my friends, they jump for joy for Zelda and Smash Bros. Everyone I knew with a Wii thought Zelda was a "must have" on the Wii, and they all owned the game. Now Metroid Prime 3 is a "must have"...but I'm the only one I know that has it. Metroid just isn't as popular is Zelda...and that pisses me off.
Twilight Princess was a good game...but as a Wii game, it's just not all there. It had some really finicky motion controls...they seemed very tacked-on. And had some "waggle" and IR aiming...and that's pretty much all the Wii features the game used. Face it, Twilight Princess is a lame example of a good Wii game because it really doesn't take advantage of the Wii! You want proof? It's on the Gamecube, too, with very little difference in functionality...
Now there's Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. An ACTUAL Wii game. Why do I say this? I mean, after all, Metroid Prime 1 and 2 were Gamecube games. How is this different? The controls, damn it. The controls work really really well in this game, and it's not any of that unresponsive waggle crap. The IR aiming works wonders. Yes, Twilight Princess had it, too, but Metroid Prime 3 takes it to the next five levels. People have been wanting 1:1 movement, right? Well here it is in Samus's arm cannon! The movement is just fluid and pretty much matches where you point the Wiimote. The other motion controls also work really well. Things like pushing levers, activating rotating switches, and locking energy cells into place are 1:1 motions, not that "move the remote for a canned animation" crap, like Zelda's sword swings. But some of MP3's motions don't work as well...the spring ball doesn't work all the time, but it's not necessary, because the bomb jump is still in the game. The grapple beam is responsive in throwing it. It's feel less good when reeling it back in, though...but it works much better than Zelda's shield attacks.
But good, well thought-out motion controls aren't the only thing that makes Metroid Prime 3 a real Wii game. It even has online functionality. The game takes advantage of WiiConnect24 to allow exchanging of friend tokens, allowing you to unlock bonus content in the game. While, yeah, it's not exactly the deepest, most complex, or even useful online system, but it's present. Twilight Princess had no online functionality whatsoever.
The token thing goes even further with the in-game achievements. While it's unfortunate that the Wii doesn't have a built-in achievement system, Retro did the next best thing with game-specific ones. So MP3 even ADDS features to the Wii...kinda sorta.
So...why aren't more people buying Metroid Prime 3!? Did people just get tired after Zelda, then sell there Wii, making buying new Wii games futile? Or do people actually believe Twilight Princess is more worthy than Metroid Prime 3? If that's the case, you guys are silly! BUY METROID PRIME 3!
And keep in mind...I've only discussed why MP3 is awesome as a Wii game. I haven't even started talking about how awesome MP3 is as video game in general. There's badass boss fights, clever puzzles, and an intriguing story there, too. But I'll save that topic for when I finish the game.