I recently beat God of War (the first one) on the PS2. I played through it on Hard mode. It's an awesome action game, but does it live up to my love, Devil May Cry?
Devil May Cry is awesome. God of War is epic. That pretty much sums it up. They're both good in their own ways.
God of War's got a few frustrating problems, though. The camera, for one, really pisses me off. Sometimes, enemies will attack you off screen, which is really lame, especially since you can't control the camera. Or maybe a monster will get in front of the camera, blocking your view, and causing you to get hit a lot because you can't see any attacks to avoid.
Another thing about the combat that frustrates me is that all of your attacks are blockable by the enemies, but a lot of your enemies' attacks are not. At times, you'll find even your strongest moves will not make a monster flinch. You'll be in the middle of a combo, and the enemy just takes it in stride, then attacks you, breaking the combo, and opening you up to even further attacks from other enemies. You're also not able to cancel any of you special moves, which you'll do by accident often, since to initiate the attack, you have to hold the block button, then press an attack button. So you'll mean to block, then attack, but the game things you're attacking while blocking, sending you to your doom with a long animation sequence that cannot be broken unless an enemy hits you, or you finish the animation.
Another thing is that at times, I feel there is TOO MUCH combat. You'll be fighting waves and waves and WAVES of enemies before a door unlocks. You'll start thinking that the minotaurs coming from the ground are of infinite supply, while in reality, there are just a lot of them that you have to kill.
With all these complaints about the combat, you'd think that the game would suck, it being an action game, right? Nah, it's still awesome. The game is fun to play, as long as you're not dying. I guess it's my fault for playing the game on Hard mode. :P
Oh yeah, the story is cool. Kratos kicks ass.
If you wanna know my new gaming schedule, I'm playing Dead Rising right now. I'll have some other post on that game sometime soon.