Look at Super Mario Galaxy...

Sure, Nintendo created the system, so they know all the hardware tricks and all, but other developers should have access to them. Konami's "Dewy's Adventure" looks good, too, but then look at Ubisoft's "Far Cry Vengeance." WTF happened there, Ubisoft?
Developers need to start taking the Wii more seriously. They need to stop porting PS2 games and tacking Wii controls on them. They need to make games with the Wii in mind from the beginning.
That's another thing...the controls. A lot of games are using motion controls as "button replacements." That's lame and stupid. Free motion is where the money should be. That's why most Wii games that work really well are pointer games. Driving games work as you would expect them, too. But flicking the controller up to jump? You can do that easily with a button press. Flicking it reload? Lame. I don't wanna perform a movement, then watch the same old animation play in response to it. I wanna see objects move in conjunction with my Wiimotes movements.
Oh, and WTF is up with your online stance, Nintendo? Get that crap straightened out. >=[ I don't want Super Smash Bros. Brawl's online component to be half-assed with no options. I don't want your shizzy friend codes, either.
So...yeah...the Wii isn't anywhere near its full potential. I'm hopeful for the future.