That night I played Sonic at Daniel's, we also started our Ninja Turtle marathon thing. We started playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game for the NES. Unfortunately for me, I sucked at the game, and I quickly lost all my lives and ended up not being able to continue. Daniel, being the ninja master that he is, was able to continue with his initial life count. He had like already completed 2 levels since I had died and he was still on his first continue. We weren't even sure if the game had continues, 'cause he hadn't lost all his lives yet.
Daniel suggested that maybe I could start playing the game on my laptop and see if I could catch up. Boy, did he regret saying that! I didn't have the NES version on my Macbook. I did, however, have the original Arcade version through MAME. So I started it up and tried to race Daniel to beat the game first. 'course, I had the power of infinite continues due to my large pocket of virtual quarters! But that's not the only thing that made, uh, things easy for me. Daniel had beaten one level and moved on to the next. When I made it up to the level that he had just beaten, he was still playing the next level. Once I had beaten my level, Daniel was still on the same level. So the Arcade version advanced to the next level...which was the level after the one Daniel was on! Get it? The NES version added an extra level in there, and to top it off, the NES levels are waaaay longer, and Daniel was actually playing. I was just attacking enemies and popping in more quarters. To say the least, I beat the game WAAAAY before Daniel did. In fact, once Daniel lost all his lives and used his next continue, I was able to join in on the game again. So we had a good hour of the game before we finally beat it. We even ran into ANOTHER level that wasn't in the Arcade version.
So, in conclusion, I totally helped Daniel beat the NES version due to my excellent knowledge of the game, considering I beat it way before he did. :P It was awesome.