I'm having trouble using MSN on my Mac. For the most part, I mainly use Adium, a multi-protocol IM client for OS X. However, it's been giving me problems with MSN lately. So I try out the latest version of "Microsoft Messenger for Mac", aka, the Mac version of MSN Messenger. This piece of crap is CRIPPLED to hell.
First of all, a biggy is that it doesn't support video or voice chat. That's stupid as hell, considering my Macbook has a built-in webcam. But I don't really do anything more than text chat most of the time, so this really doesn't matter to me, but the principle of the thing is that the OFFICIAL app doesn't support this standard feature of MSN Messenger, which is stupid as hell.
The most important feature of an IM client, however, no matter how silly it may seem, is the ability to rename contacts. Why would I want to rename contacts? Because I want to know who the hell I'm going to talk to. Let's say say I wanna talk to "Jim." 'cept his name isn't Jim on MSN...it's "<><><><>><><>~~~~~ (((( I LOVE FISH ))))) ------ <><><><:DD :D:P!!@!~~~~~" ...now, not only is that a stupid name, but it doesn't let me know who he is....plus it looks really really ugly! In Adium, however, I can simply right-click his name and give him a "Nickname." I give him the nickname "Jim." BAM, that long, stupid name on my contact list is now a simple, clean "Jim."
Unfortunately, Microsoft Messenger for Mac does not support the ability to rename contacts! How lame! Windows Live Messenger for Windows does support this...after a million years of not supporting it (I had to live with hacks to add this feature to MSN). Microsoft Messenger for Mac doesn't even let me use their e-mail as display names, either! I'd rather see "fishlover03@hotmail.co"m than "<><><><>><><>~~~~~ (((( I LOVE FISH ))))) ------ <><><><:DD :D:P!!@!~~~~~"
So...to make my life easier, everyone should stop putting these stupid phrases and symbols in their MSN display name. However, I don't want to deprive these users of their sick symbol fetish entirely, so I have a suggestion. MSN now has this feature called a "Personal Message." This is not your Display Name, but it a little phrase that appears to the right of your display name on my contact list. Put your stupid symbols here! That way it'll say "Jim - <><><><>><><>~~~~~ (((( I LOVE FISH ))))) ------ <><><><:DD :D:P!!@!~~~~~." At least then I'll know who I'm talking to, and it'll look a LITTLE bit better.
Better yet, everyone just stop using MSN. Switch to AIM or something. It's not like most of you guys NEED the features of MSN. I bet most of you don't even know MSN HAS any features.