Saturday, March 24, 2007
J.R. Watches Movies! - TMNT (2007)
12:03 AM

I just got back from seeing TMNT. I have one thing to say about it: AWESOME.

Okay, I've got more to say about it.

The movie was awesome. Really awesome. In fact, I'll be so bold to call it the best Ninja Turtles movie. Yes, I believe it topples the original.

Anyway, I suggest you see it if your a Turtle fan, but DON'T EXPECT THE SHREDDER. Everyone who expects him to come back is going to be disappointed with this movie. But in a sequel...

Okay, I'm gonna continue to talk about the movie, except the text is going to be full of SPOILERS. So if you don't want the movie spoiled for you, don't read my further description of the movie and its awesomeness.

The thing that stands out the most in my mind right now is the fight between Leonardo and Raphael. That was pure win right there. The two turtles with the most dangerous weapons, that never get to use their weapons 'cause they're too violent, are actually using their weapons...against each other...on a the rain. The only thing that would've made this more epic is if it took place on a bridge. Okay, despite the presence and use of Leo's katana and Raph's sai, there's no stabbing or slicing (it's a kid's movie!), but it's still very cool. And it's an actual fight! With intensity! And since its CGI, no awkward cuts to break up the action and stuff. Much better stuff than crap like Ghost Rider didn't have (fight scenes).

Now, the plot. The movie kinda got me excited for an awesome ending. I only got an okay ending, though. The plot was about this guy wanting to open up a portal to another dimension. I was hoping that this dimension would be Dimension X, and at the end, they'd show Krang (who has never been in the movies), as he prepares to invade Earth. And with him, Shredder, who would return in the sequel. That would be pure win. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, but it's still okay. Just not awesome.

Now, speaking of the Shredder, I'm sure many people were disappointed that he didn't appear in the movie (well, he did, for a few seconds at the beginning when Morpheus was talking about the turtles' past). If this movie does well, and we get a sequel, Shredder will return. Karai, the new leader of the foot, hints at it. Saying something like, "In the future, we will see each other again, in familiar circumstances. Familiar faces will return." And Raph says, "She doesn't mean..." and he doesn't finish the sentence. Of course, it probably won't be the same Shredder. Karai will probably end up as a NEW Shredder. So people will be disappointed with that. Whatever.

Another thing that bothered me were the turtles themselves...not their characters or anything, but their character MODELS. They looked too skinny to me. I wanted them to be more buff. I'm talking Gears of War buff. That's how they are in the new cartoon, right? They look more menacing as buff, muscled turtles. The Foot looked awesome, though.

I also wasn't comfortable with April fighting, but eh, whatever. Not that big of a deal.

All in all, awesome movie. Everyone go see it, so they make a sequel and put Shredder in it. Now I'm off to find a Torrent for the 1987 cartoon series. I might even check out the 2003 series. I'm experiencing an resurgence of Turtlemania now...
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