I bought Ninja Gaiden Black a long time ago. I remember back in the Gamecube/PS2/Xbox days, I always wanted an Xbox to play Ninja Gaiden. I never got one, and I never got a chance to play the game. So I eventually became a fan of Devil May Cry.
When I bought Ninja Gaiden Black to play on my 360, I thought it was okay, but really hard. Now I just tried playing it again, and after playing DMC4, I just can't play Ninja Gaiden! The combat in NG feels too...limiting. The combos are "dial-a-combo", as in you have to press a certain sequence of buttons in order to do a combo. DMC let you create your own combos, so all your attacks were very fluid. I also try to jump cancel in Ninja Gaiden out of habit, and that doesn't work. ><
I'm just not really having fun with Ninja Gaiden 'cause I've come to expect stylish kills from this genre. The combat ends up feeling slow to me, even though it's really not.
Plus..OMG, the camera is bad. Sure, DMC has a bad camera, too, but at least I can control it somewhat with the right analog stick. Can't do that in NG.
Yeah, I'm sure people will say that I suck at the game, and I probably do, but I don't really care enough to get better. I'm really not sure if I'll end up getting Ninja Gaiden 2. Supposedly a demo will be out for the game before the game comes out, so I guess I'll make my decision then.