So, Harmonix announced Rock Band Wii today. FINALLY. Now all those lame-ass GH3 Wii fans will get a REAL Guitar Hero game, along with a drum and karaoke game! ...but... this won't feature online or downloadable content.
So, GH3 features online play, but Rock Band doesn't. Oh well, Rock Band still beats the crap out of Guitar Hero 3, right? You know that, and I know that, but idiots all over the world will see this one flaw and Rock Band will go down below GH3. Way to make a bad impression on your product immediately, Harmonix! I thought you'd be more responsible than this! >=[
Still, I hope Rock Band beats the crap out of GH3, even if it is the gimped PS2 version. The casual market should eat it up, right? :P