Lost Odyssey can go to hell. I found a REAL RPG: Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden
You all know I'm not much of an RPG fan anymore. Well, I started playing a REALLY AWESOME one the other day. It's known as "Barkley, Shut up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa."
What's this game about, you ask? It's about Charles Barkley...yes, the basketball player. How is this awesome? C'mon! It's Charles Barkley! Also, Space Jam (yes, the Looney Tunes movie) is
canon to this game.
The story to this game is that of a dystopian future. B-Ball has been outlawed, and many great B-Ballers died in "The Great B-Ball Purge." This was the result of Barkley's Chaos Dunk causing mass destruction. Now Barkley must fight to bring B-Ball back to its former glory!
Sound silly, huh? Well, it is, but it is surprisingly very well-written! This could actually pass of as a real JRPG. In typical JRPG fashion, Barkley plays the role of the pessimistic, emo-ish main character (except he doesn't have crazy hair, and instead of a large sword, he wields a basketball). There's also the long, white-haired, swordsman, Balthios James, great grand son of Lebron James.
And the battle system...wow! You'd expect a battle system in a homebrew RPG to be pretty limited, but this one is actually well-thoughout! It's better than a lot of battle systems in actual retail RPGs.
The quality of this game is just amazing, especially for a homebrew game.
Also, the game has a town of furries and makes fun of them and Japanophiles. Awesome.
If you're a fan of RPGs, I suggest you play this game.
Download it now. (It's for PC, if you haven't already figured it out.)