Monday, February 04, 2008
It is as I feared: Brawl's music sucks.
7:19 PM

So many people are praising the Brawl's amazing impressive number of songs... but quality over quantity, dear readers! While Brawl may have around 300 songs, most of the ones I've heard sound like crap.

A lot of the songs are MIDI, that is, they're not performed with real instruments or with real people. For some types of songs, this is fine. Here's a trend I've noticed: if a MIDI song attempts to emulate the sounds of an orchestral instrument, the song will sound like crap.

Example: Pokemon Stadium from Melee (Orchestrated), Pokemon Stadium from Brawl (MIDI)

Which sounds better? If you said the Brawl version, you're silly. Melee sounds infinitely better.

The problem is, the instrument quality on the MIDIs suck. They sound nothing like the real instruments. I dunno how people can't tell the difference. I guess most people don't listen to classical music enough. >=[

If a MIDI song uses other instruments, like the electric guitar, or with techno-ish songs, it ends up sounding pretty good. Take the Metal Mix of Gourmet Race for instance. Quite awesome.

Another thing, is some of the songs are medleys...and the songs within these medleys abruptly change to other songs with little to no transition. So it ends up sounding pretty bad, too. Like, you'll have one upbeat song, then you'll suddenly have a slower song. It just doesn't flow very well. But you probably won't be able to notice while brawling...but that doesn't change the fact that it sucks.

There's one good thing about the music in Brawl, though...the original Melee stage songs are still there, and this time they're at a higher quality due to the disc having a larger capacity, so the songs no longer have to be compressed! Too bad Fountain of Dreams isn't on there, at least I don't think it's on there...
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