I just beat Devil May Cry 4. It took me 11 hours. It seemed a lot shorter than DMC3, but I don't remember how long that took me.
Overall, I'd say it's a good game, but DMC3 is better. DMC3 just had a better story, and it had lots more Dante. Nero was just...he was okay, but the silly "OMG, LOVE KYRIE!" thing just pissed me off. He's the opposite of Dante, since he actually cares about stuff. Dante's like, "Lolz, demons", and when you do get to play as him, he's the same, cocky, sarcastic, awesome guy, which is awesome. My favorite cutscene involves Dante cutting a heart out of a hell gate while he describes his sexual performance. It's awesome. But the game still needed more Dante.
And the story...uhh...yeah, it was pretty silly. You got some bad guys and they do bad things. You never find out how Nero got his devil arm. Vergil was only mentioned once, while his sword became a part of the plot. So yeah. Whatever.
The gameplay was great, though. Nero and Dante played different enough, and being able to switch DMC3 styles on the fly with Dante is great. The Devilbringer (Nero's arm) seemed to make the game too easy, though. The game wasn't as hard as DMC3 'cause the bosses took major damage from Nero's Devilbringer once they became vulnerable to it. Then Nero gets a Devil Trigger and they take even more damage. Also, the bosses are recycled multiple times. You fight the four bosse three times: once as Dante, and twice as Nero. But games being not super-duper hard is okay with me. I don't like being frustrated too much. The game wasn't EASY. It was just NORMAL. I'll probably try playing Hard mode some other time, though it's unlikely that I'll be getting all the Achievements for this game, as one of them is beat it on super duper duper hard mode. :\