I did spend some of my own money, though. After a small venture at Goodies, we headed to GameXchange, where I proceeded to purchase Mortal Kombat: Deception for the Gamecube, in anticipation of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon for the Wii/PS2/Xbox.
When Deception was first announced, I was really hyped for it. I really wanted this game! Then the game came out, and I never got it. I rented it a few times, but that was it. Still, it seemed very awesome. 2 fatalities per character, stage fatalities, classic characters, Puzzle Kombat, Chess Kombat, and a single-player adventure that was Konquest mode. The game may not be the best fighter out there, but there's loads of kontent (haha) to make up for it. It's a good game. I think I can actually get people to play this game with me, since I'm still new at it, and the chances for instant kills with the death traps makes me a beatable opponent. The same, sadly, cannot be said for Soul Calibur II, or even III. No one will play me in those games 'cause I own with Cervantes. =[
In other news, I've also been playing Killer7, which I purchased used from Hastings for a measly 5 dollars! And it's the Gamecube version, too! Hastings has no faith in Nintendo, as the PS2 version is 25 dollars more. The PS2 version is also the inferior version, due to it's longer load times, worse graphics, and worse controls. Haha. Man, I friggin' love this game! I rented it back when it first came out. This game has seen a lot of hatred due to it being so "different." But man, it's awesome. The story is unbelievable. The twist at the end is so cool! Gah! <3
Alter Ego
This is an awesome scene from one of the later chapters, "Alter Ego." It's actually the final "boss fight" of that chapter. It features "The Handsome Men", a parody of the Power Rangers, yet a popular terrorist group in the world of Killer7. This is a good video to demonstrate the different personalities of Harman Smith. It shows each member of the Killer7 duking it out with a member of The Handsome Men. All the fights are predetermined, though. Also, the guy playing in this video has a seriously under-powered Dan Smith, as I owned Handsome Blue with one shot. :P As you can tell, the game is really weird.
Now, here's the most disturbing scene in the whole game. It presents a clear contrast to the very silly scene with The Handsome Men. Here, Curtis Blackburn, and assassin who deals with organ trafficking, confronts his old partner in the business. Curtis is a sick old man, and is referred to that many times in the game. Curtis and Pedro took orphans for their organs. I think Pedro took the guys and Curtis took the girls. So Curtis lives with a bunch of orphan girls, then harvests them for their organs, and hangs their bodies on hooks under his pool. Yeah, sick crap. Don't worry, though, Dan takes him out, "Trying to die in style? Gimme a break you sick old man."
Another interesting note is that Curtis trains a girl to be her apprentince and aid him in his sick little business. The girl is "Ayame Blackburn" and she's apparently a big fan of anime, as she wears an anime doll mask on her head and speaks in Japanese, likes to give off a flash intro whenever she introduces herself to the Killer7. It's kinda funny, but kinda disturbing.
I'd post another video or two, but I can't find one of the ending, which is one of the most beautiful endings ever in a game or any media.
I'd also post a clip of Samantha Sitbon abusing Harman Smith, but I don't think that'd be in good taste :P