Apparently, the game will be a remake of Gyakuten Saiban 2, or the Japanese version of the game, which was released a long time ago on the Gameboy Advance. It'll feature all the neat touch-screen and microphone features from the first game, but there won't be any luminol or fingerprint testing this time, as it seems like no bonus cases will be added. Still, it's going to kick ass, because Phoenix Wright kicks ass. I spent HOURS (more than 2) playing the cases of the first game, and I usually don't play games over more than 2-hour periods.
As we all should know, this week is the week of E3 2006. Other awesome news include Nintendo's Wii and the StupidStation 3 (Playstation 3).
Honestly, I'm really not that interested in getting a PS3. The only games I want to play on it are Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII. The fact that it's 600 dollars is also a big turn-off. I think I might get a 360 instead for Gears of War and Too Human (and I guess Halo 3, but I was never really much of a Halo fan). The 360 acquisition is still a big "maybe", though. I'm definitely getting a Wii.
As for updating my story on the senior band trip to Memphis, Tennessee...don't worry. I'll get to it eventually.

Unfortunately, I printed the thing out wrong, so it's not very high-quality, and I ran out of shiny paper. Also, if I wanted to print it out in high-quality, I'd have to redo it again at a higher resolution. Silly me.