Some street far away from Beale St.I just recently returned from my trip to Memphis, Tennessee. This was a "senior band trip", as in, a trip for the 12th graders that are currently participating in the high school band program. At first, most of the seniors were interested in the trip (I think maybe 14 were interested), but in the end, only 8 ended up going: me, Natalie, Joe, Aynslee, Courtney, Britney, Lauren, and Codie. Me and Joe were the only guys in attendance. This is, of course, not including the "adults." They would be Mr. Grissom, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchins, their son Jeff (Hutchins, I guess), Mrs. Kornegay, Denise the bus driver (I don't know her last name), and later Mr. Kornegay would join us. So, yeah...there were 15 of us total? I guess so. I'm too lazy to double check my math.
Oh yeah, since my camera kept dying due to crappy batteries, and since I kept forgetting my camera on the bus and crap, I didn't take many pictures. If you wanna see what this crap was like, ask one of the other people who went, or simply do a fscking search on Google. This shiz is popular enough. It's not like I'd take a picture that no one else would have a picture of.
Anyway, the main deal with this trip was "Memphis in May." It was some series of musical events or something in Memphis, obviously. The most promiment of these events were some music concerts and crap. I guess these concerts would be what people would call "wild." It was fscked up. I'm not gonna say it wasn't fun. It was just fscked up. There were probably thousands of people there. I never saw the same face more than once (unless they were of our party). There were a lot of people doing various things. There's the expected: smoking and alcohol consumption. I didn't mind the alcohol, 'cause, hey, I wasn't drinking it, and none of those drunk people messed with me. The smoking pissed me off, though. I got so much second-hand smoke, that it wasn't funny. Gah. And then there were drugs and shiz. I didn't see any of it, but I know it was happening. There were probably other immoral acts occurring, but I luckily didn't witness any of that. There was other stuff, too: porta potties, food stands (overpriced food), and shops and crap (overpriced, too, I guess. I didn't check them out).
Okay, I guess some people find these type of concerts great, but I certainly did not. 'course, this was my first experience. It was a huge orgy (figuratively speaking) of people in front of a stage, with some guy yelling on stage and a bunch of other people wailing on their instruments. All the people not on stage or screaming and shiz, and doing a bunch of stupid crap, and moving around and getting in front of me so I can't see. And the ground is muddy. Yeah. Natalie and Aynslee were having a good time, I suppose. I followed them 'cause I didn't know what else to do. I was just standing there the whole time. I wasn't jumping or screaming. I was tired. I was out of energy.
The most notable concert experience was for some band with a guy who had pants that barely didn't reveal anything. He liked the word "cocaine" and loved to talk about fscking animals, or something like that. Anyway, it was a very interesting experience. I didn't find the music entertaining or the lyrics. It was the vibrations. We were pretty close to the front of the crowd, and the speakers were right there. It couldn't hear the actual music because I was focusing on my clothese shaking as I just stood there. Those vibrations from the speakers were of a minimally orgasmic experience. To sum it up better: it felt good. And when the people behind me screamed loudly into my ears, I felt like the world around me had shattered. It was then why I understood why drugs were so prominent at the concerts. If I had been high at that moment, I would've had a friggin' blast. 'course, after I got used to this all, it became boring.
The next band up was some band called "Puddle of Mudd", which was ironic 'cause the ground was just like a huge puddle of mud. Apparently, this band is really popular. But this is when it all went to hell. It was even worse than the cocaine guy. It became so crowded, that I was pretty much trapped. I was surrounded by guys (yes, males, not females, which made it worse). They were touching me. And then there were those "crowd surfers" guys that went above me. When it happened, the guy almost knocked me over. Man, I was pissed. It was then that Natalie and Aynslee attempted to esacpe (after Natalie apparently saw more of the guy than she needed to see ^-^;). 'course, we couldn't. We were trapped among fleshy walls of concert attendees. I guess we eventually escaped somehow. Yeah, that was silly. After all that, I was even more tired and I don't remember all else what happened. I just walked around with those guys and stuff. I was so damn out of it. I was glad when it was all over...glad and sore.
That's the end of part one and day one of my Memphis story. I'll put up day two and three some other time. I'm tired and hungry.