The movie was pretty damn sick, too. And by sick, I mean disturbing. Like...gorey and stuff. Spoilers! Highlight the text to view the spoilers: [There's one part where this lady LITERALLY gets raped by barbed wire. Sick. And, of course, there's the infamous "Pyramid Head tears off the clothes and then the skin off a girl then rips her up even more.] Let's just say that at the beginning of the movie, Rose's shirt is grey, and by the end, it's red. No, she doesn't change clothes.
The monsers in the movie were awesome, too. Very Silent Hiil-esque. The patient demons from Silent Hill 2 were present, as well as the sexy nurses. There's also the "janitor", who's an original monster created just for the movie. Though the first monsters you see are probably the creepiest ones in the movie...
It was a pretty good movie. It contained "smart scares." By that, I mean not stupid scares that mainly involve really loud noises that make you jump. Scares as in you think something's going to happen, but it isn't. It's cool.
I feel like playing the Silent Hill games now...but I'm too damn scared. ^-^ Someone come over and play them with me. We'll make it a party.
As for other stuff that happened this weekend, I've been working really hard on my MySpace profile. Check it out. It looks really nifty now. I spent three days on it basically. You see, I really don't play on the computer. I friggin' work! It wasn't all that fun to mess around with MySpace's fscked up code. There was a lot of frustration in getting the music player to work, too. However, it seems that ever since I updated the looks of my MySpace, I suddenly got a lot of friend requests from some hot-looking "females." ...they're probably not really females, though. And if so, they're probably not to hot-looking.
I also played some WoW, also. It's getting really stupid 'cause I keep dying and can't complete quests.
Owwie. My finger hurts.

Seriously, I loved the game. One of the few games that I've acutally had enough fun with to force me to finish it. Most of the games I have nowadays aren't able to keep my interest for very long, which usually ends up with me never completing those games.
However, I'm not TOTALLY done with DMC3. After beating the game, I unlocked Dante's brother Vergil as a playable character (pictured to the left). So I can beat the game again as him.
I also unlocked Bloody Palace mode, which features a whopping 9999 levels. Think I can get through it? I got to level 1119 my first time through (boss fights against Vergil are pretty difficult).
Speaking of boss fights, the last fight against Vergil in the game was a bitch. I actually had to use three recovery items (two Vital Star S's and one Vital Star L). Usually I don't have to use items. I just start the boss fight over if I get damaged too much, but Vergil was such a bitch and I decided that since it was the end of the game, I might as well use my items.
Now I wanna play DMC1.