Now, Tron...Tron is the classic computer nerd movie. It's a movie about video games and computers and motorcycles made out of light. It's also really boring, but you know what? Tron Legacy is just like Tron, except not boring (if you ask me). So here I state: Tron Legacy is a better "nerd" movie than Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Of course, I am only basing "nerd" tastes on my own. So, really, maybe this won't actually apply to nerds in general. I may just be the outlier in all this. But whatever, I'm all that's important, right?
Here's what I think people like me want: they want "epic" stories and interesting mythos, fantastic locales, crazy concepts, and "teh gr4fix". Star Wars is often celebrated for this type of thing. Nerds love interesting fictional worlds and stories.
Sure, the story of Tron Legacy isn't the deepest, most amazing literary achievement of all time, but it's a story about good vs. evil. You want the good guy to win, because if evil wins, then it's gonna suck for everyone. What kind of story did Scott Pilgrim have? Some jerk wants to get with some b. If he doesn't get the girl, great, he's a jerk. He deserves it. If he does get the girl, whatever. It's not the end of the world or anything.
Fantastic locales? How about a WORLD INSIDE THE COMPUTER. Scott Pilgrim's location? Canada. Great, eh?
How about the idea of personified computer programs fighting to the death on MOTORCYCLES MADE OF LIGHT. Awesome, huh? Some jerk beating off his potential girlfriend's idiot ex-boyfriends. Okay, by now you've probably realized I'm pretty biased against Scott Pilgrim.
People praised the special effects of Scott Pilgrim. People are doing the same for Tron. Yeah, they both look pretty good, but again, Tron is a world inside the computer. A fantastic setting, and it just looks amazing. Crazy Sci-Fi crap all over the place. In Scott Pilgrim you got some anime-influenced fight scenes and cartoon effects. Don't get me wrong. If you know me, I LOVE cartoons. But...Scott Pilgrim just didn't do it for me. Tron Legacy might lose points for Creepy-Face Jeff Bridges, however.
Oh hey, remember the Zelda music and the Final Fantasy 2 bass line? LOL, THAT SPEAKS TO ME 'CAUSE I'M A GAMER. Passing references to retro video games. Whaaatever. Did you guys hear the Donkey Kong arcade noises in Flynn's Arcade in Tron? It was subtle, and little attention was drawn to it, and that's why I think it was more effective. I guess the point of Scott Pilgrim's references is to draw attention to it, so I'm not saying that's how Scott Pilgrim should've handled it. I'm just stating my preferences.
Also, people apparently loved the soundtrack to Scott Pilgrim, but really...can it compare to Daft Punk's AMAZING score to Tron Legacy? Come on, that S was DOPE. While Scott Pilgrim ripped music straight from video games in order to evoke nostalgia, Tron's music was merely reminiscent of video games, but completely original in composition. Sooo good.
So, really, what I want to say is that Tron Legacy provided a fantastical experience, presented in a unique world, and it's awesome piece creative of fiction. Isn't this what nerds want? Scott Pilgrim, on the other hand, is seemingly just a bunch of references to already existing material. Yes, Tron Legacy references Tron, but that's expected considering it's a sequel. Yeah, Scott Pilgrim has the original story of guy trying to get with girl by killing a bunch of dudes she was with. I'm just saying, remove all the direct pop culture references from Scott Pilgrim, and what do you have left?
In the end, you'll probably just say, "You can't compared the two. They're completely different movies!" You are completely correct about the second part. They ARE completely different movies. Tron wants you to take it seriously. It's a sequel to an old movie with a mythos that's already been established. And Disney's backing it, so you know they're gonna spend tons on marketing. Scott Pilgrim is an adaptation of a comice series that does not take itself seriously at all. The movie's existence was mostly learned by word of mouth. I can totally compare the two, though, because I'm a jerk, just like Scott Pilgrim.
Oh yeah, and Tron Legacy didn't have a love story. Instant bonus points from me.