Sunday, August 15, 2010
Maybe The World Should've Won: My Thoughts on Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
11:22 AM

Before you start the hate, I didn't think the movie was terrible or anything like that. It was entertaining at times, but there were just a lot of things that I didn't dig, ya dig? I can see a lot of you really liking this movie, which is fine! I will love you regardless of what movies you like (unless you go see Vampires Suck because you hate Twilight).

This movie is getting "OMG SCOTT PILGRIM WAS AWESOME" posts on forums all over the Internet. I will not be making one of those posts here.

Now, keep in mind that I've never read the comics, so I'm not gonna comment on how faithful it is to that, and I'm also not gonna care if my complaints will be met with "THAT'S HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE COMIC" or whatever. None of this is really all that well thought out either. I'm just writing what comes to my mind. I'm not trying to be a professional critic or anything like that.

So now I'm gonna type a bunch of stuff. Plz read. :)

The Juno Problem

Scott Pilgrim and Juno share a problem: most of the characters are unlikable. How am I supposed to care about what happens to the characters when I don't care about them in the first place? Scott Pilgrim is a jerk. Ramona Flowers is a bitch. Why should I care if they get together and become happy or whatever? Scott's friends aren't any better, as they never seem to support him until the very end. Maybe it's 'cause they also think Scott is a jerk. Scott's gay room mate? Also a jerk. Only character I really found endearing was Young Neil, and he never really said much.

"Hipster" Bait?

I'm not gonna pretend I know what the hell the actual definition of "Hipster" is. I try not to pay attention to that stuff, so maybe I'm wrong about this, but Scott Pilgrim seemed to be full of what I saw as "hipster bait."

Firstly, just look at all the weird clothes everyone wears in the movie. Scott with his nerdy t-shirts. People wearing those thick-rimmed glasses. Wristbands? I dunno. Whatever. The outfits looked weird. Maybe that's just how Canadians dress, I dunno. And just check out Ramona's appearance. I mean, yeah, it's kinda cute, but she seems to be trying too hard.

Then there's the focus on music and stuff. C'mon, more Battle of the Bands, stuff? Really? Scott Pilgrim is a bass player in a band? Of course he is. Why couldn't anyone play the trumpet or violin? :(

Oh, and there's the "retro" video game references. I guess I'm only really critical of this 'cause I'm a person that is heavily invested in video games (some may call me a "gamer"), but this really screamed "trying too hard" to me. Sure, I get it. This stuff was in the comics, too. I just don't think referencing old Nintendo games is cool anymore. Now, if they start dropping Deadly Premonition references, then I'm on board! Speaking of video game references...

A Tamer "No More Heroes"

Now, the way I understand it, the Scott Pilgrim series predates Suda51's No More Heroes. So it's not like Scott Pilgrim is ripping No More Heroes off or anything... but man, the movie plot seemed like No More Heores, only way less cool.

The plot of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: Scott, nerd, has gotta fight "evil" exes to get laid.

The plot of No More Heroes: Travis, nerd, has to kill a bunch of assassins to get laid.

Sound pretty similar, right? Except when Scott kills people, they turn into coins. When Travis kills people, they turn into a cloudy mist of red blood...except in the Non-U.S. versions, in which they turn into...coins. Weird how that works out, huh?

I guess this really doesn't make Scott Pilgrim any less of a movie or anything...I just wanted to talk about No More Heroes. :P

No Black People

I guess there are no black people in Canada?

You know what I hate about action movies?

Love stories. And that's what Scott Pilgrim was: a love story. So I guess maybe that's why I have this bias against the movie. I mean, the fight scenes were kinda cool. But after Scott kills some dude, it's back to "blah blah blah, love plz." "blah blah blah, close-ups of Michael Cera's face." "blah blah blah, gay threesome." Can Scott just kill more dudes?

Also, why was Scott so hesitant to fight the exes anyway? I mean, he handled the first guy pretty well, and he was unprepared. Sure, this is the type of story that isn't meant to be analyzed like that. The story doesn't have to make sense. But this just kinda bothered me, most likely 'cause it prevented Scott from just killing more dudes.


At least the movie had cute girls in it.

I have to watch The Expendables now to wash my mind of the extreme nerdiness of this movie. :P
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